5 research outputs found

    Self-Aligning Finger Exoskeleton for the Mobilization of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint

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    In the context of hand and finger rehabilitation, kinematic compatibility is key for the acceptability and clinical exploitation of robotic devices. Different kinematic chain solutions have been proposed in the state of the art, with different trade-offs between characteristics of kinematic compatibility, adaptability to different anthropometries, and the ability to compute relevant clinical information. This study presents the design of a novel kinematic chain for the mobilization of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the long fingers and a mathematical model for the real-time computation of the joint angle and transferred torque. The proposed mechanism can self-align with the human joint without hindering force transfer or inducing parasitic torque. The chain has been designed for integration into an exoskeletal device aimed at rehabilitating traumatic-hand patients. The exoskeleton actuation the unit has a series-elastic architecture for compliant human-robot interaction and has been assembled and preliminarily tested in experiments with eight human subjects. Performance has been investigated in terms of (i) the accuracy of the MCP joint angle estimation through comparison with a video-based motion tracking system, (ii) residual MCP torque when the exoskeleton is controlled to provide null output impedance and (iii) torque-tracking performance. Results showed a root-mean-square error (RMSE) below 5 degrees in the estimated MCP angle. The estimated residual MCP torque resulted below 7 mNm. Torque tracking performance shows an RMSE lower than 8 mNm in following sinusoidal reference profiles. The results encourage further investigations of the device in a clinical scenario

    A low-power ankle-foot prosthesis for push-off enhancement

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    Passive ankle-foot prostheses are light-weighted and reliable, but they cannot generate net positive power, which is essential in restoring the natural gait pattern of amputees. Recent robotic prostheses addressed the problem by actively controlling the storage and release of energy generated during the stance phase through the mechanical deformation of elastic elements housed in the device. This study proposes an innovative low-power active prosthetic module that fits on off-the-shelf passive ankle-foot energy-storage-and-release (ESAR) prostheses. The module is placed parallel to the ESAR foot, actively augmenting the energy stored in the foot and controlling the energy return for an enhanced push-off. The parallel elastic actuation takes advantage of the amputee’s natural loading action on the foot’s elastic structure, retaining its deformation. The actuation unit is designed to additionally deform the foot and command the return of the total stored energy. The control strategy of the prosthesis adapts to changes in the user’s cadence and loading conditions to return the energy at a desired stride phase. An early verification on two transtibial amputees during treadmill walking showed that the proposed mechanism could increase the subjects’ dorsiflexion peak of 15.2% and 41.6% for subjects 1 and 2, respectively, and the cadence of about 2%. Moreover, an increase of 26% and 45% was observed in the energy return for subjects 1 and 2, respectively

    Assessment of intuitiveness and comfort of wearable haptic feedback strategies for assisting level and stair walking

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    Nowadays, lower-limb prostheses are reaching real-world usability especially on ground-level walking. However, some key tasks such as stair walking are still quite demanding. Providing haptic feedback about the foot placement on the steps might reduce the cognitive load of the task, compensating for increased dependency on vision and lessen the risk of falling. Experiments on intact subjects can be useful to define the feedback strategies prior to clinical trials, but effective methods to assess the efficacy of the strategies are few and usually rely on the emulation of the disability condition. The present study reports on the design and testing of a wearable haptic feedback system in a protocol involving intact subjects to assess candidate strategies to be adopted in clinical trials. The system integrated a sensorized insole wirelessly connected to a textile waist belt equipped with three vibrating motors. Three stimulation strategies for mapping the insole pressure data to vibrotactile feedback were implemented and compared in terms of intuitiveness and comfort perceived during level and stair walking. The strategies were ranked using a relative rating approach, which highlighted the differences between them and suggested guidelines for their improvement. The feedback evaluation procedure proposed could facilitate the selection and improvement of haptic feedback strategies prior to clinical testing

    Uneven Terrain Recognition Using Neuromorphic Haptic Feedback

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    Recent years have witnessed relevant advancements in the quality of life of persons with lower limb amputations thanks to the technological developments in prosthetics. However, prostheses that provide information about the foot–ground interaction, and in particular about terrain irregularities, are still missing on the market. The lack of tactile feedback from the foot sole might lead subjects to step on uneven terrains, causing an increase in the risk of falling. To address this issue, a biomimetic vibrotactile feedback system that conveys information about gait and terrain features sensed by a dedicated insole has been assessed with intact subjects. After having shortly experienced both even and uneven terrains, the recruited subjects discriminated them with an accuracy of 87.5%, solely relying on the replay of the vibrotactile feedback. With the objective of exploring the human decoding mechanism of the feedback startegy, a KNN classifier was trained to recognize the uneven terrains. The outcome suggested that the subjects achieved such performance with a temporal dynamics of 45 ms. This work is a leap forward to assist lower-limb amputees to appreciate the floor conditions while walking, adapt their gait and promote a more confident use of their artificial limb