610 research outputs found

    Control Variates for Reversible MCMC Samplers

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    A general methodology is introduced for the construction and effective application of control variates to estimation problems involving data from reversible MCMC samplers. We propose the use of a specific class of functions as control variates, and we introduce a new, consistent estimator for the values of the coefficients of the optimal linear combination of these functions. The form and proposed construction of the control variates is derived from our solution of the Poisson equation associated with a specific MCMC scenario. The new estimator, which can be applied to the same MCMC sample, is derived from a novel, finite-dimensional, explicit representation for the optimal coefficients. The resulting variance-reduction methodology is primarily applicable when the simulated data are generated by a conjugate random-scan Gibbs sampler. MCMC examples of Bayesian inference problems demonstrate that the corresponding reduction in the estimation variance is significant, and that in some cases it can be quite dramatic. Extensions of this methodology in several directions are given, including certain families of Metropolis-Hastings samplers and hybrid Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithms. Corresponding simulation examples are presented illustrating the utility of the proposed methods. All methodological and asymptotic arguments are rigorously justified under easily verifiable and essentially minimal conditions.Comment: 44 pages; 6 figures; 5 table

    Arbitrage-free prediction of the implied volatility smile

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    This paper gives an arbitrage-free prediction for future prices of an arbitrary co-terminal set of options with a given maturity, based on the observed time series of these option prices. The statistical analysis of such a multi-dimensional time series of option prices corresponding to nn strikes (with nn large, e.g. n40n\geq 40) and the same maturity, is a difficult task due to the fact that option prices at any moment in time satisfy non-linear and non-explicit no-arbitrage restrictions. Hence any nn-dimensional time series model also has to satisfy these implicit restrictions at each time step, a condition that is impossible to meet since the model innovations can take arbitrary values. We solve this problem for any n\in\NN in the context of Foreign Exchange (FX) by first encoding the option prices at each time step in terms of the parameters of the corresponding risk-neutral measure and then performing the time series analysis in the parameter space. The option price predictions are obtained from the predicted risk-neutral measure by effectively integrating it against the corresponding option payoffs. The non-linear transformation between option prices and the risk-neutral parameters applied here is \textit{not} arbitrary: it is the standard mapping used by market makers in the FX option markets (the SABR parameterisation) and is given explicitly in closed form. Our method is not restricted to the FX asset class nor does it depend on the type of parameterisation used. Statistical analysis of FX market data illustrates that our arbitrage-free predictions outperform the naive random walk forecasts, suggesting a potential for building management strategies for portfolios of derivative products, akin to the ones widely used in the underlying equity and futures markets.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; a shorter version of this paper has appeared as a Technical Paper in Risk (30 April 2014) under the title "Smile transformation for price prediction

    Copula-like Variational Inference

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    This paper considers a new family of variational distributions motivated by Sklar's theorem. This family is based on new copula-like densities on the hypercube with non-uniform marginals which can be sampled efficiently, i.e. with a complexity linear in the dimension of state space. Then, the proposed variational densities that we suggest can be seen as arising from these copula-like densities used as base distributions on the hypercube with Gaussian quantile functions and sparse rotation matrices as normalizing flows. The latter correspond to a rotation of the marginals with complexity O(dlogd)\mathcal{O}(d \log d). We provide some empirical evidence that such a variational family can also approximate non-Gaussian posteriors and can be beneficial compared to Gaussian approximations. Our method performs largely comparably to state-of-the-art variational approximations on standard regression and classification benchmarks for Bayesian Neural Networks.Comment: 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canad


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    This thesis deals with the development and application of numerical integration techniques for use in Bayesian Statistics. In particular, it describes how imbedded sequences of positive interpolatory integration rules (PIIR's) obtained from Gauss-Hermite product rules can extend the applicability and efficiency of currently available numerical methods. The numerical strategy suggested by Naylor and Smith (1982) is reviewed, criticised and applied to some examples with real and artificial data. The performance of this strategy is assessed from the viewpoint of 3 criteria: reliability, efficiency and accuracy. The imbedded sequences of PIIR’s are introduced as an alternative and an extension to the above strategy for two major reasons. Firstly, they provide a rich class of spatially ditributed rules which are particularly useful in high dimensions. Secondly, they provide a way of producing more efficient integration strategies by enabling approximations to be updated sequentially through the addition of new nodes at each step rather than through changing to a completely new set of nodes. Finally, the Improvement in the reliability and efficiency achieved by the adaption of an integration strategy based on PIIR's is demonstrated with various illustrative examples. Moreover, it is directly compared with the Gibbs sampling approach introduced recently by Gelfand and Smith (1988).University of Sheffiel

    The effect of the work environment on accounting students\u27 moral reasoning and development

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    Puxty et al. (1994) claim that professional accountants are induced to act ethically through two aspects of their socialisation, the education process, and the influence of work experience and role models who show what it means to be ethical. The education of accountants is not simply a matter of becoming technically competent, it is also a process of internalising accepted norms of professional conduct. Student accountants learn acceptable behaviour by learning the principles of good conduct in their education, and receiving advice and observing what significant others do in the workplace. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the work environment on accounting students moral reasoning and development by comparing the DIT P-scores of accounting students pre and post cooperative education. Cooperative eduction is an industry placement program where students are required to work in commerce and industry for one year. Findings indicate that DIT P-scores decrease during cooperative education suggesting that accounting students, whilst in the work environment, do not reason according to their capability as measured by their pre-test scores.<br /

    Likelihood-based inference for correlated diffusions

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    We address the problem of likelihood based inference for correlated diffusion processes using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. Such a task presents two interesting problems. First, the construction of the MCMC scheme should ensure that the correlation coefficients are updated subject to the positive definite constraints of the diffusion matrix. Second, a diffusion may only be observed at a finite set of points and the marginal likelihood for the parameters based on these observations is generally not available. We overcome the first issue by using the Cholesky factorisation on the diffusion matrix. To deal with the likelihood unavailability, we generalise the data augmentation framework of Roberts and Stramer (2001 Biometrika 88(3):603-621) to d-dimensional correlated diffusions including multivariate stochastic volatility models. Our methodology is illustrated through simulation based experiments and with daily EUR /USD, GBP/USD rates together with their implied volatilities

    Inference for stochastic volatility model using time change transformations

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    We address the problem of parameter estimation for diffusion driven stochastic volatility models through Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). To avoid degeneracy issues we introduce an innovative reparametrisation defined through transformations that operate on the time scale of the diffusion. A novel MCMC scheme which overcomes the inherent difficulties of time change transformations is also presented. The algorithm is fast to implement and applies to models with stochastic volatility. The methodology is tested through simulation based experiments and illustrated on data consisting of US treasury bill rates.Imputation, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Stochastic volatility