247 research outputs found

    Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Aqueous Organic Mixtures

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    Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation (CWAO) has been investigated for the treatment of water contaminated by 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4HBA) and equimolar mixture of phenol-4HBA. Both batch measurements for kinetics determination and continuous fixed bed operation have been performed on the same Activated Carbon (AC). After a fast initial deactivation AC was proved stable and efficient at moderate temperature and oxygen pressure, like for phenol degradation. The kinetic study in the case of highly adsorbing material as AC may require complex approach to account for the variation of adsorbed reactants during batch oxidation. Adsorption isotherms at reaction temperature and with aged AC have been obtained according to Langmuir equation and used in 4HBA mass balance to derive more significant kinetic parameters. At high catalyst loading and relatively low pollutant concentration, the variation of 4HBA during the batch may be even higher on the solid than in the aqueous phase


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    Les articles qui composent ce numĂ©ro de la revue ILCEA sont issus des sĂ©minaires qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s d’octobre 2014 Ă  juin 2016 dans le cadre du projet de recherche transversal de l’Institut des Langues et des Cultures d’Europe, AmĂ©rique, Afrique, Asie et Australie (ILCEA4) de l’UniversitĂ© Grenoble-Alpes, « Passages, ancrage » dans la littĂ©rature de voyage. Ce sĂ©minaire a portĂ© sur les aires culturelles et linguistiques propres aux axes de l’ILCEA4 (anglophone, hispaniste, germanophone, slav..


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    Les articles qui composent ce numĂ©ro de la revue ILCEA sont issus des sĂ©minaires qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s d’octobre 2014 Ă  juin 2016 dans le cadre du projet de recherche transversal de l’Institut des Langues et des Cultures d’Europe, AmĂ©rique, Afrique, Asie et Australie (ILCEA4) de l’UniversitĂ© Grenoble-Alpes, « Passages, ancrage » dans la littĂ©rature de voyage. Ce sĂ©minaire a portĂ© sur les aires culturelles et linguistiques propres aux axes de l’ILCEA4 (anglophone, hispaniste, germanophone, slav..

    Adaptive device for disease awareness and treatment adherence of asthma in children

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    International audienceAsthma is the first chronic disease in children: that concerns 10% of them. This is a real public health issue, because its frequency and gravity increase since 2000’s in this population. The major identified problem in asthma kids is the low rate of treatment adherence (50%). To increase adherence rate, there is some strategies as therapeutic education programs and numerical technologies as serious games or mobile applications but those learning systems are the same for all children, and it is proved that personalized program is more efficient than generic learning. In first step, we created a web responsive application composed by several interactive contents linked to asthma (based on criteria learnt in asthma therapeutic education) and displayed to different forms: learning activities with quiz, short games and videos. In a participatory design approach, the interfaces are tailored to children : they had been designed with iterative and user-centered methods. Moreover, asthma experts validated all the proposed content in the application and it was tested by asthma kids. In a preliminary study, we experimented usability, motivation and knowledge of few contents on 40 control children in choice/no-choice conditions. Observations showed KidBreath was easy to use, children were more motivated using it and acquire more knowledge in the choice condition rather no-choice. Later, to personalize learning activities linked to asthma, we have the objective to integrate learning optimization algorithm as an intelligent tutoring system in KidBreath

    Application of sludge-based carbonaceous materials in a hybrid water treatment process based on adsorption and catalytic wet air oxidation

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    This paper describes a preliminary evaluation of the performance of carbonaceous materials prepared from sewage sludges (SBCMs) in a hybrid water treatment process based on adsorption and catalytic wet air oxidation; phenol was used as the model pollutant. Three different sewage sludges were treated by either carbonisation or steam activation, and the physico-chemical properties of the resultant carbonaceous materials (e.g. hardness, BET surface area, ash and elemental content, surface chemistry) were evaluated and compared with a commercial reference activated carbon (PICA F22). The adsorption capacity for phenol of the SBCMs was greater than suggested by their BET surface area, but less than F22; a steam activated, dewatered raw sludge (SA_DRAW) had the greatest adsorption capacity of the SBCMs in the investigated range of concentrations (<0.05 mol L−1). In batch oxidation tests, the SBCMs demonstrated catalytic behaviour arising from their substrate adsorptivity and metal content. Recycling of SA_DRAW in successive oxidations led to significant structural attrition and a hardened SA_DRAW was evaluated, but found to be unsatisfactory during the oxidation step. In a combined adsorption–oxidation sequence, both the PICA carbon and a selected SBCM showed deterioration in phenol adsorption after oxidative regeneration, but a steady state performance was reached after 2 or 3 cycles

    Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds and Mixtures over Activated Carbon: Conversion, Mineralization, and Catalyst Stability

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    Catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of phenolic compounds over three activated carbons (ACs) has been investigated in a semibatch autoclave to better understand the influence of AC properties on the efficiency and stability of CWAO. Phenol, 4-nitrophenol, 4-chlorophenol, and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, as well as synthetic mixtures comprising two to four of the aforementioned molecules, have been chosen as model pollutants to evaluate synergy or competition effects. To this end, the amount of pollutant(s) (re)adsorbed on AC during a preliminary adsorption step, the pollutant conversion, and the mineralization yield obtained during CWAO as well as the AC stability upon recycling are compared for each case

    High-resolution imaging of the Pyrenees and Massif Central from the data of the PYROPE and IBERARRAY portable array deployments

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    International audienceThe lithospheric structures beneath the Pyrenees, which holds the key to settle long-standing controversies regarding the opening of the Bay of Biscay and the formation of the Pyrenees, are still poorly known. The temporary PYROPE and IBERARRAY experiments have recently filled a strong deficit of seismological stations in this part of western Europe, offering a new and unique opportunity to image crustal and mantle structures with unprecedented resolution. Here we report the results of the first tomographic study of the Pyrenees relying on this rich data set. The important aspects of our tomographic study are the precision of both absolute and relative traveltime measurements obtained by a nonlinear simulated annealing waveform fit and the detailed crustal model that has been constructed to compute accurate crustal corrections. Beneath the Massif Central, the most prominent feature is a widespread slow anomaly that reflects a strong thermal anomaly resulting from the thinning of the lithosphere and upwelling of the asthenosphere. Our tomographic images clearly exclude scenarios involving subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the Pyrenees. In contrast, they reveal the segmentation of lithospheric structures, mainly by two major lithospheric faults, the Toulouse fault in the central Pyrenees and the Pamplona fault in the western Pyrenees. These inherited Hercynian faults were reactivated during the Cretaceous rifting of the Aquitaine and Iberian margins and during the Cenozoic Alpine convergence. Therefore, the Pyrenees can be seen as resulting from the tectonic inversion of a segmented continental rift that was buried by subduction beneath the European plate

    The Editors

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    Luxury industry and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activates are generally considered as incompatible concepts by consumers. This because luxury is generally related to hedonism, excess, and ostentation, while CSR is generally based on sobriety, moderation and ethics. However, nowadays more and more luxury companies seem highly committed toward sustainability. For example, Tiffany started certifying its diamonds as “conflict free”, Chanel incorporated “earthy materials” in its 2016 collection, and Bulgari has recently funded restoration of Rome's Spanish Steps. Therefore, it seems plausible the presence of a certain compatibility degree between luxury and CSR activities. However, this issue has received very limited empirical investigation from marketing literature. As a consequence, the present research aims to empirically test whether and under what conditions consumers react to different kinds of luxury companies’ CSR initiatives. Using the Carroll’s four dimensions model of internal vs. external CSR, we argue and demonstrated that luxury companies’ internal (versus external) CSR initiatives increase willingness to buy luxury products, but mainly for those customers who buy luxury for internal motivations and not for status ostentation, as for example individual style and personal taste
