50 research outputs found

    Organization of wheat genetic resources in collections

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    In this paper we outlined our approach in organizing wheat germplasm, where the breeders evaluate and use the collections. Wheat germplasm was organized in three levels. World collection (whole collection) comprises 2,576 accessions. The collection was preliminarily evaluated for some important characters. The next level is genetic collection (core collection) with 850-900 entries. Genetic collection is grouped in subunits according to the traits considering important for breeding. The evaluation in the genetic collection is highly intensive and it includes more than 50 characters. The third level of wheat genetic resources is Crossing collection. This collection is strictly connected with breeding and comprises (250- 300) potential parents intended for crossing

    Hagberg Falling Number and Rheological Properties of Wheat Cultivars in Wet and Dry Preharvest Periods

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    The effects of dry and wet preharvest periods on Hagberg falling number (HFN), a parameter of alpha-amylase activity, and rheological properties including farinograph dough development time (FDT), farinograph absorption (FA), resistance to extension (RE), loaf volume (LV) and baking score (BS) were examined in 30 hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars originating from 19 countries. The cultivars were grown in the field in 2000 - 2010 and HEN and theological properties were analyzed for three replicates. The cultivars were divided into three groups according to BIN in the wet preharvest period: HFN below 150 s (group H-1), HEN from 250 to 350 s (group H-2), and BIN over 400 s (group H-3). The cultivars in group H-3 were superior to those in either group H-1 or H-2 in all rheological properties except RE. In the dry preharvest periods, HFN was not correlated with rheological properties, while in the wet preharvest period HEN showed a highly significant positive correlation with FDT and BS. The canonical variate analysis for assessment of the general performance of all cultivars with HFN as the main factor and the other rheological properties as subfactors, indicated that the cultivars Stepnaja 30, Garazinko, Kirac, Klein Forten and Zitarka showed the highest potential regardless of preharvest rainfall amounts. In conclusion, differential genetic expression of resistance to preharvest sprouting, maintenance of low alpha amylase level, high HEN values, maintenance of theological properties, and baking performance can be reliably detected and measured under wet preharvest conditions

    Comparison of similarity coefficients used for cluster analysis based on SSR markers in sister line wheat cultivars

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    The objective of this study was to compared fourteen different similarity coefficients and their influence in sister line wheat cultivars clustering. Seventeen sister cultivars developed from two crosses were used and fingerprinted with 19 wheat microsatellite markers. Comparisons among the similarity coefficients were made using the Sperman correlation analysis, dendogram evaluation (visual inspection and consensus fork index CIc), projection efficiency in a two-dimensional space, and groups formed by the Tocher optimization procedure. The Sperman correlation coefficients among the fourteen similarity coefficients were all high showing a strong association between them. The correlation coefficient between Dice and Kulczinski and Ochiai I as well as between Hamann and Simple matching and between Kulczinski and Ochiai I was equal to 1. Although visual estimation of the dendograms shows almost identical clustering structures, CIc indexes indicate that all coefficients are not identical

    Efficiency of the different marker systems for estimation of distinctness between sister line wheat cultivars

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    A set of 42 winter wheat cultivars developed from nine populations were evaluated for distinctness. Three marker systems: morphological markers, gliadin allele profiles and microsatellites were used to analyze distinctness between sister cultivars. The morphological based distinctness tests for wheat are based on a crop-specific set of characters that comply with UPOV guidelines. The morphological markers were quite informative although they were not capable to estimate the distances/distinctness between two pair of sister cultivars Evropa 90 and Evropa and Novosadska rana 3 and Novosadska rana 2. The gliadins allele profiles were the least efficient to estimate distinctness between sister line cultivars. This system was not capable to distinguish even cultivars developed from different populations. Sister line wheat cultivars were fingerprinted with 19 wheat microsatellites markers. A total of 106 alleles were detected at 19 wheat microsatellite loci, resulting in an average allele number per marker of 5.6. The number of markers was sufficient to distinguish among most sister line cultivars. Only one pair of sister cultivars, Loznicanka and Kosovka, derived from the same cross could not be distinguished. Comparing all marker systems to evaluate distinctness of sister line wheat cultivars the most efficient was microsatellite markers while gliadin allele profiles was the least efficient. Correlations between matrices based on pedigree data and morphological marker, gliadin profiles and microsatellites were significant but not large

    Koncentracija barijuma u zrnu vrsta aegilops i triticum

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration of barium in grain of various Aegilops and Triticum species with different genomes. The studied species differed significantly with respect to the concentration of barium. The grain of wild diploid Aegilops speltoides, the donor of B genome, contained significantly higher Ba concentration than all other analyzed genotypes. Wild and cultivated tetraploid wheats (Triticum diciccoides, Triticum dicoccon, Triticum turgidum and Triticum durum) had the lowest Ba concentration in grain. The modern cultivated hexaploid varieties presented substantial variation in grain concentration of barium. The highest Ba concentration (3.42 mg/kg) occurred in Serbian winter wheat variety Panonnia.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se procene koncentracije barijuma u zrnu različitih genotipova Aegilops i Triticum vrsta. Ispitivane vrste su se značajno razlikovale u odnosu na koncentraciju barijuma. Zrno divljeg diplo ida Aegilops speltoides, donator B genoma sadrži znatno veću koncentraciju barijuma nego svi ostali ispitivani genotipovi. Divlja i pitoma tetraploidna pÅ”enica (Triticum diciccoides, Triticum dicoccon, Triticum turgidum i Triticum durum) imala je najnižu koncentraciju barijuma u zrnu. Moderne gajene heksa plo idne sorte po kazale su značajne varijacije u koncentraciji barijuma u zrnu. Najveće koncentracije (3,42 mg/kg) ustanovljene su kod ā€œPanonijeā€, ozime sorte pÅ”enice proizvedene u Srbiji

    Genetic differences in aluminium accumulation in the grains of field grown Aegilops and Triticum

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    Plant species and genotypes differ considerably with respect to the accumulation of mineral elements. This study examined the accumulation of aluminium (Al) in Aegilops and Triticum species with different genomes (AA, BB, BBAA, BBAADD and DD) and correlations between concentration of Al in the grain and features of the spike. Twenty different genotypes were included in three-year field experiments. The examined species and genomes differed significantly in their Al concentration in grain. The highest concentrations of Al were found in the grains of wild diploid Aegilops speltoides (BB genome), and the lowest in tetraploids (BBAA genome). A significant positive correlation was found between the concentration of Al in the grain and spike length, while negative correlations were found between concentration of Al in the grain and the number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike and thousand grains weight. The presence of higher Al content in the individual grains of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat with respect to diploid ancestors suggests that during the increase in ploidity the capacity of plants to uptake Al from soil increased concomitantly with the increase of grain capacity to serve as Al sink

    Rezultati primene moderne biotehnologije u oplemenjivanju strnih žita u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo - Novi Sad

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    U radu su analizirani rezultati dobijeni u poslednjih 20 godina u radu na primeni metoda kulture in vitro i molekularnih markera - mikrosatelita, u Zavodu za strna žita, Naučnog Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Od momenta početka rada zasnovanog na delimično izmenjenom konceptu (početak 2002 godine) pa do danaÅ”njih dana istraživači angažovani u prvom ciklusu rada odeljenja za biotehnologiju su publikovali viÅ”e od 40 radova, a uspeÅ”no su odbranjene i 4 magistarske teze i 2 doktorske disertacije na fakultetima Univerziteta u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Trenutno, u toku je rad na izradi 3 diplomska rada, 3 magistarske teze i 3 doktorske disertacije predviđene za realizaciju u narednom istraživačkom ciklusu (2005-2007 godine). Primarni cilj svih istraživanja je da se marker asistirana selekcija (MAS) koristi kao glavna pomoćna metoda u oplemenjivanju, i da se na taj način smanje troÅ”kovi i poveća efikasnost oplemenjivačkih programa na strnim žitima

    The variation of agronomic traits associated with breeding progress in winter barley cultivars

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    In the 20th century, grain yield of winter barley has increased due to advances in both breeding and crop management practices. Knowledge about the association of agronomic traits with genetic gains in yield potential is necessary to improve future breeding programs. Therefore, we studied the variation in grain yield, spike length, heading date, thousand grain weight, hectolitre mass and plant height of two-rowed winter barley cultivars that were released between 1977 and 2010, in a 2-year field trial. Our results showed that most of the analyzed traits were significantly affected by the cultivar, year and cultivar-by-year interaction. The present study showed that grain yield was positively correlated with the year of release. The average rate of grain yield increase in Serbia was 46 kg ha(-1) per year. Further, grain yield was negatively correlated with plant height and heading date. Plant height and hectolitre mass of modern cultivars showed a significant declining trend, from the oldest to the newest cultivars. An improved understanding of the changes in agronomic traits over the last 40 years of barley breeding will help to identify targets for further breeding progress and improve the genetic potential of barley

    Odnos koncentracije zemnoalkalnih metala kalcijuma, barijuma i stroncijuma u zrnu diploidne, tetraploidne i heksaploidne pŔenice

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    Even though calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) belong to the same group of the periodic table of elements, and thus have similar chemical features, their importance for plants differs greatly. Since plants do not have the ability to completely discriminate between essential (e.g. Ca) and non-essential elements (e.g. Sr and Ba), they readily take all of them up from soil solution, which is reflected in the ratios of concentrations of those elements in plant tissues, and it influences their nutritive characteristics. The ability of plant species and genotypes to take up and accumulate chemical elements in their different tissues is related to their genetic background. However, differences in chemical composition are the least reflected in their reproductive parts. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate ratios of concentrations of Ca, Sr and Ba in the whole grain of diploid and tetraploid wheat ā€’ ancestors of common wheat, as well as in hexaploid commercial cultivars, grown in the field, at the same location, over a period of three years. The investigated genotypes accumulated Ca, Sr and Ba at different levels, which is reflected in the ratio of their concentrations in the grain. The lowest ratio was established between Ba and Sr, followed by Ca and Ba, while the highest ratio was between Ca and Sr. Moreover, the results have shown that the year of study, genotype and the combination highly significantly affected the ratio of the concentration Ca:Sr, Ca:Ba, and Ba:Sr.Kalcijum (Ca), stroncijum (Sr) i barijum (Ba) pripadaju istoj grupi elemenata Periodnog sistema i imaju slične hemijske osobine. Međutim, njihove uloge u biljnom organizmu veoma se razlikuju. Obzirom da biljke nemaju sposobnost da u potpunosti razlikuju esencijalne (C a) od neesencijalnih elemenata (Sr i B a), one ih sve usvajaju iz zemljiÅ”nog rastvora, a to se odražava u različitom odnosu koncentracija ovih elemenata u biljnom tkivu i utiče na njihove nutritivne osobine. Sposobnost vrsta i genotipova da usvajaju i akumuliraju hemijske elemente u različitim tkivima, zavisi od njihove genetike. I pored toga, razlike u hemijskom sastavu ogledaju se u njihovoj reproduktivnoj ulozi. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odrede odnosi koncentracija Ca, Sr i Ba u celom zrnu diploidne i tetraploidne pÅ”enice - pretka danaÅ”nje pÅ”enice, kao i heksaploidnih komercijalnih vrsta, gajenih na istom polju i lokalitetu tokom tri godine. Ispitivani genotipovi su akumulirali Ca, Sr i Ba u različitim količinama, Å”to se odrazilo na odnos njihovih koncentracija u zrnu. Najniži odnos ustanovljen je između Ba i Sr, zatim Ca i Ba, a najveći između Ca i Sr. Takođe, rezultati su pokazali da godina ispitivanja , genotip i kombinacija značajno utiču na odnos koncentracije Ca:Sr, Ca:Ba i B a:Sr

    Evaluacija komponenti tehnoloŔkog kvaliteta pŔenice različitog porekla

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    The aim of this study was to analyze differences in some components of bread-making quality in wheat cultivars from different agri-climate regions. In 44 genotypes of hexaploid wheat grown in Novi Sad, the following parameters were evaluated: falling number, Zeleny sedimentation test, protein content, wet gluten, resistance to extension, loaf volume and loaf quality. Furthermore, the composition of high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits was analyzed. Eleven different alleles were detected at Glu-1 loci. Significant differences in falling number, resistance to extension, loaf volume and loaf quality were observed between cultivars developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad and the foreign ones.Cilj rada bio je da se utvrde razlike u pogledu nekoliko značajnih parametara tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta pÅ”enice između sorti poreklom iz različitih agroklimatskih regiona. Kod 44 genotipa heksaploidne pÅ”enice gajene na oglednim poljima Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, analizirani su sledeći pokazatelji kvaliteta: broj padanja, sedimentaciona vrednost, sadržaj proteina, vlažni gluten, otpor rastezanju, zapremina vekne i vrednosni broj sredine hleba (VBS). Takođe, utvrđena je i kompozicija subjedinica glutenina velike molekulske mase, koja je kod ispitivanih sorti pokazala prisustvo 11 različitih alelnih oblika u Glu-1 lokusu. Analizom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljene su značajne razlike u vrednostima za broj padanja, otpor rastezanju, zapreminu vekne i VBS između novosadskih i stranih genotipova