324 research outputs found

    Extended Spherical Collapse and the Accelerating Universe

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    The influence of the shear stress and angular momentum on the nonlinear spherical collapse model is discussed in the framework of the Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) and Λ\LambdaCDM models. By assuming that the vacuum component is not clustering within the homogeneous nonspherical overdensities, we show how the local rotation and shear affects the linear density threshold for collapse of the non-relativistic component (δc\delta_\mathrm{c}) and its virial overdensity (ΔV\Delta_\mathrm{V}). It is also found that the net effect of shear and rotation in galactic scale is responsible for higher values of the linear overdensity parameter as compared with the standard spherical collapse model (no shear and rotation).Comment: 5 pages, 2 fig

    Planetary migration in evolving planetesimals discs

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    In the current paper, we further improved the model for the migration of planets introduced in Del Popolo et al. (2001) and extended to time-dependent planetesimal accretion disks in Del Popolo and Eksi (2002). In the current study, the assumption of Del Popolo and Eksi (2002), that the surface density in planetesimals is proportional to that of gas, is released. In order to obtain the evolution of planetesimal density, we use a method developed in Stepinski and Valageas (1997) which is able to simultaneously follow the evolution of gas and solid particles for up to 10^7 yrs. Then, the disk model is coupled to migration model introduced in Del Popolo et al. (2001) in order to obtain the migration rate of the planet in the planetesimal. We find that the properties of solids known to exist in protoplanetary systems, together with reasonable density profiles for the disk, lead to a characteristic radius in the range 0.03-0.2 AU for the final semi-major axis of the giant planet.Comment: IJMP A in prin

    Improvements in the M-T relation and mass function and the measured Omega_m through clusters evolution

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    In this paper, I revisit the constraints obtained by several authors (Reichart et al. 1999; Eke et al. 1998; Henry 2000) on the estimated values of Omega_m, n and sigma_8 in the light of recent theoretical developments: 1) new theoretical mass functions (Sheth & Tormen 1999, Sheth, Mo & Tormen 1999, Del Popolo 2002b); 2) a more accurate mass-temperature relation, also determined for arbitrary Omega_m and Omega_{\Lambda} (Voit 2000, Pierpaoli et al. 2001, Del Popolo 2002a). Firstly, using the quoted improvements, I re-derive an expression for the X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF), similarly to Reichart et al. (1999), and then I get some constraints to \Omega_m and n, by using the ROSAT BCS and EMSS samples and maximum-likelihood analysis. Then I re-derive the X-ray Temperature Function (XTF), similarly to Henry (2000) and Eke et al. (1999), re-obtaining the constraints on Omega_m, n, sigma_8. Both in the case of the XLF and XTF, the changes in the mass function and M-T relation produces an increase in Omega_m of \simeq 20% and similar results in sigma_8 and n.Comment: 34 pages, 11 encapsulated figures. Accepted by Ap