728 research outputs found

    Pattern forming instability induced by light in pure and dye-doped nematic liquid crystals

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    We study theoretically the instabilities induced by a linearly polarized ordinary light wave incident at a small oblique angle on a thin layer of homeotropically oriented nematic liquid crystal with special emphasis on the dye-doped case. The spatially periodic Hopf bifurcation that occurs as the secondary instability after the stationary Freedericksz transition is analyzed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    GeneXplorer: an interactive web application for microarray data visualization and analysis

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    BACKGROUND: When publishing large-scale microarray datasets, it is of great value to create supplemental websites where either the full data, or selected subsets corresponding to figures within the paper, can be browsed. We set out to create a CGI application containing many of the features of some of the existing standalone software for the visualization of clustered microarray data. RESULTS: We present GeneXplorer, a web application for interactive microarray data visualization and analysis in a web environment. GeneXplorer allows users to browse a microarray dataset in an intuitive fashion. It provides simple access to microarray data over the Internet and uses only HTML and JavaScript to display graphic and annotation information. It provides radar and zoom views of the data, allows display of the nearest neighbors to a gene expression vector based on their Pearson correlations and provides the ability to search gene annotation fields. CONCLUSIONS: The software is released under the permissive MIT Open Source license, and the complete documentation and the entire source code are freely available for download from CPAN

    Aerobic growth of Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 using selected naphthenic acids as the sole carbon and energy sources

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    Naphthenic acids (NAs) are an important group of toxic organic compounds naturally occurring in hydrocarbon deposits. This work shows that Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 cells not only utilize a mixture of eight different NAs (8XNAs) for growth but they are also capable of marked degradation of two model NAs, cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (CHCA) and cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (CPCA) when supplied at concentrations from 50 to 500 mgL-1. The growth curves of BCP1 on 8XNAs, CHCA, and CPCA showed an initial lag phase not present in growth on glucose, which presumably was related to the toxic effects of NAs on the cell membrane permeability. BCP1 cell adaptation responses that allowed survival on NAs included changes in cell morphology, production of intracellular bodies and changes in fatty acid composition. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of BCP1 cells grown on CHCA or CPCA showed a slight reduction in the cell size, the production of EPS-like material and intracellular electron-transparent and electron-dense inclusion bodies. The electron-transparent inclusions increased in the amount and size in NA-grown BCP1 cells under nitrogen limiting conditions and contained storage lipids as suggested by cell staining with the lipophilic Nile Blue A dye. Lipidomic analyses revealed significant changes with increases of methyl-branched (MBFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) examining the fatty acid composition of NAs-growing BCP1 cells. PUFA biosynthesis is not usual in bacteria and, together with MBFA, can influence structural and functional processes with resulting effects on cell vitality. Finally, through the use of RT (Reverse Transcription)-qPCR, a gene cluster (chcpca) was found to be transcriptionally induced during the growth on CHCA and CPCA. Based on the expression and bioinformatics results, the predicted products of the chcpca gene cluster are proposed to be involved in aerobic NA degradation in R. aetherivorans BCP1. This study provides first insights into the genetic and metabolic mechanisms allowing a Rhodococcus strain to aerobically degrade NAs

    Discovery of highly insecticidal synthetic spinosyn mimics – CAMD enabled de novo design simplifying a complex natural product

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    Simplifying complex natural products: Computer modeling‐based design leads to highly insecticidal, chemically simpler synthetic mimics of the spinosyn natural products that are active in the field

    Determinants of the temperature adaptation of mRNA degradation

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    The rate of chemical reactions increases proportionally with temperature, but the interplay of biochemical reactions permits deviations from this relation and adaptation. The degradation of individual mRNAs in yeast increased to varying degrees with temperature. We examined how these variations are influenced by the translation and codon composition of mRNAs. We developed a method that revealed the existence of a neutral half-life above which mRNAs are stabilized by translation but below which they are destabilized. The proportion of these two mRNA subpopulations remained relatively constant under different conditions, even with slow cell growth due to nutrient limitation, but heat shock reduced the proportion of translationally stabilized mRNAs. At the same time, the degradation of these mRNAs was partially temperature-compensated through Upf1, the mediator of nonsense-mediated decay. Compensation was also promoted by some asparagine and serine codons, whereas tyrosine codons promote temperature sensitization. These codons play an important role in the degradation of mRNAs encoding key cell membrane and cell wall proteins, which promote cell integrity

    Solution-processable thienoisoindigo-based molecular donors for organic solar cells with high open-circuit voltage

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    Two acetylene-bridged Donor–Acceptor–Donor (D-A-D) type small pi-conjugated molecules involving triphenylamine or N-phenylcarbazole as donor blocks (D) and thienoisoindigo as the acceptor unit (A) were synthesized and characterized by UV–Vis absorption and cyclic voltammetry. These donor materials were mixed with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester to prepare bulk heterojunction solar cells by simple solution processing. Due to their low-lying highest occupied molecular orbital energy levels, high open-circuit voltages up to 0.99 V were measured. The triphenylamine end-capped derivative led to the best power conversion efficiency of ca 2.20%, which ranks among the highest reported value for thienoisoindigo-based materials

    A redox active binder for electrochemical capacitor electrodes

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    A promising strategy for increasing the performance of supercapacitors is proposed. Until now, a popular strategy for increasing the specific capacity of the electrode consists of grafting redox molecules onto a high surface area carbon structure to add a faradaic contribution to the charge storage. Unfortunately, the grafting of molecules to the carbon surface leads to a dramatic decrease of the electrochemical performances of the composite material. Herein, we used the organic binder as an active material in the charge/discharge process. Redox molecules were attached onto its polymeric skeleton to obtain a redox binder with the dual functionalities of both the binder and the active material. In this way, the electrochemical performance was improved without detrimentally affecting the properties of the porous carbon. Results showed that the use of a redox binder is promising for enhancing both energy and power densities

    Existing opportunities to adapt the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin Water Resources Allocation Framework

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    The study of the Rio Grande/Bravo (RGB) Basin water allocation demonstrates how the United States (U.S.) and Mexico have consolidated a transboundary framework based on water sharing. However, the water supply no longer meets the ever-increasing demand for water or the expectations of different stakeholders. This paper explores opportunities for an enhanced management regime that will address past problems and better examine how to balance demands for a precious resource and environmental needs. Based on an overview of the RGB Basin context and the water allocation framework, as well as a discussion on stakeholders’ ability to achieve solutions, this paper explores three key questions: (1) Does the current binational water allocation framework meet current and future human and environmental needs? (2) How can the U.S.-Mexico water allocation framework be adapted to balance social and environmental water demands so it can support and preserve the RGB Basin ecosystem? (3) What are the main opportunities to be explored for expanding the U.S.-Mexico water resources allocation framework? The U.S.-Mexico water resources framework is subject to broad interpretation and may be adapted to the circumstances taking the fullest advantage of its flexibility. Policy recommendations highlight the existing flexibility of the binational framework, the potential to move forward with an ad hoc institutional arrangement, and the creation of political will to achieve change through stakeholders recommendations

    One step synthesis of D-A-D chromophores as active materials for organic solar cells by basic condensation

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    Donor-Acceptor-Donor conjugated systems are synthesized in good yield by double condensation of aromatic aldehydes of triarylamines with 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile under microwave activation with trifluoroacetic acid as catalyst. The electronic properties of the compounds are investigated and discussed and a first evaluation of their potential as donor material in organic photovoltaic cells is presented
