196 research outputs found

    Mobility of organic pollutants in soil components. What role can magic angle spinning NMR play ?

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    International audienceThe adsorption-desorption mechanisms at the interface between organic and inorganic soil colloids influence the movement of pesticides and hence their bioavailability and biotransformation processes. Direct analyses of soils have been reported in the literature with the use of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on dry samples. We recently demonstrated the potential of the 1H high resolution magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR technique to study such mechanisms in situ on highly hydrated samples. By using a well-characterized soil model, it was possible to distinguish the mobile and immobile pesticide unambiguously. In the present communication, a short review of MAS NMR techniques that allow covalent and non-covalent bond analysis is provided. The results obtained in our group on the adsorption of some pollutants such as phosphonomethylglycine (glyphosate), MCPA and 2-benzothiazole sulphonate are also presented. Specifically, we focus on the potential of MAS NMR spectroscopy for probing the behaviour (mobility) of these organic pollutants loaded onto the surface of different clays. The influence of clay hydration on NMR spectra has also been evaluate

    Potential impact of microbial activity on the oxidant capacity and organic carbon budget in clouds

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    International audienceWithin cloud water, microorganisms are metabolically active and, thus, are expected to contribute to the atmospheric chemistry. This paper investigates the interactions between microorganisms and the reactive oxygenated species that are present in cloud water because these chemical compounds drive the oxidant capacity of the cloud system. Real cloud water samples with contrasting features (marine, continental and urban) were taken from the puy de Dôme mountain (France). The samples exhibited a high microbial biodiversity and complex chemical composition. The media were incubated in the dark and subjected to UV radiation in specifically designed photo-bioreactors. The concentrations of H2O2, organic compounds and the ATP/ADP ratio were monitored during the incubation period. The microorganisms remained metabolically active in the presence of *OH radicals that were photo-produced from H2O2. This oxidant and major carbon compounds (formaldehyde and carboxylic acids) were biodegraded by the endogenous microflora. This work suggests that microorganisms could play a double role in atmospheric chemistry; first, they could directly metabolize organic carbon species, and second, they could reduce the available source of radicals through their oxidative metabolism. Consequently, molecules such as H2O2 would no longer be available for photochemical or other chemical reactions, which would decrease the cloud oxidant capacity

    Production of maltodextrin 1-Phosphate by Fibrobacter succinogenes S85

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    We show for the first time the occurrence of maltodextrin-1-Phosphate (MD-1P) (DP 2) in F. succinogenes S85, a rumen bacterium specialized in cellulolysis which is not able to use maltose and starch. MD-1P were found in intra and extracellular medium of resting cells incubated with glucose. We used 2D 1H NMR technique and TLC to identify their structure and quantify their production with time. It was also shown that these phosphorylated oligosaccharides originated both from exogenous glucose and endogenous glycoge

    Survival and ice nucleation activity of bacteria as aerosols in a cloud simulation chamber

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    The residence time of bacterial cells in the atmosphere is predictable by numerical models. However, estimations of their aerial dispersion as living entities are limited by a lack of information concerning survival rates and behavior in relation to atmospheric water. Here we investigate the viability and ice nucleation (IN) activity of typical atmospheric ice nucleation active bacteria (Pseudomonas syringae and P. fluorescens) when airborne in a cloud simulation chamber (AIDA, Karlsruhe, Germany). Cell suspensions were sprayed into the chamber and aerosol samples were collected by impingement at designated times over a total duration of up to 18 h, and at some occasions after dissipation of a cloud formed by depressurization. Aerosol concentration was monitored simultaneously by online instruments. The cultivability of airborne cells decreased exponentially over time with a half-life time of 250 ±30 min (about 3.5 to 4.5 h). In contrast, IN activity remained unchanged for several hours after aerosolization, demonstrating that IN activity was maintained after cell death. Interestingly, the relative abundance of IN active cells still airborne in the chamber was strongly decreased after cloud formation and dissipation. This illustrates the preferential precipitation of IN active cells by wet processes. Our results indicate that from 10⁶ cells aerosolized from a surface, one would survive the average duration of its atmospheric journey estimated at 3.4 days. Statistically, this corresponds to the emission of 1 cell that achieves dissemination every ~33 min m¯² of cultivated crops fields, a strong source of airborne bacteria. Based on the observed survival rates, depending on wind speed, the trajectory endpoint could be situated several hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the emission source. These results should improve the representation of the aerial dissemination of bacteria in numeric models

    2-Aminobenzothiazole degradation by free and Ca-alginate immobilized cells of Rhodococcus rhodochrous

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    International audience2-Aminobenzothiazole (ABT) degradation was investigated using free and immobilized systems during photodegradation under solar light in the presence of Fe(III)-nitrilotriacetic acid (FeNTA), biodegradation by Rhodococcus rhodochrous, and during combined conditions. Ca-alginate hydrogel was chosen as a model matrix and some complementary studies were required to characterize this new system. R. rhodochrous metabolism in this type of environment was monitored by NMR spectroscopy. Neither change in intracellular pH values nor in ATP concentrations was observed by in vivo 31P NMR, showing that no metabolic modification occurred between free and immobilized cells. 1H NMR demonstrated that alginate was not used as carbon source by R. rhodochrous. After establishing the pre-treatment protocol by SPE to eliminate solubilised alginate, ABT adsorption on beads and degradation were studied. The same pathways of transformation were observed in suspended and immobilized cell systems. Considering the ABT adsorption phenomenon on alginate beads (8%), the efficiency of the two systems was found to be comparable although the degradation rate was slightly lower with immobilized cells. The most important result was the finding that the positive effect of FeNTA on ABT degradation with immobilized cells was similar to that observed previously with free cells. All these results show that mechanisms observed with free cells can be extrapolated to entrapped cells, i.e. under conditions much closer to those usually encountered in the environment

    A fate for organic acids, formaldehyde and methanol in cloud water: their biotransformation by micro-organisms

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    International audienceThe interactions between microbial and chemical contents of cloud water were investigated. First, we observe that the bulk cloud water solution provides a substantial environment where bacteria can develop significantly. Then, a total number of 60 microbial strains originating from seven distinct samples of cloud water and affiliated to various taxonomic groups were looked for their ability to degrade some of the main atmospheric carboxylic compounds: formate, acetate, lactate, succinate, formaldehyde and methanol. Biodegradation tests show that all these compounds can be transformed when used as single carbonaceous substrates, with activities depending on both the strain and the compound. The highest capacities of biodegradation are observed towards formaldehyde, formate and acetate, which are also the more concentrated compounds typically measured in cloud water. Hence, analyses by 1H NMR permitted to establish for instance that compounds like pyruvate or fumarate can be produced and released in the media in relation to the transformation of lactate or succinate. In addition, utilization of 13C labelled formaldehyde showed that it can be transformed through many metabolic pathways, similar to those induced by photochemistry and leading to the production of formate and/or methanol. These results suggest that microorganisms of cloud water can have various behaviours towards the chemical compounds present in the atmosphere: they can represent either a sink or source for organic carbon, and may have to be considered as actors of cloud chemistry

    Evidence of metyrapone reduction by two Mycobacterium strains shown by 1H NMR

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    In situ 1H NMR monitoring ofmetyrapone incubations with resting-cellsof two strains of Mycobacterium,Mycobacterium aurum MO1 andMycobacterium sp. RP1, showed thebiotransformation of this compound,and more precisely the carbonyl-reductionof metyrapone into the correspondingalcohol, metyrapol. This reduction produced bothenantiomers. The use of inhibitorsallowed us to show the multiple enzymaticactivities involved in this biotransformationincluding carbonyl reductase (EC the short-chain dehydrogenasesuperfamily and aldehyde reductase(EC from the aldo-keto reductasesuperfamil

    Fate of the Nitrilotriacetic acid -Fe(III) complex during photodegradation and biodegradation by Rhodococcus rhodochrous.

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    International audienceAminopolycarboxylic acids are ubiquitous in natural waters and wastewaters. They have the ability to form very stable water-soluble complexes with many metallic di- or trivalent ions. The iron complex nitrilotriacetic acid-Fe(III) (FeNTA) has been previously shown to increase drastically the rate of photo- and biodegradation of 2-aminobenzothiazole, an organic pollutant, by Rhodococcus rhodochrous. For this paper, the fate of FeNTA was investigated during these degradation processes. First, it was shown, using in situ 1H nuclear magnetic resonance, that the complex FeNTA was biodegraded by Rhodococcus rhodochrous cells, but the ligand (NTA) alone was not. This result indicates that FeNTA was transported and biotransformed inside the cell. The same products, including iminodiacetic acid, glycine, and formate, were obtained during the photo- and biodegradation processes of FeNTA, likely because they both involve oxidoreduction mechanisms. When the results of the different experiments are compared, the soluble iron, measured by spectrophotometry, was decreasing when microbial cells were present. About 20% of the initial iron was found inside the cells. These results allowed us to propose detailed mechanistic schemes for FeNTA degradation by solar light and by R. rhodochrou

    NMR study of cellulose and wheat straw degradation by Ruminococcus albus 20

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    Cellulose and wheat straw degradation by Ruminococcus albus was monitored using NMR spectroscopy. In situ solid-state 13C-cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR was used to monitor the modification of the composition and structure of cellulose and 13C-enriched wheat straw during the growth of the bacterium on these substrates. In cellulose, amorphous regions were not preferentially degraded relative to crystalline areas by R. albus. Cellulose and hemicelluloses were also degraded at the same rate in wheat straw. Liquid state two-dimensional NMR experiments were used to analyse in detail the sugars released in the culture medium, and the integration of NMR signals enabled their quantification at various times of culture. The results showed glucose and cellodextrin accumulation in the medium of cellulose cultures; the cellodextrins were mainly cellotriose and accumulated to up to 2 mm after 4 days. In the wheat straw cultures, xylose was the main soluble sugar detected (1.4 mm); arabinose and glucose were also found, together with some oligosaccharides liberated from hemicellulose hydrolysis, but to a much lesser extent. No cellodextrins were detected. The results indicate that this strain of R. albus is unable to use glucose, xylose and arabinose for growth, but utilizes efficiently xylooligosaccharides. R. albus 20 appears to be less efficient than Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 for the degradation of wheat stra

    Microbial population in cloud water at the Puy de Dôme: implications for the chemistry of clouds

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    Airborne micro-organisms are ubiquitous in the atmosphere where they can remain alive and be transported over long distances, thus colonizing new environments. Despite their great importance in relation to ecological and socio-economical issues (bio-terrorism, health, etc.) very few studies have been carried out in this field. In this study, the structure of the microbial community present in atmospheric water samples from clouds at the Puy de Dôme (alt 1465 m, Massif Central, France) is described and the metabolic potential of some bacteria is investigated. The total microflora has been quantified by epifluorescence microscopy, while the cultivable aerobic micro-organisms were isolated. Bacteria were identified by 16S DNA sequencing and fungi by morphological criteria. The total bacterial count reached about 3×104 cells m−3 of cloud volume (1×105 cells mL−1 of cloud water), of which less than 1% are cultivable. Most of the isolated micro-organisms, including 12 fungal and 17 bacterial strains, are described here for the first time in atmospheric water. Many bacterial strains seem to be adapted to the extreme conditions found in cloud water (pH, T°, UV radiations, etc.). Comparison of the two samples (March 2003) shows that pH can be a major factor controlling the structure of this community: an acidic pH (Sample 1: pH=4, 9) favours the presence of fungi and spore-forming bacteria, while a more neutral pH (Sample 2: pH=5, 8) favours greater biodiversity. We have also shown, using in situ 1H NMR, that most of the isolated bacteria are able to degrade various organic substrates such as formate, acetate, lactate, methanol and formaldehyde which represent the major organic compounds present in cloud water. In addition, the detection of intermediates indicated preferential metabolic routes for some of the strains