15 research outputs found

    Study of the early stages of mechanoperception in poplar

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    Afin de survivre dans un environnement fluctuant, les plantes ont développé la capacité de percevoir et de répondre à des stimuli externes divers et parfois extrêmes. Les sollicitations mécaniques jouent un rôle important au cours du développement des plantes et un nombre croissant d’études s’intéresse à la mécanoperception. Le dessin de la voie de signalisation entre la perception du signal et la régulation des gènes précoces reste incertain. Un modèle de la mécanoperception, proposant que la variable mécanoperçue soit la déformation de la membrane, a été vérifié à l’échelle de la plante entière mais doit être validé au niveau cellulaire. Pour cela, et afin d’identifier les acteurs moléculaires précoces de la réponse à la sollicitation mécanique, nous avons analysé la régulation du gène mécanosensible PtaZFP2 sur cultures cellulaires de peuplier. Le gène PtaZFP2 appartient à la famille multigénique des Q-type C2H2-ZFPs codant des facteurs de transcription putatifs et comprenant 16 membres chez le peuplier. Une analyse phylogénétique et l’analyse de l’expression de ces gènes en réponse à différents stress abiotiques ont montré l’existence de deux groupes phylogénétiques. Ils se différencient par des doigts de zinc caractéristiques et deux nouveaux motifs protéiques (MALEAL et LVDCHY) spécifiques à chacun des groupes. Cette étude nous a également permis d’identifier un autre gène, PtaZFP1, proche phylogénétiquement de PtaZFP2 et fortement induit par une flexion. Après avoir mis au point un système de sollicitation mécanique sur cultures cellulaires, nous avons démontré l’implication du calcium, des calmodulines, des jasmonates et du H2O2 dans l’induction précoce du gène PtaZFP2 par un signal mécanique. Nos travaux suggèrent également l’existence d’une interaction entre la NADPH oxydase (enzyme impliquée dans la production d’EAO) et les calmodulines en amont de PtaZFP2. Finalement, des résultats préliminaires suggèrent une localisation nucléaire de cette protéine et une accumulation transitoire au sein des tiges 2h après une flexion. Les outils moléculaires produits au cours de ce travail (anticorps, protéines recombinantes) permettront de comprendre le rôle de PtaZFP2 dans cette voie de signalisation.The ability of plants to perceive and respond to various and even extreme environmental stimuli is crucial for their survival in a fluctuant environment. Mechanical solicitations play a key role during plant development and an increasing number of studies are dedicated to mechanosensing. The way how plants sense mechanical signals and bring about the changes in gene expression is still unknown. Recently, a model of mechanosensing, suggesting that the physical variable perceived by cells is the plasma membrane strain, has been confirmed at the whole plant scale but remains to be validated at the cellular level. In this aim and to identify the molecular components involved in the early steps of the mechanical signaling pathway, the regulation of the mechanosensitive gene PtaZFP2 was analyzed in poplar cells cultures. The mechanosensitive PtaZFP2 gene belongs to the multigenic Q -type C2H2 -ZFPs family encoding putative transcription factors, consisting of 16 members in poplar. A phylogenetic study and the expression analysis of several of these genes in response to abiotic stresses, allowed us to detect two phylogenetic groups. These two groups are distinguished essentially on their different signatures of their two zinc finger domains and on the two additional conserved motifs MALEAL and LVDCHY, specific to each phylogenetic group. Another gene of the Q -type C2H2 -ZFP family, PtaZFP1, related to PtaZFP2, was shown to be regulated by bending. After several adjustments to apply a mechanical solicitation to cells cultures, such treatments revealed the involvement of calcium, calmodulins, jasmonic acid and H2O2 in the rapid induction of PtaZFP2 gene expression in response to mechanical stress. Furthermore, our data showed an interaction between an NADPH oxidase enzyme (involved in ROS production) and calmodulins upstream of PtaZFP2. Finally, preliminary results suggested a nuclear localization of PtaZFP2 and a transient accumulation of this protein in the stem 2 hours after bending. The molecular tools that have been produced during this work (antibody, recombinant protein) will be used to study the role of PtaZFP2 in the mechanical signaling pathway

    Etude des étapes précoces de la mécanoperception chez le peuplier

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    The ability of plants to perceive and respond to various and even extreme environmental stimuli is crucial for their survival in a fluctuant environment. Mechanical solicitations play a key role during plant development and an increasing number of studies are dedicated to mechanosensing. The way how plants sense mechanical signals and bring about the changes in gene expression is still unknown. Recently, a model of mechanosensing, suggesting that the physical variable perceived by cells is the plasma membrane strain, has been confirmed at the whole plant scale but remains to be validated at the cellular level. In this aim and to identify the molecular components involved in the early steps of the mechanical signaling pathway, the regulation of the mechanosensitive gene PtaZFP2 was analyzed in poplar cells cultures. The mechanosensitive PtaZFP2 gene belongs to the multigenic Q -type C2H2 -ZFPs family encoding putative transcription factors, consisting of 16 members in poplar. A phylogenetic study and the expression analysis of several of these genes in response to abiotic stresses, allowed us to detect two phylogenetic groups. These two groups are distinguished essentially on their different signatures of their two zinc finger domains and on the two additional conserved motifs MALEAL and LVDCHY, specific to each phylogenetic group. Another gene of the Q -type C2H2 -ZFP family, PtaZFP1, related to PtaZFP2, was shown to be regulated by bending. After several adjustments to apply a mechanical solicitation to cells cultures, such treatments revealed the involvement of calcium, calmodulins, jasmonic acid and H2O2 in the rapid induction of PtaZFP2 gene expression in response to mechanical stress. Furthermore, our data showed an interaction between an NADPH oxidase enzyme (involved in ROS production) and calmodulins upstream of PtaZFP2. Finally, preliminary results suggested a nuclear localization of PtaZFP2 and a transient accumulation of this protein in the stem 2 hours after bending. The molecular tools that have been produced during this work (antibody, recombinant protein) will be used to study the role of PtaZFP2 in the mechanical signaling pathway.Afin de survivre dans un environnement fluctuant, les plantes ont développé la capacité de percevoir et de répondre à des stimuli externes divers et parfois extrêmes. Les sollicitations mécaniques jouent un rôle important au cours du développement des plantes et un nombre croissant d’études s’intéresse à la mécanoperception. Le dessin de la voie de signalisation entre la perception du signal et la régulation des gènes précoces reste incertain. Un modèle de la mécanoperception, proposant que la variable mécanoperçue soit la déformation de la membrane, a été vérifié à l’échelle de la plante entière mais doit être validé au niveau cellulaire. Pour cela, et afin d’identifier les acteurs moléculaires précoces de la réponse à la sollicitation mécanique, nous avons analysé la régulation du gène mécanosensible PtaZFP2 sur cultures cellulaires de peuplier. Le gène PtaZFP2 appartient à la famille multigénique des Q-type C2H2-ZFPs codant des facteurs de transcription putatifs et comprenant 16 membres chez le peuplier. Une analyse phylogénétique et l’analyse de l’expression de ces gènes en réponse à différents stress abiotiques ont montré l’existence de deux groupes phylogénétiques. Ils se différencient par des doigts de zinc caractéristiques et deux nouveaux motifs protéiques (MALEAL et LVDCHY) spécifiques à chacun des groupes. Cette étude nous a également permis d’identifier un autre gène, PtaZFP1, proche phylogénétiquement de PtaZFP2 et fortement induit par une flexion. Après avoir mis au point un système de sollicitation mécanique sur cultures cellulaires, nous avons démontré l’implication du calcium, des calmodulines, des jasmonates et du H2O2 dans l’induction précoce du gène PtaZFP2 par un signal mécanique. Nos travaux suggèrent également l’existence d’une interaction entre la NADPH oxydase (enzyme impliquée dans la production d’EAO) et les calmodulines en amont de PtaZFP2. Finalement, des résultats préliminaires suggèrent une localisation nucléaire de cette protéine et une accumulation transitoire au sein des tiges 2h après une flexion. Les outils moléculaires produits au cours de ce travail (anticorps, protéines recombinantes) permettront de comprendre le rôle de PtaZFP2 dans cette voie de signalisation

    Etude des étapes précoces de la mécanoperception chez le peuplier

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    Afin de survivre dans un environnement fluctuant, les plantes ont développé la capacité de percevoir et de répondre à des stimuli externes divers et parfois extrêmes. Les sollicitations mécaniques jouent un rôle important au cours du développement des plantes et un nombre croissant d études s intéresse à la mécanoperception. Le dessin de la voie de signalisation entre la perception du signal et la régulation des gènes précoces reste incertain. Un modèle de la mécanoperception, proposant que la variable mécanoperçue soit la déformation de la membrane, a été vérifié à l échelle de la plante entière mais doit être validé au niveau cellulaire. Pour cela, et afin d identifier les acteurs moléculaires précoces de la réponse à la sollicitation mécanique, nous avons analysé la régulation du gène mécanosensible PtaZFP2 sur cultures cellulaires de peuplier. Le gène PtaZFP2 appartient à la famille multigénique des Q-type C2H2-ZFPs codant des facteurs de transcription putatifs et comprenant 16 membres chez le peuplier. Une analyse phylogénétique et l analyse de l expression de ces gènes en réponse à différents stress abiotiques ont montré l existence de deux groupes phylogénétiques. Ils se différencient par des doigts de zinc caractéristiques et deux nouveaux motifs protéiques (MALEAL et LVDCHY) spécifiques à chacun des groupes. Cette étude nous a également permis d identifier un autre gène, PtaZFP1, proche phylogénétiquement de PtaZFP2 et fortement induit par une flexion. Après avoir mis au point un système de sollicitation mécanique sur cultures cellulaires, nous avons démontré l implication du calcium, des calmodulines, des jasmonates et du H2O2 dans l induction précoce du gène PtaZFP2 par un signal mécanique. Nos travaux suggèrent également l existence d une interaction entre la NADPH oxydase (enzyme impliquée dans la production d EAO) et les calmodulines en amont de PtaZFP2. Finalement, des résultats préliminaires suggèrent une localisation nucléaire de cette protéine et une accumulation transitoire au sein des tiges 2h après une flexion. Les outils moléculaires produits au cours de ce travail (anticorps, protéines recombinantes) permettront de comprendre le rôle de PtaZFP2 dans cette voie de signalisation.The ability of plants to perceive and respond to various and even extreme environmental stimuli is crucial for their survival in a fluctuant environment. Mechanical solicitations play a key role during plant development and an increasing number of studies are dedicated to mechanosensing. The way how plants sense mechanical signals and bring about the changes in gene expression is still unknown. Recently, a model of mechanosensing, suggesting that the physical variable perceived by cells is the plasma membrane strain, has been confirmed at the whole plant scale but remains to be validated at the cellular level. In this aim and to identify the molecular components involved in the early steps of the mechanical signaling pathway, the regulation of the mechanosensitive gene PtaZFP2 was analyzed in poplar cells cultures. The mechanosensitive PtaZFP2 gene belongs to the multigenic Q -type C2H2 -ZFPs family encoding putative transcription factors, consisting of 16 members in poplar. A phylogenetic study and the expression analysis of several of these genes in response to abiotic stresses, allowed us to detect two phylogenetic groups. These two groups are distinguished essentially on their different signatures of their two zinc finger domains and on the two additional conserved motifs MALEAL and LVDCHY, specific to each phylogenetic group. Another gene of the Q -type C2H2 -ZFP family, PtaZFP1, related to PtaZFP2, was shown to be regulated by bending. After several adjustments to apply a mechanical solicitation to cells cultures, such treatments revealed the involvement of calcium, calmodulins, jasmonic acid and H2O2 in the rapid induction of PtaZFP2 gene expression in response to mechanical stress. Furthermore, our data showed an interaction between an NADPH oxidase enzyme (involved in ROS production) and calmodulins upstream of PtaZFP2. Finally, preliminary results suggested a nuclear localization of PtaZFP2 and a transient accumulation of this protein in the stem 2 hours after bending. The molecular tools that have been produced during this work (antibody, recombinant protein) will be used to study the role of PtaZFP2 in the mechanical signaling pathway.CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Assessing Global DNA Methylation Changes Associated with Plasticity in Seven Highly Inbred Lines of Snapdragon Plants (Antirrhinum majus)

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    International audienceGenetic and epigenetic variations are commonly known to underlie phenotypic plastic responses to environmental cues. however, the role of epigenetic variation in plastic responses harboring ecological significance in nature remains to be assessed. The shade avoidance response (SAR) of plants is one of the most prevalent examples of phenotypic plasticity. It is a phenotypic syndrome including stem elongation and multiple other traits. Its ecological significance is widely acknowledged, and it can be adaptive in the presence of competition for light. Underlying genes and pathways were identified, but evidence for its epigenetic basis remains scarce. We used a proven and accessible approach at the population level and compared global DNA methylation between plants exposed to regular light and three different magnitudes of shade in seven highlyinbred lines of snapdragon plants (Antirrhinum majus) grown in a greenhouse. Our results brought evidence of a strong SAR syndrome for which magnitude did not vary between lines. They also brought evidence that its magnitude was not associated with the global DNA methylation percentage for five of the six traits under study. The magnitude of stem elongation was significantly associated with global DNA demethylation. We discuss the limits of this approach and why caution must be taken with such results. In-depth approaches at the DNA sequence level will be necessary to better understand the molecular basis of the SAR syndrom

    Phenotypic Response to Light Versus Shade Associated with DNA Methylation Changes in Snapdragon Plants (Antirrhinum majus)

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    The phenotypic plasticity of plants in response to change in their light environment, and in particularly, to shade is a schoolbook example of ecologically relevant phenotypic plasticity with evolutionary adaptive implications. Epigenetic variation is known to potentially underlie plant phenotypic plasticity. Yet, little is known about its role in ecologically and evolutionary relevant mechanisms shaping the diversity of plant populations in nature. Here we used a reference-free reduced representation bisulfite sequencing method for non-model organisms (epiGBS) to investigate changes in DNA methylation patterns across the genome in snapdragon plants (Antirrhinum majus L.). We exposed plants to sunlight versus artificially induced shade in four highly inbred lines to exclude genetic confounding effects. Our results showed that phenotypic plasticity in response to light versus shade shaped vegetative traits. They also showed that DNA methylation patterns were modified under light versus shade, with a trend towards global effects over the genome but with large effects found on a restricted portion. We also detected the existence of a correlation between phenotypic and epigenetic variation that neither supported nor rejected its potential role in plasticity. While our findings imply epigenetic changes in response to light versus shade environments in snapdragon plants, whether these changes are directly involved in the phenotypic plastic response of plants remains to be investigated. Our approach contributed to this new finding but illustrates the limits in terms of sample size and statistical power of population epigenetic approaches in non-model organisms. Pushing this boundary will be necessary before the relationship between environmentally induced epigenetic changes and phenotypic plasticity is clarified for ecologically relevant mechanisms with evolutionary implications

    Accommodation of physiological and molecular responses to successive mechanical bendings in poplar

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    Communication orale + résuméIn their natural environment, plants are continuously exposed to highly variable wind loads, and in particular to the days-to-week scale alternation of windy and quiet periods. In response to a single mechanical load, plants usually exhibit a dramatic growth response (thigmomorphogenesis) and genes involved are being characterized. However, molecular mechanisms involved in plant acclimation to recurring and successive mechanical loadings are not well characterized. More specifically how plants avoid over-responding in to continuously changing wind conditions is unknown. Through the analysis of the short-time effects of quantified stem bending on young poplars, we demonstrated the rapid induction of PtaZFP2 expression, a gene encoding a putative C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor. The PtaZFP2 transcripts accumulate 10 min after a single bending and the relative abundance of PtaZFP2 transcripts was linearly correlated with the amount of applied mechanical solicitation (Martin et al., 2009; Coutand et al., 2009). To test the effect of successive bending, young trees were submitted either to one transient bending per day for several days or to two bendings, 1–14 days apart. Our results indicate that both diameter growth and gene expression responses are reduced after several bendings. In particular, PtaZFP2 mRNA accumulated to a lesser extent after two bendings than after a single one. The minimum rest period between two successive loadings necessary to recover a response similar to that observed after a single bending, was 5 days. This response was observed for three other early mechano-responsive genes having different functions in the plant mechanosensing pathway, such as calcium signalling or wall modifications. These results clearly show a partial desensitization of plants to recurrent successive bendings, indicating a day-scale acclimation of sensitivity (accommodation) (Martin et al., 2010). Our objectives are now to identify molecular actors involved in such mechanism by studying the regulation of early responsive gene such as PtaZFP2 (Gourcilleau et al., 2011)