2,791 research outputs found

    Negative Physical Self-Concept Is Associated to Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Negative Lifestyle and Poor Mental Health in Chilean Schoolchildren

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    Background: Evidence suggests that physical self-concept (PSC) is linked to well-being in children and adolescents. Objective: The objective was to investigate the association of PSC with mental health (i.e., depression and body image), physical status (i.e., fitness and weight status) and lifestyle (physical activity (PA) patterns and nutritional level) in Chilean schoolchildren. Methods: A total of 617 schoolchildren (n = 271 girls and n = 346 boys) aged 10–14 years participated in this study. Self-concept, depression and body image dissatisfaction were determined by questionnaires. Physical fitness, PA, screen time (ST), Mediterranean diet (MD) adherence and anthropometric parameters were also included. Results: Poor PSC was linked to bad cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) (<42 VO2max) (OR 1.64; 95%CI 1.12–2.34; p = 0.01), severe body image dissatisfaction (OR 2.51, 95%CI 0.99–6.35; p = 0.05), ST of more than two hours a day (OR 2.1; 95%CI 1.41–3.12; p < 0.001), PA after school of no more than two hours per week (OR 1.52; 95%CI 1.08–2.13; p = 0.015) and depression (OR 1.80; 95%CI 1.1–2.92; p = 0.017). High nutritional level showed an association with general PSC and general self-concept (p < 0.05). Absence of body image dissatisfaction was related to general self-concept (p < 0.01) and physical condition dimensions (p < 0.05). Conclusions: PSC is associated with CRF, PA after school, ST and nutritional level. According to mental health variables, poor PSC is related to depression in Chilean schoolchildren. Therefore, promoting a healthy lifestyle among children should be a target of community- and school-based interventions to promote PSC.Universidad de Granada/Ministerio de Universidades y Fondos Next Generation de la Union Europe

    Paleoliquefaction in the Bajo Segura basin (eastern Betic Cordillera)

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    The Bajo Segura basin, in the eastern Betic Cordillera, displays a seismic activity characterized by small-magnitude earthquakes (1.5-4.5 mb), with some occasional moderate to high-magnitude events (> 5.0 mb). These earthquakes are produced by the activity of blind faults without surface ruptures. For this reason, the detection of paleoearthquakes in the geological record is limited to indirect evidence of paleoseismicity, mainly liquefaction features. Moreover, such evidence is abundant in the historical record of the 1829 Torrevieja earthquake, in some of its aftershocks and in the 1919 Jacarilla earthquake. In this study several layers of Holocene seismites previously described in the basin were analyzed, and correlated with various radiometric 14C datings. This analysis enabled a recurrence period of approx. 1000 yr to be established for the moderate to high-magnitude earthquakes in the Bajo Segura basin.La cuenca del Bajo Segura, localizada en la Cordillera Bética oriental, tiene una actividad sísmica caracterizada principalmente por terremotos de pequeña magnitud (1.5-4.5 mb), aunque ocasionalmente han ocurrido terremotos de magnitud moderada-alta (> 5 mb). Estos terremotos están producidos por la actividad de fallas que no presentan ruptura en superficie (fallas ciegas). Por este motivo, el reconocimiento de paleoterremotos en el registro geológico se limita a las evidencias indirectas de paleosismicidad entre las que destacan las estructuras de licuefacción sísmica. Además se tiene constancia de numerosas manifestaciones de licuefacción en el terremoto histórico de Torrevieja de 1829, en alguna de sus réplicas y en el terremoto de Jacarilla de 1919. En este trabajo se han analizado varios niveles de sismitas holocenas descritos previamente en la cuenca, y se han correlacionado con varias dataciones radiométricas de 14 C . Este análisis ha permitido establecer un periodo de recurrencia de terremotos de magnitud moderada-alta en la cuenca del Bajo Segura, de aproximadamente 1000 años

    ¿Contributa Iulia Ugultunia? Intervenciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento arqueológico de "Los Cercos", en Medina de las Torres (Badajoz)

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    Romula nº 8 (2009), p. 7-31Desde el año 2007 el Instituto de Arqueología viene trabajando en el yacimiento de "Los Cercos" en el término municipal de Medina de las Torres identificado en la actualidad, por la mayor parte de los autores, como el lugar donde se localizaba Contributa Iulia Ugultunia. En este artículo pretendemos dar a conocer los primeros datos procedentes de excavaciones arqueológicas documentadas en el yacimiento, junto con una aproximación de carácter historiográfico sobre la problemática de la ubicación real de la antigua ciudad romana. En los próximos años, el yacimiento será objeto de un proyecto de investigación en el que se contempla la prospección intensiva de su territorio más cercano, la excavación arqueológica del solar y el análisis de su estructura urbana.Since 2007 the Merida Insitute of Archaeology is researching in the archaeological site of "Los Cercos", in the municipality of Medina de las Torres (Badajoz). This place is identified by most of the archaeologist as the location of the ancient city of Contributa Iulia Ugultunia. In this paper we will show preliminary results of archaeological work carried out in the site, together with a historiography state of the art regarding to the problem of the ancient Roman city location. In the future years the site will be the main focus of a research project which covers an intensive archaeological survey of its immediate territory, excavation and analysis of its urban structure.Versión del edito

    ¿Contributa Iulia Ugultunia? Intervenciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento arqueológico de "Los Cercos", en Medina de las Torers (Badajoz)

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    Desde el año 2007 el Instituto de Arqueología viene trabajando en el yacimiento de “Los Cercos” en el término municipal de Medina de las Torres identificado en la actualidad, por la mayor parte de los autores, como el lugar donde se localizaba Contributa Iulia Ugultunia. En este artículo pretendemos dar a conocer los primeros datos procedentes de excavaciones arqueológicas documentadas en el yacimiento, junto con una aproximación de carácter historiográfico sobre la problemática de la ubicación real de la antigua ciudad romana. En los próximos años, el yacimiento será objeto de un proyecto de investigación en el que se contempla la prospección intensiva de su territorio más cercano, la excavación arqueológica del solar y el análisis de su estructura urbana.------------------------------------------------------------------Since 2007 the Merida Insitute of Archaeology is researching in the archaeological site of “Los Cercos”, in the municipality of Medina de las Torres (Badajoz). This place is identified by most of the archaeologist as the location of the ancient city of Contributa Iulia Ugultunia. In this paper we will show preliminary results of archaeological work carried out in the site, together with a historiography state of the art regarding to the problem of the ancient Roman city location. In the future years the site will be the main focus of a research project which covers an intensive archaeological survey of its immediate territory, excavation and analysis of its urban structure.

    The Yield Curve as a Recession Leading Indicator. An Application for Gradient Boosting and Random Forest

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    Most representative decision-tree ensemble methods have been used to examine the variable importance of Treasury term spreads to predict US economic recessions with a balance of generating rules for US economic recession detection. A strategy is proposed for training the classifiers with Treasury term spreads data and the results are compared in order to select the best model for interpretability. We also discuss the use of SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) framework to understand US recession forecasts by analyzing feature importance. Consistently with the existing literature we find the most relevant Treasury term spreads for predicting US economic recession and a methodology for detecting relevant rules for economic recession detection. In this case, the most relevant term spread found is 3-month–6-month, which is proposed to be monitored by economic authorities. Finally, the methodology detected rules with high lift on predicting economic recession that can be used by these entities for this propose. This latter result stands in contrast to a growing body of literature demonstrating that machine learning methods are useful for interpretation comparing many alternative algorithms and we discuss the interpretation for our result and propose further research lines aligned with this work

    Yacimientos de empleo vinculados a la mejora de los niveles dotacionales

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    Producción CientíficaEstudio de los yacimientos de empleo ligados a la distribución comercial y el abastecimiento en general en el mundo rural, el transporte colectivo y a la demanda, el turismo cultural y la puesta en valor del patrimonio y las telecomunicaciones como elemento dinamizador de la economía regional. Incluye un análisis sobre la formación de la mano de obra.Geografí

    The Havana Capitol, geometry and proportion through its original plans

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    [EN] The research on the National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba, aims to study the building and its constructive solutions and materials, by means of the extensive graphic and photographic documentation preserved in the archives of the city. This documentation is a rigorous source of technical information, useful for analyzing the building in detail and understanding and dating its different construction phases. The research was developed in the city of Havana, Cuba, in the last five years in coordination with the Office of the City Historian, and it allowed creating a significant collection of plans, images and other graphic documents as a basis for future research. This article focuses on analyzing the work from its original plans (geometry and proportion, techniques of representation and graphic quality), which are a work of art by themselves, a meticulous handwork done by several Cuban architects and engineers. These documents have never seen the light until now.[ES] El objetivo de la investigación realizada en el Capitolio de La Habana se centra en estudiar el edificio, sus soluciones constructivas y materiales, en base a la extensa documentación gráfica y fotográfica existente en los diferentes archivos de la ciudad. Esta documentación constituye una fuente rigurosa de información técnica, útil para analizar en detalle el edificio y comprender y datar sus diferentes fases constructivas. La investigación ha sido desarrollada en La Habana, Cuba, durante los últimos cinco años en coordinación con la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad y ha permitido crear un archivo de planos, imágenes, y otros documentos gráficos como base de futuras investigaciones. Este artículo se centra en analizar la obra a partir de sus planos originales (geometría y proporción, técnicas de representación, calidad gráfica), que son una obra de arte en sí mismos y que nunca hasta ahora han visto la luz. Se trata de un minucioso trabajo realizado a mano por varios arquitectos e ingenieros cubanos.Mestre Martí, M.; Jiménez Delgado, A.; Ródenas López, M.; Jiménez Vicario, PM. (2018). El Capitolio de La Habana, geometría y proporción a través de sus planos originales. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):40-51. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.8859SWORD40512333DE LAS CUEVAS TORAYA, J. , (2001) . 500 years of construction in Cuba . Havana: Chavin. Servicios Gráficos y Editoriales, SLTHE ARCHITECT, (1933). No. 38. "The Capitol seen by an Architect ". The Architect, no. 38, p. 352FERNÁNDEZ, P. y Cía , (1933). The Book of the Capitol . Havana.SECRETARIAT OF PUBLIC WORKS (1931) . Inventory of non-consumable property of the Capitol. Havana: Ministry of Public Works.VEGA BOLAÑO, E., (2010). Diagnostic study of the cover of the National Capitol . Project of unpublished degree. Directors: MSc. Ing. Frank Díaz Alemán; Dr. Eng. OdalysÁlvarez Rodríguez. Havana: José Antonio Echevarría Polytechnic Higher Institute. School of Civil Engineering

    Effects of high-intensity interval training on the anthropometric profile of overweight and obese adult women

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    Introduction: Sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity in adult women have high prevalence.Objective: To determine the effects of a high intensity interval training program on the anthropometric profile of overweight or obese women.Materials and methods: 24 adult women, including 16 with overweight and 8 with obesity, between 26 and 49 years of age, were selected to participate in a two month high intensity training program (three sessions per week). Weight, height, BMI, muscle mass percentage, and fat mass and visceral fat percentages were assessed.Results: The adherent group (≥75% assistance) was composed by 16 participants, while the non-adherent group (assistance 75%), by 8 participants. No significant differences were found among both groups previous to and after the intervention (p≥0.05).The non-adherent group did not show any significant change, while the adherent group improved (p0.05) their variables of weight (p0.001), BMI (p0.001), fat mass percentage (p0.001), muscle mass percentage (p0.001) and visceral fat percentage (p=0.020) after the intervention.Conclusions: The training program improved the anthropometric profile of the participants without requiring specialized equipment or involving high costs, thus, this procedure is recommended for the treatment of malnutrition by excess in this type of population.Introducción.Existe una alta prevalencia de sedentarismo, sobrepeso y obesidad en mujeres adultas.Objetivo. Determinar los efectos de un programa de entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensidad sobre el perfil antropométrico de mujeres con sobrepeso u obesidad.Materiales y métodos. 24 mujeres adultas (16 con sobrepeso y 8 con obesidad) entre 26 y 49 años fueron reclutadas para participar en un programa de entrenamiento de alta intensidad durante dos meses (tres sesiones/semana). Se evaluó peso, talla, IMC, porcentaje de masa muscular, porcentaje de masa grasa y porcentaje de grasa visceral.Resultados. El grupo adherente (asistencia ≥75%) quedó compuesto por 16 participantes y el grupo no adherente (asistencia 75%) por ocho participantes. No existieron diferencias significativas pre y post intervención entre ambos grupos (p≥0.05). El grupo no adherente no presentó cambios importantes mientras que el grupo adherente mejoró (p0.05) las variables peso (p0.001), IMC (p0.001), porcentaje de masa grasa (p0.001), porcentaje de masa muscular (p0.001) y porcentaje de grasa visceral (p=0.020).Conclusiones. El programa de entrenamiento mejoró el perfil antropométrico de las participantes sin requerir implementos ni costos elevados para su desarrollo, por lo que es un procedimiento recomendable para el tratamiento de la malnutrición por exceso

    Effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the apnoea-hypopnoea index during sleep in children. Systematic review

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    Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) treatment is prescribed in patients with maxillary compression, achieving increases in transverse palate and nasal cavity dimensions together with an increase in the distance between the pterygoid processes. Sleep apnoea-h