781 research outputs found

    Performance Testing of Distributed Component Architectures

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    Performance characteristics, such as response time, throughput andscalability, are key quality attributes of distributed applications. Current practice,however, rarely applies systematic techniques to evaluate performance characteristics.We argue that evaluation of performance is particularly crucial in early developmentstages, when important architectural choices are made. At first glance, thiscontradicts the use of testing techniques, which are usually applied towards the endof a project. In this chapter, we assume that many distributed systems are builtwith middleware technologies, such as the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) or theCommon Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). These provide servicesand facilities whose implementations are available when architectures are defined.We also note that it is the middleware functionality, such as transaction and persistenceservices, remote communication primitives and threading policy primitives,that dominates distributed system performance. Drawing on these observations, thischapter presents a novel approach to performance testing of distributed applications.We propose to derive application-specific test cases from architecture designs so thatthe performance of a distributed application can be tested based on the middlewaresoftware at early stages of a development process. We report empirical results thatsupport the viability of the approach

    Simulation and analysis of differential global positioning system for civil helicopter operations

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    A Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) computer simulation was developed, to provide a versatile tool for assessing DGPS referenced civil helicopter navigation. The civil helicopter community will probably be an early user of the GPS capability because of the unique mission requirements which include offshore exploration and low altitude transport into remote areas not currently served by ground based Navaids. The Monte Carlo simulation provided a sufficiently high fidelity dynamic motion and propagation environment to enable accurate comparisons of alternative differential GPS implementations and navigation filter tradeoffs. The analyst has provided the capability to adjust most aspects of the system, the helicopter flight profile, the receiver Kalman filter, and the signal propagation environment to assess differential GPS performance and parameter sensitivities. Preliminary analysis was conducted to evaluate alternative implementations of the differential navigation algorithm in both the position and measurement domain. Results are presented to show that significant performance gains are achieved when compared with conventional GPS but that differences due to DGPS implementation techniques were small. System performance was relatively insensitive to the update rates of the error correction information

    Noise Induced Phenomena in the Dynamics of Two Competing Species

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    Noise through its interaction with the nonlinearity of the living systems can give rise to counter-intuitive phenomena. In this paper we shortly review noise induced effects in different ecosystems, in which two populations compete for the same resources. We also present new results on spatial patterns of two populations, while modeling real distributions of anchovies and sardines. The transient dynamics of these ecosystems are analyzed through generalized Lotka-Volterra equations in the presence of multiplicative noise, which models the interaction between the species and the environment. We find noise induced phenomena such as quasi-deterministic oscillations, stochastic resonance, noise delayed extinction, and noise induced pattern formation. In addition, our theoretical results are validated with experimental findings. Specifically the results, obtained by a coupled map lattice model, well reproduce the spatial distributions of anchovies and sardines, observed in a marine ecosystem. Moreover, the experimental dynamical behavior of two competing bacterial populations in a meat product and the probability distribution at long times of one of them are well reproduced by a stochastic microbial predictive model.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; to be published in Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. (2016

    Piezoelectric energy harvesting from raised crosswalk devices

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    This paper presents the main characteristics of an experimental energy harvesting device that can be used to recover energy from the vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The use of a piezoelectric bender devices leads to a innovative approach to Henergy Harvesting. The study focuses on the definition and specification of a mechanical configuration able to transfer the vibration from the main box to the piezoelectric transducer. The piezoelectric devices tested is the commonly used monolithic piezoceramic material lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT). The experimental results estimate the efficiency of this device tested and identify the feasibility of their use in real world applications. The results presented in this paper show the potential of piezoelectric materials for use in power harvesting applications

    Protein kinase a distribution in meningioma

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    Deregulation of intracellular signal transduction pathways is a hallmark of cancer cells, clearly differentiating them from healthy cells. Differential intracellular distribution of the cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA) was previously detected in cell cultures and in vivo in glioblastoma and medulloblastoma. Our goal is to extend this observation to meningioma, to explore possible differences among tumors of different origins and prospective outcomes. The distribution of regulatory and catalytic subunits of PKA has been examined in tissue specimens obtained during surgery from meningioma patients. PKA RI subunit appeared more evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm, but it was clearly detectable only in some tumors. RII was present in discrete spots, presumably at high local concentration; these aggregates could also be visualized under equilibrium binding conditions with fluorescent 8-substituted cAMP analogues, at variance with normal brain tissue and other brain tumors. The PKA catalytic subunit showed exactly overlapping pattern to RII and in fixed sections could be visualized by fluorescent cAMP analogues. Gene expression analysis showed that the PKA catalytic subunit revealed a significant correlation pattern with genes involved in meningioma. Hence, meningioma patients show a distinctive distribution pattern of PKA regulatory and catalytic subunits, different from glioblastoma, medulloblastoma, and healthy brain tissue. These observations raise the possibility of exploiting the PKA intracellular pathway as a diagnostic tool and possible therapeutic interventions

    Restablecimiento de una nueva normalidad biomecánica en las graves deformidades de la rodilla

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    En las graves alteraciones morfo-estructurales de la rodilla, con inestabilidad en varusvalgus, las prótesis vinculadas a bisagra simple, tendían a fallar. El presente trabajo se propone evidenciar que, en tales situaciones, la prótesis vinculada a rotación representa la solución más idónea para el restablecimiento de una nueva normalidad. 18 pacientes (13 mujeres y 5 hombres) con edad media de 68 años han sido sometidos a intervención para colocar prótesis de rodilla. Ha sido utilizado el implante Endo-Model® de Waldemar Link®, prótesis vinculada a rotación. El follow-up medio es de 19 meses con controles a 2, 3, 6 y 12 meses y después anuales. Los resultados han sido: óptimo para 17 pacientes y bueno para 1 paciente, en el cual se ha verificado la ruptura post-operatoria del tendón cuadricipital. Nuestra casuística muestra resultados comparables a los de otros autores. No hemos tenido movilizaciones asépticas o sépticas, ni complicaciones médicas intraoperatorias y post-operatorias. Consideramos que, en presencia de la correcta indicación clínica, la utilización de la prótesis vinculada a rotación es preferible a la de deslizamiento porque disminuye el riesgo de una movilización precoz del implante y del desgaste anormal de los componentes protésicos, restableciendo una nueva normalidad biomecánica.Peer Reviewe

    Epoetin alfa increases frataxin production in Friedreich's ataxia without affecting hematocrit.

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    Objective of the study was to test the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of two single doses of Epoetin alfa in patients with Friedreich's ataxia. Ten patients were treated subcutaneously with 600 IU/kg for the first dose, and 3 months later with 1200 IU/kg. Epoetin alfa had no acute effect on frataxin, whereas a delayed and sustained increase in frataxin was evident at 3 months after the first dose (+35%; P < 0.05), and up to 6 months after the second dose (+54%; P < 0.001). The treatment was well tolerated and did not affect hematocrit, cardiac function, and neurological scale. Single high dose of Epoetin alfa can produce a considerably larger and sustained effect when compared with low doses and repeated administration schemes previously adopted. In addition, no hemoglobin increase was observed, and none of our patients required phlebotomy, indicating lack of erythropoietic effect of single high dose of erythropoietin. © 2010 Movement Disorder Society

    On Safety Enhancement in IIoT Scenarios through Heterogeneous Localization Techniques

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    In the field of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), strictly related to Industry 4.0, one of the main aspects to be carefully considered by the governing board of a manufacturing company is the safety level to be guaranteed to the workers inside production plants. This involves daily human activities, together with production machines to be used during the working hour (and periodically maintained), and mobile industrial vehicles moving around the production plant. To this end, a precise localization of both workers and vehicles is expedient to improve the safety level—avoiding that people move inside forbidden areas or perform dangerous actions—as well as allowing a more accurate control and reporting to national authorities in charge of verifying the compliance to safety regulations (e.g., aggregated data, not shared outside the company, used to fill injuries reports in case of official inspections), in the presence of accidents and anomalous events. In this paper, we present the design of IIoT-related localization mechanisms exploiting heterogeneous communication technologies, in turn analysing how the localization can cope with the adoption of wideband (e.g., Wi-Fi) and narrowband (e.g., Narrowband IoT, NB-IoT) communication protocols and discussing how these communication paradigms may impact existing and modern production plants

    Polyphenol characterization and skin-preserving properties of hydroalcoholic flower extract from Himantoglossum robertianum (Orchidaceae)

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    Himantoglossum robertianum (Loisel.) P. Delforge is a Mediterranean orchid whose propagation in vitro has been achieved, making it eligible as a source of bioactive substances. Flowers were analyzed by light and SEM microscopy and used to obtain a polyphenol-rich, hydroalcoholic flower extract (HFE). HFE was characterized for total phenols, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, and for polyphenol profile by RP-LC-DAD. Antioxidant assays, in vitro collagenase and elastase inhibition, and MTT and cell motility assays on HaCaT keratinocytes were done. Microscopy showed epidermal cells containing anthocyanins in the flower labellum. Flavonoids (flavones and flavan-3-ols) represented the most abundant compounds (42.91%), followed by scopoletin (33.79%), and phenolic acids (23.3%). Antioxidant assays showed strong activities, rating ORAC &gt; FRAP &gt; TEAC &gt; \u3b2-carotene bleaching &gt; DPPH &gt; iron-chelation. Biological assays showed elastase and collagenase inhibition (up to 42% and 78%, respectively), improvement of HaCaT cell viability after treatment with 500 \u3bcM H2O2 (from 30% to 84% of control), and stimulation of cell migration rate up to 210% of control. In summary, HFE counteracted different free radicals, while protective properties were shown by cell-free and cell-based bioassays, suggesting the possible use of H. robertianum flowers for skin-preserving, repair, and anti-aging applications