139 research outputs found

    Monitoring of lactate in interstitial fluid, saliva and sweat by electrochemical biosensor: the uncertainties of biological interpretation

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    Lactate electrochemical biosensors were fabricated using Pediococcus sp lactate oxidase (E.C., an external polyurethane membrane laminate diffusion barrier and an internal ionomeric polymer barrier (sulphonated polyether ether sulphone polyether sulphone, SPEES PES). In a needle embodiment, a Pt wire working electrode was retained within stainless steel tubing serving as pseudoreference. The construct gave linearity to at least 25 mM lactate with 0.17 nA/mM lactate sensitivity. A low permeability inner membrane was also unexpectedly able to increase linearity. Responses were oxygen dependent at pO2 < 70 mmHg, irrespective of the inclusion of an external diffusion barrier membrane. Subcutaneous tissue was monitored in Sprague Dawley rats, and saliva and sweat during exercise in human subjects. The tissue sensors registered no response to intravenous Na lactate, indicating a blood-tissue lactate barrier. Salivary lactate allowed tracking of blood lactate during exercise, but lactate levels were substantially lower than those in blood (0–3.5 mM vs. 1.6–12.1 mM), with variable degrees of lactate partitioning from blood, evident both between subjects and at different exercise time points. Sweat lactate during exercise measured up to 23 mM but showed highly inconsistent change as exercise progressed. We conclude that neither tissue interstitial fluid nor sweat are usable as surrogates for blood lactate, and that major reappraisal of lactate sensor use is indicated for any extravascular monitoring strategy for lactate

    The prevalence of radiographic vertebral fractures in Mexican men

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    The prevalence of radiographically ascertained vertebral fractures in a random sample of 413 in Mexican men is 9.7% (95% CI 6.85–12.55). Increase of vertebral fracture rises with age from 2.0% in the youngest group (50–59 years) to 21.4% in the oldest group (80 years and over). This is the first population-based study of vertebral fractures in Mexican men using a standardized methodology reported in other studies. The presence of radiographic vertebral fractures increases with age. This same pattern was found in Mexican women with steady age increments, but the higher prevalence of fractures in women starts at age 70, whereas in men, the higher prevalence starts a decade later (80 years and over). The standardized prevalence per 1,000 men 50 years and over in the Mexican population for the year 2005 is 65.8 (95% CI 29.9–105.5), and it is 68.6 (95% CI 32.2–108.7) in the US population for the year 2000

    The detrimental role of angiotensin receptor agonistic autoantibodies in intrauterine growth restriction seen in preeclampsia

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    Growth-restricted fetuses are at risk for a variety of lifelong medical conditions. Preeclampsia, a life-threatening hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, is associated with fetuses who suffer from intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Recently, emerging evidence indicates that preeclamptic women harbor AT1 receptor agonistic autoantibodies (AT1-AAs) that contribute to the disease features. However, the exact role of AT1-AAs in IUGR and the underlying mechanisms have not been identified. We report that these autoantibodies are present in the cord blood of women with preeclampsia and retain the ability to activate AT1 receptors. Using an autoantibody-induced animal model of preeclampsia, we show that AT1-AAs cross the mouse placenta, enter fetal circulation, and lead to small fetuses with organ growth retardation. AT1-AAs also induce apoptosis in the placentas of pregnant mice, human villous explants, and human trophoblast cells. Finally, autoantibody-induced IUGR and placental apoptosis are diminished by either losartan or an autoantibody-neutralizing peptide. Thus, these studies identify AT1-AA as a novel causative factor of preeclampsia-associated IUGR and offer two possible underlying mechanisms: a direct detrimental effect on fetal development by crossing the placenta and entering fetal circulation, and indirectly through AT1-AA–induced placental damage. Our findings highlight AT1-AAs as important therapeutic targets

    Effect of saliva from horse fly Hybomitra bimaculata on kinetic properties of Na,K-ATPase: possible role in regulation of relaxation

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    The possible involvement of salivary gland extract (SGE) from horse flies in modifying hyperpolarization and relaxation via alterations in functional properties of sarcolemmal Na,K-ATPase in the host tissue was tested in vitro by application of various amounts of SGE from Hybomitra bimaculata

    Étude paléoanthropologique de sépultures plurielles sédunoises du Néolithique moyen : Le site du Parking des Remparts (Sion, Valais)

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    Le Néolithique moyen, en Valais, est une période qui a livré de nombreux témoins archéologiques, particulièrement au niveau des découvertes funéraires. La spécificité des nécropoles valaisannes est de recenser de nombreuses tombes individuelles, mais très peu de sépultures plurielles. Le site du Parking des Remparts (Sion) et ses quatre tombes plurielles fait exception dans ce contexte. De ce fait, étudier ces sépultures représente un enjeu important dans la compréhension des pratiques funéraires valaisannes. Ce travail repose sur deux objectifs principaux : établir les différents NMI (nombre minimum d'individus) par tombe, car il est nécessaire à la compréhension du fonctionnement de celle-ci et étudier la répartition des os à l'intérieur de la sépulture, afin de pouvoir restituer les gestes funéraires et plus particulièrement l'ordre des inhumations

    Modes d'action de molecules produisant le decouplage electrique et diffusionnel des cellules cardiaques. Effet d'anticorps diriges contre des sites definis de la proteine jonctionnelle connexine 43

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