14 research outputs found

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    Tanító szakos hallgatók és a mesterséges intelligencia = Lower-elementary school teacher professional students and artificial intelligence

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    A mesterséges intelligencia használatával kapcsolatos vizsgálatok széles körben elterjedtek, de mégis újszerűnek mondhatók a pedagógia területén. Jelen tanulmányban a tanító képzésbe bekapcsolódó leendő pedagógusok véleményeit elemezzük a mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos tapasztalataikra, eszközismeretükre és felkészültségükre vonatkozóan. A bemutatásra került vizsgálatban 100 fő tanító szakos hallgató véleményének megkérdezésére került sor, saját összeállítású online kérdőív segítségével. Eredményeink szerint a leendő tanítók nem ismerik a mesterséges intelligencia alapú, a pedagógiában is használható eszközöket. A mesterséges intelligenciát keverik az infokommunikációs technológiákkal. Viszont a válaszadók többsége nyitott az ilyen irányú képzések felé. = Investigations related to the use of artificial intelligence are widespread, yet they can still be considered novel in pedagogy. In this study, we analyze the opinions of future lower elementary school teachers who will join teacher training regarding their experience, their knowledge of tools, and their preparation in relation to artificial intelligence. In the research, we gauged the opinions of 100 lower elementary school teacher students who were asked using a self-made online questionnaire. According to our results, future lower elementary shool-teachers are not familiar with artificial intelligence-based tools that can also be applied in pedagogy. They mixed artificial intelligence with info-communication technologies. However, the majority of respondents are open to training in this direction

    Laser particle acceleration technologies : probe laser beam diagnostics of extended plasmas

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    As plasma-based particle acceleration techniques are becoming intensely developed, the diagnostic tools for the study of the generation and properties of plasmas are increasingly important. We present results on the investigation of probe laser beam diagnostics for the measurement of the plasma density in extended spatial regions. Such extended plasmas are used in particle driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiments for the acceleration of electron/positron bunches to as high as TeV energies in the foreseeable future

    The strategic plan of Fényhozam Ltd.

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    Szakdolgozatom témájául a Fényhozam Közvilágítás Üzemeltető és Karbantartó Kft. stratégiai tervének elkészítését választottam. Elsőként ismertettem a témához szorosan kapcsolódó szakirodalmat, bemutattam a vállalkozás tevékenységét, megfogalmaztam vízióját, misszióját. Elvégeztem a vállalkozás külső és belső elemzését, valamint a versenytárs elemzést. Meghatároztam a lehetséges stratégiai irányokat és megfogalmazásra kerültek a vállalkozás célkitűzései. Végül kiválasztásra kerültek azok a stratégiai irányok, amelyek a legmegfelelőbbnek bizonyultak a vállalkozás számára.BSc/BAGazdálkodási és menedzsment szakK

    Éva, a hős – avagy miért nem bűn egy harapás alma

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    First Synthesis of DBU-Conjugated Cationic Carbohydrate Derivatives and Investigation of Their Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity

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    The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria and fungi represents a serious health problem worldwide. It has long been known that cationic compounds can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi by disrupting the cell membrane. The advantage of using such cationic compounds is that the microorganisms would not become resistant to cationic agents, since this type of adaptation would mean significantly altering the structure of their cell walls. We designed novel, DBU (1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene)-derived amidinium salts of carbohydrates, which may be suitable for disturbing the cell walls of bacteria and fungi due to their quaternary ammonium moiety. A series of saccharide-DBU conjugates were prepared from 6-iodo derivatives of d-glucose, d-mannose, d-altrose and d-allose by nucleophilic substitution reactions. We optimized the synthesis of a d-glucose derivative, and studied the protecting group free synthesis of the glucose-DBU conjugates. The effect of the obtained quaternary amidinium salts against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacterial strains and Candida albicans yeast was investigated, and the impact of the used protecting groups and the sugar configuration on the antimicrobial activity was analyzed. Some of the novel sugar quaternary ammonium compounds with lipophilic aromatic groups (benzyl and 2-napthylmethyl) showed particularly good antifungal and antibacterial activity

    First Synthesis of DBU-Conjugated Cationic Carbohydrate Derivatives and Investigation of Their Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity

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    The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria and fungi represents a serious health problem worldwide. It has long been known that cationic compounds can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi by disrupting the cell membrane. The advantage of using such cationic compounds is that the microorganisms would not become resistant to cationic agents, since this type of adaptation would mean significantly altering the structure of their cell walls. We designed novel, DBU (1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene)-derived amidinium salts of carbohydrates, which may be suitable for disturbing the cell walls of bacteria and fungi due to their quaternary ammonium moiety. A series of saccharide-DBU conjugates were prepared from 6-iodo derivatives of d-glucose, d-mannose, d-altrose and d-allose by nucleophilic substitution reactions. We optimized the synthesis of a d-glucose derivative, and studied the protecting group free synthesis of the glucose-DBU conjugates. The effect of the obtained quaternary amidinium salts against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacterial strains and Candida albicans yeast was investigated, and the impact of the used protecting groups and the sugar configuration on the antimicrobial activity was analyzed. Some of the novel sugar quaternary ammonium compounds with lipophilic aromatic groups (benzyl and 2-napthylmethyl) showed particularly good antifungal and antibacterial activity