164 research outputs found

    Functional expression of TcoAT1 reveals it to be a P1-type nucleoside transporter with no capacity for diminazene uptake

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    It has long been established that the Trypanosoma brucei TbAT1/P2 aminopurine transporter is involved in the uptake of diamidine and arsenical drugs including pentamidine, diminazene aceturate and melarsoprol. Accordingly, it was proposed that the closest Trypanosoma congolense paralogue, TcoAT1, might perform the same function in this parasite, and an apparent correlation between a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in that gene and diminazene tolerance was reported for the strains examined. Here, we report the functional cloning and expression of TcoAT1 and show that in fact it is the syntenic homologue of another T. brucei gene of the same Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter (ENT) family: TbNT10. The T. congolense genome does not seem to contain a syntenic equivalent to TbAT1. Two TcoAT1 alleles, differentiated by three independent SNPs, were expressed in the T. brucei clone B48, a TbAT1-null strain that further lacks the High Affinity Pentamidine Transporter (HAPT1); TbAT1 was also expressed as a control. The TbAT1 and TcoAT1 transporters were functional and increased sensitivity to cytotoxic nucleoside analogues. However, only TbAT1 increased sensitivity to diamidines and to cymelarsan. Uptake of [3H]-diminazene was detectable only in the B48 cells expressing TbAT1 but not TcoAT1, whereas uptake of [3H]-inosine was increased by both TcoAT1 alleles but not by TbAT1. Uptake of [3H]-adenosine was increased by all three ENT genes. We conclude that TcoAT1 is a P1-type purine nucleoside transporter and the syntenic equivalent to the previously characterised TbNT10; it does not mediate diminazene uptake and is therefore unlikely to play a role in diminazene resistance in T. congolense

    High Prevalence of Drug Resistance in Animal Trypanosomes without a History of Drug Exposure

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    Trypanosomosis is responsible for the death of 3 million heads of cattle yearly, with 50 million animals at risk in sub-Saharan Africa. DA, a commonly used drug against the disease, was marketed decades ago. Drug resistance is reported in 21 African countries. A common argument about the origin of drug resistance is the selection by the drug of rare individuals that are naturally resistant and the propagation of those individuals in the population because of the competitive advantage they have when exposed to drug. When the drug pressure decreases, the wild-type individuals regain their supremacy. The principal objective of this study was thus to estimate the prevalence of trypanosomes resistant to DA in a population that was never exposed to the drug. Our results showing a high prevalence of drug resistance in environments free of any drug pressure is thought provoking and suggests that ceasing the use of DA will not allow for a return to a DA-sensitive population of trypanosomes. Drug resistance in animal trypanosomes thus present a pattern different from what is observed with Plasmodium sp. (causative agent of malaria) where a complete stoppage in the use of the chloroquine allows for a return to drug sensitivity

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of trypanosome prevalence in tsetse flies

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    Background: The optimisation of trypanosomosis control programs warrants a good knowledge of the main vector of animal and human trypanosomes in sub-Saharan Africa, the tsetse fly. An important aspect of the tsetse fly population is its trypanosome infection prevalence, as it determines the intensity of the transmission of the parasite by the vector. We therefore conducted a systematic review of published studies documenting trypanosome infection prevalence from field surveys or from laboratory experiments under controlled conditions. Publications were screened in the Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Using the four-stage (identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion) process in the PRISMA statement the initial screened total of 605 studies were reduced to 72 studies. The microscopic examination of dissected flies (dissection method) remains the most used method to detect trypanosomes and thus constituted the main focus of this analysis. Meta-regression was performed to identify factors responsible for high trypanosome prevalence in the vectors and a random effects meta-analysis was used to report the sensitivity of molecular and serological tests using the dissection method as gold standard. Results: The overall pooled prevalence was 10.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 8.1%, 12.4%) and 31.0% (95% CI = 20. 0%, 42.0%) for the field survey and laboratory experiment data respectively. The country and the year of publication were found to be significantly factors associated with the prevalence of trypanosome infection in tsetse flies. The alternative diagnostic tools applied to dissection positive samples were characterised by low sensitivity, and no information on the specificity was available at all. Conclusion: Both temporal and spatial variation in trypanosome infection prevalence of field collected tsetse flies exists, but further investigation on real risk factors is needed how this variation can be explained. Improving the sensitivity and determining the specificity of these alternative diagnostic tools should be a priority and will allow to estimate the prevalence of trypanosome infection in tsetse flies in high-throughput

    Improved PCR-RFLP for the Detection of Diminazene Resistance in Trypanosoma congolense under Field Conditions Using Filter Papers for Sample Storage

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    Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) is caused by different species of the pro- tozoan parasite Trypanosoma and affects a wide range of domestic animals. Trypano- soma congolense is widespread in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa and is the species causing considerable losses in livestock pro- duction, often affecting the health status of humans through endangering the food supply of rural communities. It is estimated that 50 million cattle are at risk of the disease and that the direct and indirect annual losses related to AAT reach US$4.5 billion [1]

    Réseau d'EpidémioSurveillance de la Chimiorésistance aux trypanocides et aux acaricides en Afrique de l'Ouest (RESCAO)

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    Epidemiological Monitoring Network of Chemoresistance to Trypanocidal and Acaricides Drugs in West Africa (RESCAO). To better coordinate the efforts against trypanocidal and acaricides drugs resistance, the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) of Antwerp and the "Centre International de Recherche-DĂ©veloppement sur l'Elevage en zone Subhumide (CIRDES)" of Bobo Dioulasso, established in April 2009 an epidemiological surveillance network of chemoresistance to trypanocidal and acaricides drugs in Western Africa, named RESCAO. Its main objective is to contribute to the improvement of the livestock health and of the productivity of agriculture in tropical Africa, through both an efficient strategic control of trypanosomosis and tick born diseases, including a rational use of the available therapeutic drugs. RESCAO is headed by a regional steering committee based at CIRDES. This committee meets on a yearly basis to overview the on-going activities and to identify new strategies for action. Moreover, molecular analyzes performed on samples from seven West African's countries, members of RESCAO, have shown that resistance to diminazeneaceturate was widespread in Trypanosoma congolense with percentages ranging from 67.85 (19/28) for Burkina Faso to 100% (9/9) for Ghana

    Spatial distribution of Glossina sp. and Trypanosoma sp. in south-western Ethiopia

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    Background Accurate information on the distribution of the tsetse fly is of paramount importance to better control animal trypanosomosis. Entomological and parasitological surveys were conducted in the tsetse belt of south-western Ethiopia to describe the prevalence of trypanosomosis (PoT), the abundance of tsetse flies (AT) and to evaluate the association with potential risk factors. Methods The study was conducted between 2009 and 2012. The parasitological survey data were analysed by a random effects logistic regression model, whereas the entomological survey data were analysed by a Poisson regression model. The percentage of animals with trypanosomosis was regressed on the tsetse fly count using a random effects logistic regression model. Results The following six risk factors were evaluated for PoT (i) altitude: significant and inverse correlation with trypanosomosis, (ii) annual variation of PoT: no significant difference between years, (iii) regional state: compared to Benishangul-Gumuz (18.0 %), the three remaining regional states showed significantly lower PoT, (iv) river system: the PoT differed significantly between the river systems, (iv) sex: male animals (11.0 %) were more affected than females (9.0 %), and finally (vi) age at sampling: no difference between the considered classes. Observed trypanosome species were T. congolense (76.0 %), T. vivax (18.1 %), T. b. brucei (3.6 %), and mixed T. congolense/vivax (2.4 %). The first four risk factors listed above were also evaluated for AT, and all have a significant effect on AT. In the multivariable model only altitude was retained with AT decreasing with increasing altitude. Four different Glossina species were identified i.e. G. tachinoides (52.0 %), G. pallidipes (26.0 %), G.morsitans submorsitans (15.0 %) and G. fuscipes fuscipes (7.0 %). Significant differences in catches/trap/day between districts were observed for each species. No association could be found between the tsetse fly counts and trypanosomosis prevalence. Conclusions Trypanosomosis remains a constraint to livestock production in south-western Ethiopia. Four Glossina and three Trypanosoma species were observed. Altitude had a significant impact on AT and PoT. PoT is not associated with AT, which could be explained by the importance of mechanical transmission. This needs to be investigated further as it might jeopardize control strategies that target the tsetse fly population

    Development of Simplified Heterocyclic Acetogenin Analogues as Potent and Selective Trypanosoma brucei Inhibitors

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    This work was funded by the Leverhulme Trust (GJF), and the Wellcome Trust (TKS, WT 093228).Neglected tropical diseases caused by parasitic infections are an on-going and increasing concern and burden to human and animal health, having the most devastating effect on the world’s poorest countries. Building upon our previously reported triazole analogues, in this study we describe the synthesis and biological testing of other novel heterocyclic acetogenin-inspired derivatives, namely 3,5 isoxazoles, furoxans and furazans. Several of these compounds maintain low micromolar levels of inhibition against Trypanosoma brucei, whilst having no observable inhibitory effect on mammalian cells, leading to the possibility of novel lead compounds for selective treatment.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Assessment of animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) vulnerability in cattle-owning communities of sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background: Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) is one of the biggest constraints to livestock production and a threat to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. In order to optimise the allocation of resources for AAT control, decision makers need to target geographic areas where control programmes are most likely to be successful and sustainable and select control methods that will maximise the benefits obtained from resources invested. Methods: The overall approach to classifying cattle-owning communities in terms of AAT vulnerability was based on the selection of key variables collected through field surveys in five sub-Saharan Africa countries followed by a formal Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) to identify factors explaining the variations between areas. To categorise the communities in terms of AAT vulnerability profiles, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) was performed. Results: Three clusters of community vulnerability profiles were identified based on farmers’ beliefs with respect to trypanosomiasis control within the five countries studied. Cluster 1 communities, mainly identified in Cameroon, reported constant AAT burden, had large trypanosensitive (average herd size = 57) communal grazing cattle herds. Livestock (cattle and small ruminants) were reportedly the primary source of income in the majority of these cattle-owning households (87.0 %). Cluster 2 communities identified mainly in Burkina Faso and Zambia, with some Ethiopian communities had moderate herd sizes (average = 16) and some trypanotolerant breeds (31.7 %) practicing communal grazing. In these communities there were some concerns regarding the development of trypanocide resistance. Crops were the primary income source while communities in this cluster incurred some financial losses due to diminished draft power. The third cluster contained mainly Ugandan and Ethiopian communities which were mixed farmers with smaller herd sizes (average = 8). The costs spent diagnosing and treating AAT were moderate here. Conclusions: Understanding how cattle-owners are affected by AAT and their efforts to manage the disease is critical to the design of suitable locally-adapted control programmes. It is expected that the results could inform priority setting and the development of tailored recommendations for AAT control strategies

    A major genetic locus in <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i> is a determinant of host pathology

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    The progression and variation of pathology during infections can be due to components from both host or pathogen, and/or the interaction between them. The influence of host genetic variation on disease pathology during infections with trypanosomes has been well studied in recent years, but the role of parasite genetic variation has not been extensively studied. We have shown that there is parasite strain-specific variation in the level of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly in infected mice and used a forward genetic approach to identify the parasite loci that determine this variation. This approach allowed us to dissect and identify the parasite loci that determine the complex phenotypes induced by infection. Using the available trypanosome genetic map, a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) was identified on T. brucei chromosome 3 (LOD = 7.2) that accounted for approximately two thirds of the variance observed in each of two correlated phenotypes, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, in the infected mice (named &lt;i&gt;TbOrg1&lt;/i&gt;). In addition, a second locus was identified that contributed to splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and reticulocytosis (&lt;i&gt;TbOrg2&lt;/i&gt;). This is the first use of quantitative trait locus mapping in a diploid protozoan and shows that there are trypanosome genes that directly contribute to the progression of pathology during infections and, therefore, that parasite genetic variation can be a critical factor in disease outcome. The identification of parasite loci is a first step towards identifying the genes that are responsible for these important traits and shows the power of genetic analysis as a tool for dissecting complex quantitative phenotypic traits

    Structure‐based design, synthesis and biological evaluation of bis‐tetrahydropyran furan acetogenin mimics targeting the trypanosomatid F1 component of ATP synthase

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    This work was funded by the Leverhulme Trust (G.J.F.), Wellcome Trust ISSF support (G.J.F./T.K.S.) and the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 602773 [Project KINDRED] (T.K.S.).The protozoan parasites Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp. are responsible for the severely debilitating neglected Tropical diseases of African sleeping sickness, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis, respectively. As part of our ongoing programme exploring the potential of simplified analogues of the acetogenin chamuvarinin we identified the T. brucei FoF1‐ATP synthase as a target of our earlier triazole analogue series. Using computational docking studies we hypothesized that the central triazole heterocyclic spacer could be substituted for a central 2,5‐substituted furan moiety, thus diversifying the chemical framework for the generation of compounds with greater potency and/or selectivity. Here we report the design, docking, synthesis and biological evaluation of new series of trypanocidal compounds and demonstrate their on‐target inhibitory effects. Furthermore, the synthesis of furans by the modular coupling of alkyne‐ and aldehyde‐THPs to bis‐THP 1,4‐alkyne diols followed by ruthenium/xantphos‐catalysed heterocyclisation described here represents the most complex use of this method of heterocyclisation to date.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
