1,069 research outputs found

    Melanoma expression analysis with Big Data technologies

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    Melanoma is a highly immunogenic tumor. Therefore, in recent years physicians have incorporated drugs that alter the immune system into their therapeutic arsenal against this disease, revolutionizing in the treatment of patients in an advanced stage of the disease. This has led us to explore and deepen our knowledge of the immunology surrounding melanoma, in order to optimize its approach. At present, immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma is based on stimulating an individual’s own immune system through the use of specific monoclonal antibodies. The use of immunotherapy has meant that many of patients with melanoma have survived and therefore it constitutes a present and future treatment in this field. At the same time, drugs have been developed targeting specific mutations, specifically BRAF, resulting in large responses in tumor regression (set up in this clinical study to 18 months), as well as a higher percentage of long-term survivors. The analysis of the gene expression changes and their correlation with clinical changes can be developed using the tools provided by those companies which currently provide gene expression platforms. The gene expression platform used in this clinical study is NanoString, which provides nCounter. However, nCounter has some limitations as the type of analysis is restricted to a predefined set, and the introduction of clinical features is a complex task. This paper presents an approach to collect the clinical information using a structured database and a Web user interface to introduce this information, including the results of the gene expression measurements, to go a step further than the nCounter tool. As part of this work, we present an initial analysis of changes in the gene expression of a set of patients before and after targeted therapy. This analysis has been carried out using Big Data technologies (Apache Spark) with the final goal being to scale up to large numbers of patients, even though this initial study has a limited number of enrolled patients (12 in the first analysis). This is not a Big Data problem, but the underlaying study aims at targeting 20 patients per year just in Málaga, and this could be extended to be used to analyze the 3.600 patients diagnosed with melanoma per year.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work was funded in part by Grants TIN2014-58304-R (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and P11-TIC-7529 and P12-TIC-1519 (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Mathematical modelling of neural processes within the oculomotor system

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    It is presented a mathematical model of the oculomotor plant, based on experimental data in cats. The system that generates, from the neuronal processes at the motoneuron, the control signals to the eye muscles that moves the eye. In contrast with previous models, that base the eye movement related motoneuron behavior on a first order linear differential equation, non-linear effects are described: A dependency on the eye angular position of the model parameters

    Monitoring and Fault Location Sensor Network for Underground Distribution Lines

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    One of the fundamental tasks of electric distribution utilities is guaranteeing a continuous supply of electricity to their customers. The primary distribution network is a critical part of these facilities because a fault in it could affect thousands of customers. However, the complexity of this network has been increased with the irruption of distributed generation, typical in a Smart Grid and which has significantly complicated some of the analyses, making it impossible to apply traditional techniques. This problem is intensified in underground lines where access is limited. As a possible solution, this paper proposes to make a deployment of a distributed sensor network along the power lines. This network proposes taking advantage of its distributed character to support new approaches of these analyses. In this sense, this paper describes the aquiculture of the proposed network (adapted to the power grid) based on nodes that use power line communication and energy harvesting techniques. In this sense, it also describes the implementation of a real prototype that has been used in some experiments to validate this technological adaptation. Additionally, beyond a simple use for monitoring, this paper also proposes the use of this approach to solve two typical distribution system operator problems, such as: fault location and failure forecasting in power cables.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Government of Spain project Sistema Inteligente Inalámbrico para Análisis y Monitorización de Líneas de Tensión Subterráneas en Smart Grids (SIIAM) TEC2013-40767-RMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Government of Spain, for the funding of the scholarship Formación de Profesorado Universitario 2016 (FPU 2016

    Fatty acid composition of muscle and internal fat depots of organic and conventional Payoya goat kids

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    Interest in the preservation of autochthonous breeds such as the Payoya goat (dairy breed), raised using extensive or semi-extensive grazing, has also recently increased among Spanish farmers. A study of the possibilities of transformation to organic production needs to analyze the quality of their products, specially the suckled kids. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fatty acid (FA) composition of Payoya goat kids under organic and conventional grazing�based management system. Forty-eight goat kids were selected (12 males and 12 females from each management system). The FA profile was determined in the Longissimus thoracis muscle, kidney and pelvic fat. Few gender differences were observed in the muscle and in the fat depots. The ratios of C14:0, C18:1 trans-11-(VA), and several n-3 FA were higher in organic kid meat than in conventionally reared kid meat. Conventional kid fat depots have presented higher percentage of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), lower CLA desaturase index, lower percentage of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty-acid (PUFA) and, consequently, higher n6:n3 PUFA ratio than organic kids. In conclusion, significant differences were found only in some FA percentages of muscle and adipose tissues of suckling kids raised in organic and conventional livestock production systems, probably due because the dams, in both experimental farms, were raised with similar semi-extensive system based on the grazing of natural pastures. Due to this reason, conventional grazing�based management farms could easily be transformed into organic production facilities

    Evaporative Mist Cooling as Heat Dissipation Technique: Experimental Assessment and Modelling

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    The severity of extreme weather conditions brought on by climate change are conditioning quality of life, economic development, and well-being in today’s cities. Conventional measures have been shown to be insu cient for tackling climate change and must be supplemented with ecofriendly approaches. Hence, the scientific community’s endeavor to develop natural cooling techniques that lower energy consumption while delivering satisfactory comfort levels. For its simplicity and low cost, evaporative cooling has gained in popularity in recent years. The substantial cooling power to be drawn from evaporative mist cooling, makes it an attractive alternative to conventional systems. Research conducted to date on the technique has focused on producing cold air, whilst cooling the water involved has been neither assessed nor experimentally validated. No readily applicable simplified model for the system able to use operating parameters as input variables has been defined either. The present study consequently aimed to experimentally assess the cooling power of the evaporation of sprayed water and experimentally validate a simplified model to assess and design such systems. The findings confirmed the cooling power of the technique, with declines in water temperature of up to 6 C, and with it the promise a orded by this natural air conditioning method. Finally, simplified model developed allows to evaluate this technique like a conventional system for producing fresh water.Urban Innovation Actions by the CartujaQanat UIA03-30

    Caracterización de Explotaciones Caprinas: Sistemas Extensivos de la Sierra Norte de Sevilla

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    Andalucía es la comunidad autónoma española con mayor censo de ganado caprino lechero. Sin embargo, por tratarse de un ganado tradicionalmente asociado a sistemas semi-extensivos, falta aun mucha información sobre el funcionami~nto de las explotaciones, que, por otro lado, son muy diversas respecto al grado de intensificación, tamaño y tipo de ordeño. Por ello, desde el Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales de la EUITA de Sevilla y en colaboración con la Federación de Asociaciones y Empresas Cooperativas Andaluzas (FAECA) se está trabajando en el conocimiento de los sistemas de caprino lechero de esta comunidad autónoma y sus posibilidades de mejora. Esta comunicación es una síntesis de la información generada en el estudio de una de las comarcas en las que se ha trabajado (Gousse, 1998), en la que predominan explotaciones con diversidad de ganado, pequeñas, de carácter semiextensivo y con ordeño manual

    Composición en ácidos grasos y contenidos de vitaminas A y E de la leche de cabra de la raza Payoya en sistemas de pastoreo arbustivo-mediterráneo

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    Apenas hay trabajos sobre el consumo de pastos arbustivo-mediterráneos y su relación con la calidad de los productos caprinos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto del nivel de pastoreo sobre la calidad de la leche de cabras de raza Payoya. Se seleccionaron 16 explotaciones situadas en la Sierra de Cádiz. De enero a mayo se realizó una monitorización para caracterizar el manejo alimenticio. Según el porcentaje de necesidades energéticas cubiertas por el pastoreo (NEP), las explotaciones se clasificaron en tres grupos: alto, medio y bajo pastoreo. Mensualmente se recogieron muestras de leche de tanque y fueron analizados la composición de ácidos grasos (AG) y los contenidos en vitaminas A (retinol) y E (α- y β+γ-tocoferol). Los porcentajes de AG deseables nutricionalmente (α-linolénico, total n-3 PUFA) fueron significativamente mayores, mientras que el índice n-6/n-3 fue menor en el grupo de pastoreo alto en comparación con el grupo de pastoreo bajo. Para el grupo de pastoreo medio estos valores fueron intermedios. Además, se obtuvo una correlación positiva entre el NEP y los contenidos de varios AG n-3 y el total de n-3 (r=0,33), mientras que se obtuvo una correlación negativa con el índice n-6/n-3 (r=-0,45). Los contenidos en los isó- meros CLA estudiados no se vieron afectados por el nivel de pastoreo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre grupos para la suma de las formas β- y γ-tocoferol, ni para el retinol. En cambio, sí ha habido diferencias significativas para el contenido de α-tocoferol (177 μg/100 g - alto pastoreo; 132 μg/100 g - medio; 93 μg/100 g - bajo). Además, existió una correlación positiva entre el NEP y el contenido de α-tocoferol (r=0.42). En conclusión, el mayor nivel de pastoreo ha tenido un efecto positivo sobre la calidad de la leche, con mayores contenidos en algunos componentes funcionales (α-tocoferol; AG n-3)Information about consumption of Mediterranean bush pastures and its relationship to the quality of goat products in Andalusia (southern Spain) is scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of grazing level on fatty acid composition and vitamins A and E contents in milk of Payoya goats. 16 farms in the Sierra de Cádiz were selected and surveyed to characterize feeding systems from January to May. According to the percentage of energy needs covered by grazing (NEP), farms were classified into three groups: high, medium and low grazing. In this period, milk samples were monthly collected from the bulk tank and analyzed for fatty acids (FA) composition and vitamin A (retinol) and E (α- and β+γ-tocopherol) contents. Contents of the nutritionally desirable FA (α-linolenic, total n-3 PUFA) were significantly higher, while the n-6:n-3 ratio was lower in the high compared with the low grazing group, and with intermediate values in the medium group. In addition, a positive correlation was found between NEP and the contents of several n-3 FA and total n-3 (r=0.33), while a negative correlation was obtained with the n-6:n-3 ratio (r=-0.45). CLA isomers contents were not affected by the grazing level. Retinol and β+γ-tocopherol contents were not affected by the grazing level, whereas α-tocopherol content was higher in the high grazing group (177 μg/100 g for high grazing; 132 for medium; 93 for low). In addition, the NEP was positively correlated with the contents of α-tocopherol (r=0.42). In conclusion, the highest level of grazing had a positive effect on the quality of milk from Payoya breed, with higher amounts of some functional components (α-tocopherol; n-3 FA)

    Does ischemic cardiomyopathy behave differently in women? A holistic approach

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    La cardiopatía isquémica es una entidad con relevancia clínica tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Sin embargo, se han apreciado diferencias en el mecanismo fisiopatológico en las mujeres que condicionan una presentación clínica, factores de riesgo y tratamientos terapéuticos que pueden variar con respecto a los del hombre. Se ha realizado una revisión narrativa que pone de manifiesto estas diferencias con el objetivo de llevar a cabo un abordaje más óptimo de la miocardiopatía isquémica en las mujeres.Ischemic heart disease is a clinically relevant entity in both men and women. However, differences have been observed in the pathophysiological mechanism in women, which determine a clinical presentation, risk factors and therapeutic treatments that may vary with respect to men. A narrative review has been carried out that reveals these differences in order to carry out a more optimal approach to ischemic cardiomyopathy in women

    Systematic Simplified Simulation Methodology for Deep Energy Retrofitting Towards Nze Targets Using Life Cycle Energy Assessment

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    The reduction of energy consumption in the residential sector presents substantial potential through the implementation of energy e ciency improvement measures. Current trends involve the use of simulation tools which obtain the buildings’ energy performance to support the development of possible solutions to help reduce energy consumption. However, simulation tools demand considerable amounts of data regarding the buildings’ geometry, construction, and frequency of use. Additionally, the measured values tend to be di erent from the estimated values obtained with the use of energy simulation programs, an issue known as the ‘performance gap’. The proposed methodology provides a solution for both of the aforementioned problems, since the amount of data needed is considerably reduced and the results are calibrated using measured values. This new approach allows to find an optimal retrofitting project by life cycle energy assessment, in terms of cost and energy savings, for individual buildings as well as several blocks of buildings. Furthermore, the potential for implementation of the methodology is proven by obtaining a comprehensive energy rehabilitation plan for a residential building. The developed methodology provides highly accurate estimates of energy savings, directly linked to the buildings’ real energy needs, reducing the di erence between the consumption measured and the predictions

    Sensory quality of meat from suckling kids of two indigenous Spanish goat breeds raised in grazing production systems

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    En España, hay un interés creciente por la conservación de las razas caprinas autóctonas con formas de producción basadas en el pastoreo y por la posibilidad de transformación en producciones ecológicas. El objetivo ha sido evaluar las características sensoriales de la carne de cabrito lechal de dos razas autóctonas, criados en sistemas de producción convencional y ecológica, basados en el pastoreo. Se utilizaron 21 cabritos lechales de los cuales 12 fueron criados en un sistema ecológico (6 de raza Payoya y 6 de raza Blanca Andaluza) y 9 en un sistema convencional (3 de raza Payoya y 6 de raza Blanca Andaluza). El perfil sensorial de la carne se evaluó mediante un panel analítico. Con relación al sistema de explotación, los resultados obtenidos indican que las carnes procedentes de sistemas ecológicos tenían menos intensidad de olor y una textura más blanda, tierna y jugosa que las carnes del sistema convencional. Respecto a la raza, el estudio mostró que las carnes de cabrito de la raza Blanca Andaluza presentaron una intensidad de olor menor y una textura más blanda, tierna y jugosa que las carnes de cabrito de la raza Payoya. Estos resultados preliminares podrían ser favorables para la transformación de las explotaciones convencionales, basadas en pastoreo, a ecológicas.In Spain, there is growing interest in the conservation of native goat breeds in grazing production systems, and the possibility of conventional farms transitioning to organic. This requires a complete understanding of the repercussions of this transition, including its effect on end product sensory quality. An evaluation was done of the sensory attributes of suckling goat meat from two indigenous Spanish breeds (Payoya and Blanca Andaluza) raised in conventional and organic grazing production systems. Of the 21 suckling kids used, 12 were raised in an organic system (6 Payoya and 6 Blanca Andaluza) and 9 in a conventional system (3 Payoya and 6 Blanca Andaluza). Meat sensory profile was evaluated by an analytical panel. The meat from kids raised in organic systems had less intensity of smell and a softer, more tender and juicier texture than meat from the conventional systems. Meat from Blanca Andaluza kids exhibited lower odor intensity and a softer, more tender and juicier texture than the Payoya kid meat. These are promising preliminary results that highlight some of the benefits resulting from the transition from conventional to organic grazing systems for goat production