4,541 research outputs found

    Introduction to orbital flight planning (1)

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    This workbook is designed for students interested in space flight planning, who after training, may serve as flight planning aides. Routine flight planning activities requiring engineering-type calculations and analysis are covered. Practice exercises and brief instructions are given for the programming and use of the hand calculator as well as the calculation of position and velocity in the orbital plane. Calculation of relative orbital position is also covered with emphasis upon celestial coordinates and time measurement

    Instabilities and the roton spectrum of a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensed gas with dipole-dipole interactions

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    We point out the possibility of having a roton-type excitation spectrum in a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions. Normally such a system is quite unstable due to the attractive portion of the dipolar interaction. However, by reversing the sign of the dipolar interaction using either a rotating magnetic field or a laser with circular polarization, a stable cigar-shaped configuration can be achieved whose spectrum contains a `roton' minimum analogous to that found in helium II. Dipolar gases also offer the exciting prospect to tune the depth of this `roton' minimum by directly controlling the interparticle interaction strength. When the minimum touches the zero-energy axis the system is once again unstable, possibly to the formation of a density wave.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Special Issue: "Ultracold Polar Molecules: Formation and Collisions

    Risk management in solitary agricultural work: new technologies for handling emergency and falls from great heights (SHADE)

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    Solitary work and agricultural activities are the scenarios of a large number of severe injuries and deaths, also because first aid may be difficult to achieve in isolated locations. This work proposes a technology available on smartphones that allows triggering an emergency call when a fall from height or an unconsciousness state is detected. The results of several tests, which include different detection algorithms and scenarios, are reported in this work. Tests performed with the aid of a dummy have allowed developing a reliable algorithm for the detection of dangerous situations. This system is available as an Android application

    Morska fauna Nacionalnog parka Mljet (Jadransko more, Hrvatska). 4. Mollusca: Polyplacophora

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    During the summers from 1995–2000 the benthos was studied at 63 sites by scuba- and skin-divers. Polyplacophora molluscs were recorded at 36 sites. Ten species were identified, i.e. 63 % of the Adriatic Sea chitons, and 34 % of taxa recorded in the Mediterranean. Synonyms, habitat, depth range and general distribution are noted for each species. With the aim of updating the distributional pattern of chitons in the Adriatic Sea, the authors’ unpublished records of a number of species have been appended.U Nacionalnom parku Mljet, na 36 ronilački istraženih obalnih postaja u razdoblju 1995–2000, nađeno je deset vrsta poliplakofornih mekušaca – babuški. To je čak 63 % vrsta poznatih za Jadran odnosno 34 % vrsta koje žive u Sredozemnom moru. Za svaku se vrstu navode sinonimi, staništa, te dubinska i opća rasprostranjenost. S ciljem boljeg poznavanja rasprostranjenosti babuški u Jadranu, dodani su i do sada neobjavljeni nalazi oba autora

    A tribute to Shinya Inoue and innovation in light microscopy

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    The 2003 International Prize for Biology was awarded to Shinya Inoue for his pioneering work in visualizing dynamic processes within living cells using the light microscope. He and his scientific descendants are now pushing light microscopy even further by developing new techniques such as imaging single molecules, visualizing processes in living animals, and correlating results from light and electron microscopy

    The Labour Government, the Treasury and the £6 pay policy of July 1975

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    The 1974-79 Labour Government was elected in a climate of opinion that was fiercely opposed to government intervention in the wage determination process, and was committed to the principles of free collective bargaining in its manifestoes. However, by December 1974 the Treasury was advocating a formal incomes policy, and by July 1975 the government had introduced a £6 flat rate pay norm. With reference to archival sources, the paper demonstrates that TUC and Labour Party opposition to incomes policy was reconciled with the Treasury's advocacy by limiting the Bank of England‟s intervention in the foreign exchange market when sterling came under pressure. This both helped to achieve the Treasury's objective of improving the competitiveness of British industry, and acted as a catalyst for the introduction of incomes policy because the slide could be attributed to a lack of market confidence in British counter-inflation policy