18 research outputs found


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    Tidal Stream Devices (TSDs) are relatively new renewable energy converters. To date only a few prototypes, primarily horizontal-axis turbine designs, are operational; therefore, little reliability data has accumulated. Pressure to develop reliable sources of renewable electric power is encouraging investors to consider the technology for development. There are a variety of engineering solutions under consideration, including floating tethered, submerged tethered, ducted sea-bed bottom-mounted and sea-bed pile-mounted turbines, but in the absence of in-service reliability data it is difficult to critically evaluate comparative technologies. Developing reliability models for TSDs could reduce long-term risks and costs for investors and developers, encouraging more feasible and economically viable options. This research develops robust reliability models for comparison, defining TSD reliability block diagrams (RBD) in a rigorous way, using surrogate reliability data from similarly-rated wind turbines (WTs) and other relevant marine and electrical industries. The purpose of the research is not to derive individual TSD failure rates but to provide a means of comparison of the relative reliabilities of various devices. Analysis of TSD sub-assemblies from the major types of TSDs used today is performed to identify criticality, to improve controllability and maintainability. The models show that TSDs can be expected to have lower reliability than WTs of comparable size and that failure rates increase with complexity. The models also demonstrate that controls and drive train sub-assemblies, such as the gearbox, generator and converter, are critical to device reliability. The proposed developed models provide clear identification of required changes to the proposed TSD system designs, to raise availability, including duplication of critical systems, use of components developed for harsh environments and migration of equipment onshore, wherever practicable

    Unsteady hydrodynamics of a full-scale tidal turbine operating in large wave conditions

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    Tidal turbines operate in a highly unsteady environment, which causes large-amplitude load fluctuations to the rotor. This can result in dynamic and fatigue failures. Hence, it is critical that the unsteady loads are accurately predicted. A rotor's blade can experience stall delay, load hysteresis and dynamic stall. Yet, the significance of these effects for a full-scale axial-flow turbine are unclear. To investigate, we develop a simple model for the unsteady hydrodynamics of the rotor and consider field measurements of the onset flow. We find that when the rotor operates in large, yet realistic wave conditions, that the load cycle is governed by the waves, and the power and blade bending moments oscillate by half of their mean values. While the flow remains attached near the blade tip, dynamic stall occurs near the blade root, resulting in a twofold overshoot of the local lift coefficient compared to the static value. At the optimal tip-speed ratio, the difference between the unsteady loads computed with our model and a simple quasi-steady approximation is small. However, below the optimal tip-speed ratio, dynamic stall may occur over most of the blade, and the maximum peak loads can be twice those predicted with a quasi-steady approximation

    Neutrino Cooling of Neutron Stars. Medium effects

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    This review demonstrates that neutrino emission from dense hadronic component in neutron stars is subject of strong modifications due to collective effects in the nuclear matter. With the most important in-medium processes incorporated in the cooling code an overall agreement with available soft X ray data can be easily achieved. With these findings so called "standard" and "non-standard" cooling scenarios are replaced by one general "nuclear medium cooling scenario" which relates slow and rapid neutron star coolings to the star masses (interior densities). In-medium effects take important part also at early hot stage of neutron star evolution decreasing the neutrino opacity for less massive and increasing for more massive neutron stars. A formalism for calculation of neutrino radiation from nuclear matter is presented that treats on equal footing one-nucleon and multiple-nucleon processes as well as reactions with resonance bosons and condensates. Cooling history of neutron stars with quark cores is also discussed.Comment: To be published in "Physics of Neutron Star Interiors", Eds. D. Blaschke, N.K. Glendenning, A. Sedrakian, Springer, Heidelberg (2001

    Design of a novel experimental facility for testing of tidal arrays

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    In order to obtain the maximum amount of energy from tidal stream extraction devices, deployment in large arrays should be studied. The area of seabed with favorable conditions is fairly limited; therefore layout spacing has to be optimized. In this paper a feasibility study for a novel experimental facility, suitable for the testing of an array of tidal devices, is presented. To avoid space and scale limitations of towing tanks, testing is proposed to be performed in large lakes or calm seas using a self-propelled vessel, which will carry an array of devices with variable spacing, creating relevant speed differences and measuring their performance and loading. Using hydrodynamic scaling laws, an appropriate size for test turbines and the range of vessel speed was determined to fulfill experimental requirements. Computational fluid dynamic simulations, using the actuator disc method, have suggested a suitable turbine array configuration to resemble real application conditions. A simplified model of the vessel was analyzed using the finite elements method to determine the main scantlings. The hull resistance calculated by empirical formulae was found to be negligible compared to the resistance of the tested turbine. It was confirmed that turbine size and speed determined by scaling laws are also reasonable from a propulsion point of view


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    Tidal stream device reliability comparison models

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    Exercício físico versus programa de exercício pela eletroestimulação com aparelhos de uso doméstico Physical exercise versus exercise program using electrical stimulation devices for home use

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da eletroestimulação por aparelhos de uso domĂ©stico sobre o condicionamento neuromuscular. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 20 mulheres voluntĂĄrias, sedentĂĄrias, destras, com idades entre 18 a 25 anos em MaceiĂł, estado de Alagoas, em 2006. As mulheres foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: as do grupo A foram submetidas a eletroestimulação passiva com aparelhos comerciais e as do grupo B, a exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico com resistĂȘncia. O programa de treinamento dos grupos totalizou 16 sessĂ”es em dois meses, com duas sessĂ”es semanais. As comparaçÔes do peso corporal, da cirtometria, fleximetria, e da força muscular antes e apĂłs os exercĂ­cios, foram utilizadas utilizando-se o teste T pareado. Nas comparaçÔes entre os grupos A e B, foi utilizado o teste t de Student. O nĂ­vel de significĂąncia adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: A comparação da força muscular medida de forma subjetiva antes e apĂłs cada um dos procedimentos, mostrou que ocorreu aumento da força em ambos os grupos. Foram observados aumentos significantes na massa e na força muscular apenas nos indivĂ­duos que realizaram exercĂ­cio voluntĂĄrio. O exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico resistido de flexo-extensĂŁo dos joelhos foi efetivo em aumentar massa e força muscular, ao contrĂĄrio das sessĂ”es de eletroestimulação com correntes de freqĂŒĂȘncia de pulsos de 87 Hz, que nĂŁo tiveram o mesmo efeito. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados encontrados mostraram que os aparelhos de eletroestimulação para ganho passivo de condicionamento fĂ­sico comercializados sĂŁo menos eficientes do que a prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico voluntĂĄrio.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of electrical muscle stimulation with devices for home use on neuromuscular conditioning. METHODS: The study sample comprised 20 sedentary, right-handed, voluntary women aged from 18 to 25 years in the city of MaceiĂł, Northeastern Brazil, in 2006. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups: group A included women who underwent muscle stimulation using commercial electrical devices; group B included those women who performed physical activities with loads. The training program for both groups consisted of two weekly sessions for two months, in a total of 16 sessions. Comparisons of body weight, cirtometry, fleximetry, and muscle strength before and after exercise were determined using the paired t-test. For the comparisons between both groups, Student's t-test was used and a 5% significance level was adopted. RESULTS: Muscle strength subjectively assessed before and after each intervention was increased in both groups. Significant increases in muscle mass and strength were seen only in those subjects who performed voluntary physical activity. Resisted knee flexion and extension exercises effectively increased muscle mass and strength when compared to electrical stimulation at 87 Hz which did not produce a similar effect. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that electrical stimulation devices for passive physical exercising commercially available are less effective than voluntary physical exercise