3,153 research outputs found

    El valor social de la educación: entre la subjetividad y la objetividad. Consideraciones teórico-metodológicas para su evaluación.

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    En este artículo se presenta una reflexión acerca del valor social de la educación (VSE) como constructo a evaluar. Se presenta una definición del constructo VSE, que se identifica como la utilidad que tiene la educación para el bienestar personal y social. Desde esta perspectiva, en el VSE se diferencian dos tipos de acercamiento: el VSE-Objetivo (que hace referencia a la utilidad objetiva medida a través de indicadores estadísticos referidos a diversos factores que involucran la educación), y el VSE-Subjetivo (que se define como la percepción que tienen las personas acerca de la utilidad de la educación tanto para el desarrollo personal como social). Se aportan reflexiones acerca del VSE en relación a la justicia social. Se justifican los motivos del interés que puede tener el VSE y se presenta una referencia acerca de posibles indicadores e instrumentos para su evaluació

    Evaluation of two years aged Populus clones, in two microsites of the pampean region, Argentina

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    La producción de álamos en la pampa ondulada de la provincia de Buenos Aires podría constituir una actividad alternativa y/o complementaria, debido a zonas ecológicas favorables para su cultivo. En este contexto es importante conocer el comportamiento de los clones en los diversos ambientes para poder definir cuáles de ellos podrían presentar mayor estabilidad para los diferentes sitios. El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar la interacción existente entre los parámetros de crecimiento y supervivencia de 16 clones de Populus spp. en dos micrositios geomorfológicamente diferentes en la región pampeana, Argentina. Los clones en estudio provienen de cruzamientos intraespecíficos de P. deltoides e interespecíficos de P. deltoides x P. nigra (Populus x canadensis). Se plantaron en dos ensayos, uno por cada situación geomórfica: loma y bajo, y se completó con un análisis estadístico comparando los ensayos en forma individual y conjunta. Cada ensayo se instaló con un diseño de bloques completos al azar. Las variables analizadas fueron la supervivencia, la altura media y el área basal al concluir el segundo año de crecimiento. Para el sitio regional evaluado, la interacción entre los clones y los micrositios fue significativa para las variables altura y supervivencia. La mayor disponibilidad de agua en el micrositio bajo produjo mayores crecimientos clonales con diferencias significativas respecto del micrositio loma. La estabilidad de los atributos de supervivencia y crecimiento frente a los micrositios es un objetivo fundamental en las plantaciones clonales. Siendo los micrositios una realidad ambiental importante, propia como variable no controlable, la reducción de la variabilidad de respuesta ante ellos permitiría la constitución de unidades de manejo más homogéneas.Poplar production in the pampean region of the province of Buenos Aires could become an altenative and/or complementary activity, because of the ecological conditions for its cultivation. It is within this context that is important to know the behaviour of the clones in the different environments, in order to define which ones could present more stability in the different sites. The aim of this work was to study the interaction between the growth and the survival parameters of 16 clones of Populus spp., in two geomorphologycal different micro-sites, in the pampean region of Argentina. The studied clones were planted in two different essays, one for each geomorphic situation: hill and lowland. A statistic analysis was done in order to compare the essays in an individual and in a combined way. Each essay was installed with a randomized block design. The analyzed variables by the end of the second year of growth were survival, mean height and basal area. For the evaluated region, the interaction between clones and micro sites was significant for height and survival. The mayor water availability in the lowland micro-site produced mayor clone growth, with significant differences with the hill micro-site. The stability of survival and growth in the micro-sites is one of the principal objects in a clone plantation. Being the microsite a huge environmental reality, as a non controllable variable, the reduction of variability in the response, will allow the construction of more homogeneous management units.Fil: Senisterra, Gabriela E..Fil: Ducid, María G..Fil: Gaspari, Fernanda J..Fil: Delgado, María Isabel

    CCD Strömgren photometry of young reddened clusters

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    The capabilities of CCD uvby photometry for the study of reddened young clusters are investigated. Observations of four fields in the direction of the clusters Basel 1, Berkeley 86, NGC 6704, and NGC 6756, with a total of 1665 stars measured in at least the y and b bands, produce new estimates for the clusters parameters. The results are compared to those from previously published studies in different photometric systems showing good agreement in the values of color excess and distance modulus, with the exception of NGC 6756, for which an essentially larger distance is found. Furthermore, the ages estimated for this cluster, Basel 1, and NGC 6704 are found to be higher than previously assumed, in particular for the last one. The presence of red giants as cluster members is suggested in Basel 1, NGC 6704, and NGC 6756.Consejería de Educacion y Ciencia Junta de Andalucí

    Dissecting the role of NtrC and RpoN in the expression of assimilatory nitrate and nitrite reductases in Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens

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    Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens, a nitrogen- fixing endosymbiont of soybeans, is a model strain for studying rhizobial denitrification. This bacterium can also use nitrate as the sole nitrogen (N) source during aerobic growth by inducing an assimilatory nitrate reductase encoded by nasC located within the narK-bjgb-flp-nasC operon along with a nitrite reductase encoded by nirA at a different chromosomal locus. The global nitrogen two-component regulatory system NtrBC has been reported to coordinate the expression of key enzymes in nitrogen metabolism in several bacteria. In this study, we demonstrate that disruption of ntrC caused a growth defect in B. diazoefficiens cells in the presence of nitrate or nitrite as the sole N source and a decreased activity of the nitrate and nitrite reductase enzymes. Furthermore, the expression of narK-lacZor nirA-lacZ transcriptional fusions was significantly reduced in the ntrC mutant after incubation under nitrate assimilation conditions. AB. diazoefficiens rpoN 1/2 mutant, lacking both copies of the gene encoding the alternative sigma factor σ54, was also defective in aerobic growth with nitrate as the N source as well as in nitrate and nitrite reductase expression. These results demonstrate that the NtrC regulator is required for expression of the B. diazoefficiens nasC and nirA genes and that the sigma factor RpoN is also involved in this regulation.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Factores contextuales que influyen en el desempeño docente

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    En este trabajo presentamos una revisión conceptual acerca de los factores contextuales que influyen en el desempeño docente. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la influencia que estos factores tienen en la docencia y, en consecuencia, la necesidad de considerarlos para el diseño de planes de evaluación de profesorado. Se identifican cuatro niveles de contextualización de la docencia: el salón de clases, el contexto institucional (que integra el centro escolar y el sistema educativo), y dos contextos sociales (el inmediato o cercano: población a la que atiende el profesorado y el centro escolar; y el mediato o lejano: las características poblacionales ¿socioeconómicas y culturales- de la región en que se sitúa el centro escolar ¿distrito-). Se analizan las posibles influencias de cada contexto, y el tipo de indicadores que podríamos identificar para tener en cuenta la influencia del contexto en el desempeño docente. La finalidad es aportar bases para diseñar evaluaciones válidas del profesorado, en las que se asegure la justicia, la equidad y la utilidad

    Reflexiones en torno al contexto de la docencia universitaria desde un concepto de Cohesión Social : intervención educativa y evaluación = Reflections on the context of university teaching from a concept of Social Cohesion : educational intervention and evaluation

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    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de las áreas de intervención que podrían abordar las instituciones de Educación Superior, en un marco de trabajo cuyo propósito es el desarrollo de la Cohesión Social. Se unen, pues, dos conceptos que integran la acción docente: la planificación universitaria y su intervención. Este marco de trabajo permite identificar las áreas de orientación de los procesos de evaluación que podrían integrarse, ofreciendo una concepción del contexto del trabajo del docente universitario. De este modo, se revisa la definición de Cohesión Social que aporta el Consejo de Europa en 2005. En ella, se analizan posibles dimensiones que se toman como referencia para identificar procesos de intervención y necesidades de desarrollo de planes de evaluación. Se trata, pues, de un planteamiento sistémico que integra de manera holista la intervención con su evaluación. In this paper, we revise the areas of intervention that could approach the institutions of Higher Education, in a framework whose aim is the development of Social Cohesion. Two concepts that integrate the teaching action unite: the university planning and its intervention. Offering a conception of the university teaching context, this framework allows us to identify the areas of orientation of the evaluation processes that could be integrated. In this way, we revise the definition of Social Cohesion, which the Council of Europe provides in 2005. In this definition, some possible dimensions are analyzed, which are taken as reference to identify the intervention processes and the necessity of development of evaluation plans. Therefore, it's considered as a systemic proposal that integrates holistically the intervention with its evaluation

    Women with low quality of life by cervantes-short form scale choose menopausal hormone therapy.

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    Objectives The aim of the study is to assess whether women who choose to use menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) have lower quality of life (QoL) than those who do not initiate it using Cervantes short form scale (C-SF), and analyze sociodemographic factors associated with lower QoL in women. Study design A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was made in four hundred and eighty women with climacteric symptoms. Results Mean age was 51.1 years. Two hundred and sixty-one women (54.3 %) started MHT. The sample´s global mean in C-SF score was 51.3 ± 13.9. Women who choose to use MHT have higher score in C-SF (lower QoL) than women who reject it (58.7 ± 15.9 vs 46.7 ± 12.8; p 30 BMI) (52.8 ± 13.5 vs 41.0 ± 8.2; p = 0.002); with previous malignancies (56.2 ± 18.2 vs 50.2 ± 13.5; p = 0.020) and without sexual activity (58.0 ± 25.4 vs 50.4 ± 13.1; p = 0.009. No differences were found in C-SF score with respect to tobacco habits or physical activity. In the multivariate analysis, the variable independently associated to lower QoL by C-SF (high score) was to be a woman who want to initiate MHT (p = 0.004). Conclusions Women who choose to use MHT due to menopausal symptoms have lower quality of life measured by C-SF scale. Women with early menopause, with no obesity (<30 BMI), without sexual activity and with previous malignances have lower quality of life measured by C-SF scale. Women with early menopause have more psychic symptoms like nervousness, fatigue and sleep complaints by C-SF scale than women with natural menopause.pre-print726 K

    Factors influencing vegetation cover change in Mediterranean Central Chile (1975-2008)

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    Las figuras y apéndices que contiene el documento se localizan al final del mismo.Questions: Which are the factors that influence forest and shrubland loss and regeneration and their underlying drivers?\ud \ud Location: Central Chile, a world biodiversity hotspot.\ud \ud Methods: Using land-cover data from the years 1975, 1985, 1999 and 2008, we fitted classification trees and multiple logistic regression models to account for the relationship between different trajectories of vegetation change and a range of biophysical and socio-economic factors.\ud \ud Results: The variables that most consistently showed significant effects on vegetation change across all time-intervals were slope and distance to primary roads. We found that forest and shrubland loss on one side and regeneration on the other often displayed opposite patterns in relation to the different explanatory variables. Deforestation was positively related to distance to primary roads and to distance within forest edges and was favoured by a low insolation and a low slope. In turn, forest regeneration was negatively related to the distance to primary roads and positively to the distance to the nearest forest patch, insolation and slope. Shrubland loss was positively influenced by slope and distance to cities and primary roads and negatively influenced by distance to rivers. Conversely, shrubland regeneration was negatively related to slope, distance to cities and distance to primary roads and positively related to distance from existing forest patches and distance to rivers.\ud \ud Conclusions: This article reveals how biophysical and socioeconomic factors influence vegetation cover change and the underlying social, political and economical drivers. This assessment provides a basis for management decisions, considering the crucial role of perennial vegetation cover for sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services.This work was financed by the REFORLAN Project, INCO Contract CT2006-032132 (European Commission), with additional input from projects CGL2010-18312 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) and S2009AMB-1783 (Madrid Government REMEDINAL-2). We are in-\ud debted to Javier Salas and Cristian Echeverría for their input in this project. The manuscript benefited from\ud useful comments from Jorge Aubad and two anonymous\ud reviewers, who improved the contents and presentation\ud of this stud

    Promoting mental fitness in the context of active ageing policies: Comparative analysis of action programme objectives in eight countries.

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    In the context of an ageing European population there is increasing demand for policies and strategies aimed at maintaining or stimulating the cognitive abilities of older adults. Mental fitness programmes seek to maintain and promote the emotional and psychological wellbeing of older adults, enabling them to meet the demands of everyday life. Although many European countries have implemented programmes and services within a broad framework of active ageing, there are no standardised guidelines regarding how this should be done. In order to learn more about these programmes and services and provide useful information for decision making by policy makers we conducted a comparative study of the initiatives undertaken in eight different countries. Using qualitative content analysis we examined the stated objectives – in terms of attitudes, knowledge and abilities – of 116 programmes and services implemented across these countries. Overall, the results showed that ability objectives are much more common than are those focused on attitudes and knowledge. A more specific network analysis also provided information about how the sub-categories of each of the three kinds of objective are related to one another. The findings have practical implications for future planning of mental fitness programmes