434 research outputs found

    How was the Hubble sequence 6 Gyrs ago?

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    The way galaxies assemble their mass to form the well-defined Hubble sequence is amongst the most debated topic in modern cosmology. One difficulty is to link distant galaxies to those at present epoch. We aim at establishing how were the galaxies of the Hubble sequence, 6 Gyrs ago. We intend to derive a past Hubble sequence that can be causally linked to the present-day one. We selected samples of nearby galaxies from the SDSS and of distant galaxies from the GOODS survey. We verified that each sample is representative of galaxies. We further showed that the observational conditions necessary to retrieve their morphological classification are similar in an unbiased way. Morphological analysis has been done in an identical way for all galaxies in the two samples. We found an absence of number evolution for elliptical and lenticular galaxies, which strikingly contrasts with the strong evolution of spiral and peculiar galaxies. Spiral galaxies were 2.3 times less abundant in the past, that is exactly compensated by the strong decrease by a factor 5 of peculiar galaxies. It strongly suggests that more than half of the present-day spirals had peculiar morphologies, 6 Gyrs ago, and this has to be accounted by any scenario of galactic disk evolution and formation. The past Hubble sequence can be used to test these scenarios as well as to test evolution of fundamental planes for spirals and bulges.Comment: Version accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics, October 21 2009. Including low resolution images. 11 pages, 8 figure

    Web page of Spanish Society to Animal Genetic Resources (SERGA): justification and description

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    In the present paper the web page of SERGA is described as a structure of permanent information among members and divulgation of the society’s activities out of our subject. After a slight justification the different option of the page are described where we have to stand out the database of the Spanish breeds, the historical photographic archive the biblioteque, and the links with other web address, and another minor functionality. This paper finish presenting the proposal for the web future.En este trabajo se describe la página web de SERGA, como estructura de información permanente entre los asociados y de divulgación de actividades fuera de nuestro ámbito. Tras una sucinta justificación se describen las distintas opciones de la página en las que destacan las bases de datos sobre las razas españolas, el archivo fotográfico histórico, la biblioteca y las conexiones con otras paginas además de algunas otras funciones menores. Finalmente presentamos nuestras propuestas de futuro

    The Evolution of the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation over the past 6 Gyr

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    Scaling relations are salient ingredients of galaxy evolution and formation models. I summarize results from the IMAGES survey, which combines spatially-resolved kinematics from FLAMES/GIRAFFE with imaging from HST/ACS and other facilities. Specifically, I will focus on the evolution of the stellar mass and baryonic Tully-Fisher Relations (TFR) from z=0.6 down to z=0. We found a significant evolution in zero point and scatter of the stellar mass TFR compared to the local Universe. Combined with gas fractions derived by inverting the Schmidt-Kennicutt relation, we derived for the first time a baryonic TFR at high redshift. Conversely to the stellar mass TFR, the baryonic relation does not appear to evolve in zero point, which suggests that most of the reservoir of gas converted into stars over the past 6 Gyr was already gravitationally bound to galaxies at z=0.6.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 277 "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies"; 4 pages, 1 figur

    Origin and standing of Canary Black Pig

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    We summarize the historical information about origin of Canary Black Pig and standing in the Canary Islands. The presence of pig in Canary Islands is from 500 year b.C., where aborigines used its meat as food, its fat to preserve foods, its skin as clothing and its bones to produce tools and adornments. The census is constituted for 283 animals, 182 females and 101 males, with a major representation in Tenerife and Gran Canaria islands, 173 and 71 animals respectively.A través de la documentación histórica del Archipiélago Canario, se ha esbozado el origen del Cerdo Negro Canario, a la vez que se expone su estado actual en las diferentes islas del archipiélago. La presencia del cerdo data desde hace 2500 años en el Archipiélago Canario, donde los aborígenes utilizaron su carne como alimento, su manteca para conservas, su piel para vestimenta y sus huesos para fabricación de útiles y adornos. El censo lo constituyen unos 283 ejemplares, 182 hembras y 101 machos, y su mayor representación está en las islas de Tenerife y de Gran Canaria con 173 y 71 animales respectivamente

    Peculiar properties of chlorophyll thermoluminescence emission of autotrophically or mixotrophically grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella sp. CCAP 211/84 were grown autotrophically and mixotrophically and their thermoluminescence emissions were recorded above 0 °C after excitation by 1, 2 or 3 xenon flashes or by continuous far-red light. An oscillation of the B band intensity according to the number of flashes was always observed, with a maximum after 2 flashes, accompanied by a downshift of the B band temperature maximum in mixotrophic compared to autotrophic grown cells, indicative of a dark stable pH gradient. Moreover, new flash-induced bands emerged in mixotrophic Chlamydomonas grown cells, at temperatures higher than that of the B band. In contrast to the afterglow band observed in higher plants, in Chlamydomonas these bands were not inducible by far-red light, were fully suppressed by 2 μM antimycin A, and peaked at different temperatures depending on the flash number and growth stage, with higher temperature maxima in cells at a stationary compared to an exponential growth stage. These differences are discussed according to the particular properties of cyclic electron transfer pathways in C. reinhardtii.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura BFU2007-68107-C02-01/BMCJunta de Andalucía PAIDI CVI-26

    Caracterización productiva de las variedades del cerdo ibérico en el periodo de destete

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    Hemos abordado la caracterización productiva de las variedades del cerdo Ibérico en el periodo predestete dentro de dos proyectos de investigación Caracterización de las poblaciones minoritarias diferenciadas dentro de la raza porcina Ibérica y European gene banking project for pig genetic resources. Se analizan tres variables: peso al nacimiento, peso al destete y ganacia media diaria del nacimiento al destete (0-60 días) sobre una muestra aleatoria de la población formada por 2059 lechones (1057 machos y 1002 hembras) pertenecientes a los registros del núcleo de control de rendimientos de la Asociación de Criadores del cerdo Ibérico (AECERIBER). Variedades: Lampiño (L), Mamellado (M), Silvela (S), Retinto (R), Entrepelado (E) y Portugués (P). Se calculan estadísticos descriptivos en el total de la población y por variedades, así como un análisis de varianza utilizando como factor de variación la variedad. De los resultados obtenidos concluimos las existencias altamente significativas entre todas las variedades que configuran el cerdo Ibérico para las variables estudiadas. Así en la fase predestete sobresalen especialmente la variedades Retinto y Portugués, la primera por el comportamiento más homogéneo en todas las variables analizadas y la segunda ellas por la mayor capacidad de crecimiento en este periodo

    Description of A call to action, an interactive CD-ROM for the conservation and management of the animal genetic resources

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    We describe the use and contents of the interactive CD-ROM titled A call to action, in which is enclosed most of the information from the interactive program DAD-IS, available via Internet, allowing the access to the information collected in the FAO’s data base to researchers, teacher, farmers, etc. without Internet connection.Se describe el contenido y uso del CD-ROM titulado A call to action, que incluye la mayor parte de la información disponible en el programa interactivo DAD-IS, asequible en Internet, lo que ofrece un acceso a la información disponible en las bases de datos de la FAO, a investigadores, docentes, técnicos, ganaderos, etc que no dispongan de conexión a la red

    Tratamiento asistido por artroscopia de las fracturas de radio distal

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    ResumenLa artroscopia proporciona una valoración directa de la superficie articular y permite detectar lesiones asociadas en las fracturas de la extremidad distal del radio. Su incorporación al tratamiento de estas fracturas ha supuesto un mejor control de la reducción de los trazos articulares, pero se trata de una técnica compleja que aún no está generalizada entre la mayoría de los cirujanos ortopédicos y/o de la mano y la muñeca.Se realiza una revisión y actualización de las ventajas, las indicaciones, las claves técnicas, los resultados y los datos científicos de su utilidad para el tratamiento de las fracturas del radio distal.AbstractArthroscopy provides a direct evaluation of the joint surface and enables associated injuries to be detected in fractures of the distal end of the radius. Although its incorporation into the treatment of these fractures has led to a better control in the reduction of joint traces, it is a complicated technique that is still not in general use by the majority of orthopaedic and/or hand and wrist surgeons.A review is presented here, as well as an update of the advantages, indications, the key techniques, results, and scientific data of its use in the treatment of distal radius fractures

    Fluctuating hydrodynamic modelling of fluids at the nanoscale

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    A good representation of mesoscopic fluids is required to combine with molecular simulations at larger length and time scales (De Fabritiis {\it et. al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 134501 (2006)). However, accurate computational models of the hydrodynamics of nanoscale molecular assemblies are lacking, at least in part because of the stochastic character of the underlying fluctuating hydrodynamic equations. Here we derive a finite volume discretization of the compressible isothermal fluctuating hydrodynamic equations over a regular grid in the Eulerian reference system. We apply it to fluids such as argon at arbitrary densities and water under ambient conditions. To that end, molecular dynamics simulations are used to derive the required fluid properties. The equilibrium state of the model is shown to be thermodynamically consistent and correctly reproduces linear hydrodynamics including relaxation of sound and shear modes. We also consider non-equilibrium states involving diffusion and convection in cavities with no-slip boundary conditions

    Alpha band disruption in the AD-continuum starts in the subjective cognitive decline stage: a MEG study

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    The consideration of Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD) as a preclinical stage of AD remains still a matter of debate. Alpha band alterations represent one of the most significant changes in the electrophysiological profile of AD. In particular, AD patients exhibit reduced alpha relative power and frequency. We used alpha band activity measured with MEG to study whether SCD and MCI elders present these electrophysiological changes characteristic of AD, and to determine the evolution of the observed alterations across AD spectrum. The total sample consisted of 131 participants: 39 elders without SCD, 41 elders with SCD and 51 MCI patients. All of them underwent MEG and MRI scans and neuropsychological assessment. SCD and MCI patients exhibited a similar reduction in alpha band activity compared with the no SCD group. However, only MCI patients showed a slowing in their alpha peak frequency compared with both SCD and no SCD. These changes in alpha band were related to worse cognition. Our results suggest that AD-related alterations may start in the SCD stage, with a reduction in alpha relative power. It is later, in the MCI stage, where the slowing of the spectral profile takes place, giving rise to objective deficits in cognitive functioning.This study was supported by two projects from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, PSI2009-14415-C03-01 and PSI2012-38375-C03-01, a predoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to DLS (PSI2012-38375-C03-01), and three predoctoral fellowships from the Ministry of Education to RB,NS,ICRR (FPU13/06009, FPU14/07164, FPU13/02064)