110 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic variability in the Southern Bight of the North Sea in response to typical atmospheric and tidal regimes. Benefit of using a high resolution model

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    peer reviewedIn this paper, the hydrodynamics of the Southern Bight of the North Sea (SBNS) and in particular, the Belgian Coastal Zone (BCZ) is investigated on daily to seasonal time scales using a high resolution hydrodynamical model. The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is implemented over the SBNS with 5 km resolution and downscaled at 1 km resolution over the BCZ in a two-way nesting configuration run over a three years period (i.e. 2006–2008). The benefit of using a high resolution model over the BCZ is assessed through an extensive comparison of model results with data from satellite and in-situ fixed platforms as well as reference products available for the region. The validation exercise and the results analysis are conducted with a particular focus on hydrodynamic features that are expected to impact the sediment transport. We find that despite the validation procedure does not allow to clearly demonstrate better performance of the high resolution model compared to the coarse resolution model in terms of overtidal circulation, sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS), the high resolution model resolves additional details in the variability of residual circulation and Scheldt salinity plume dynamics. The analysis of the response of the simulated hydrodynamics to atmospheric regimes for neap and spring tide highlights the major role played by the wind direction on the averaged currents and plume extension. The strongest currents and minimum plume extension are obtained under southwestern winds and neap tide while when northeastern winds prevail, the plume extension is at its maximum and the circulation is the weakest. We show that while neap tides allow the establishment of streamlined circulation, the spring tides induce more turbulent circulation which can favor the retention of transported elements. This latter property could not be resolved with the 5 km resolution model.Face-I

    Offshore wind farm footprint on organic and mineral particle flux to the bottom

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    Offshore windfarms (OWFs) offer part of the solution for the energy transition which is urgently needed to mitigate effects of climate change. Marine life has rapidly exploited the new habitat offered by windfarm structures, resulting in increased opportunities for filter- and suspension feeding organisms. In this study, we investigated the effects of organic matter (OM) deposition in the form of fecal pellets expelled by filtering epifauna in OWFs, on mineralization processes in the sediment. OM deposition fluxes produced in a 3D hydrodynamic model of the Southern Bight of the North Sea were used as input in a model of early diagenesis. Two scenarios of OWF development in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) and its surrounding waters were calculated and compared to a no-OWF baseline simulation. The first including constructed OWFs as of 2021, the second containing additional planned OWFs by 2026. Our results show increased total mineralization rates within OWFs (27–30%) in correspondence with increased deposition of reactive organic carbon (OC) encapsulated in the OM. This leads to a buildup of OC in the upper sediment layers (increase by ∼10%) and an increase of anoxic mineralization processes. Similarly, denitrification rates within the OWFs increased, depending on the scenario, by 2–3%. Effects were not limited to the OWF itself: clear changes were noticed in sediments outside of the OWFs, which were mostly opposite to the “within-OWF” effects. This contrast generated relatively small changes when averaging values over the full modeling domain, however, certain changes, such as for example the increased storage of OC in sediments, may be of significant value for national / regional carbon management inventories. Our results add to expectations of ecosystem-wide effects of windfarms in the marine environments, which need to be researched further given the rapid rate of expansion of OWFs.Face-I

    Macroscale ecohydrodynamic modeling on the Northwest European Continental Shelf

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    A 3D coupled hydrodynamic-biological model is applied to the simulation of the biological processes on the Northwest European Continental Shelf. The model operates in the macroscale spectral window (time scales of a month or a season) without explicit description of the higher frequency processes but with an adequate modeling of their influence on larger time scales. The hydrodynamic sub-model is 3D, baroclinic and includes a refined turbulence closure. The non-linear interactions of mesoscale fluctuations are described by means of the generalized mesoscale Reynolds stresses and the Stokes drift transport velocity field. The biological sub-model describes the nitrogen and carbon cycles through the food web with 17 state variables representing 9 compartments: inorganic nutrients, small phytoplankton, large phytoplankton, dissolved organic matter, pelagic bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates, pelagic detritus, zooplankton and benthic organic detritus. The simulation emphasizes the strong influence of the local depth and of the stability of the water column on the whole annual cycle of phytoplankton. In well-mixed shallow areas, the chlorophyll concentration increases in early spring and the primary production occurs steadily until October. In deeper areas, the spring bloom is much sharper and appears later, after the set up of the seasonal stratification. The main part of the primary production happens during the bloom period. The macroscale approach provides results that are comparable with observations and results of other more classical models describing explicitly the higher frequency processes. The current method allows, however, a more direct insight into the dynamics of the system and into the interactions between the hydrodynamics and the biology. Also, it greatly reduces the CPU requirements and is therefore particularly suited for repeated or long term simulations. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved