1,298 research outputs found

    Radiation Influence on Edible Materials

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    Innovations in the food industry are shaped both by new technologies available and by society’s requirements. A good knowledge on the chemistry and biological role of the macro-nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and also energy and water) and micro-nutrients (minerals and vitamins) is required. Food production foundations include not only the design of the food products but also the materials, mechanics, ingredients, conversion and transformation all must be taken into consideration. Edible polymers are polymeric materials that can be easily consumed by human beings or lower animals in whole or part via the oral cavity and given harmless effect to the health. An edible polymer is originated from natural products such as polysaccharides, proteins and lipids, with the addition of plasticizers and surfactants. Radiation-processing technologies are used currently for numerous applications of commercial and economic importance, but it is an emerging application with the use of ionizing radiation to enhance properties of edible polymers such as carbohydrates or proteins. This chapter aims at supplying the state of the art about the effects of ionizing radiation on edible polymers: starch and vegetal proteins and also on gelatin that comes from animal origin

    Enseñanza estratégica en un entorno virtual : un estudio sobre la formación de tutores en educación continua /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaNos encontramos ante una época en la que la necesidad de «aprender a aprender» se hace cada vez más urgente. Esta necesidad que se ha extendido a casi todos los rincones de la actividad social como consecuencia de la velocidad de los avances científicos y tecnológicos, y la gran cantidad de información existente que producen permanentes cambios en el mundo actual. Ante este panorama, observamos una creciente demanda de formación permanente en los profesionales que se encuentran en el ejercicio de su carrera, debido a que lo que aprendieron en su formación inicial responde cada vez menos a las demandas del entorno laboral, lo que les plantea retos permanentes ante los cuales necesitan enfrentarse con éxito. Estos retos y demandas no escapan al ámbito de los educadores. De allí, el creciente número de ofertas educativas de actualización docente para mejorar su competencia académica y profesional. En este contexto, los docentes del Perú presentan grandes necesidades de formación permanente para mejorar sus condiciones profesionales y laborales. Pero, también es cierto que el acceso a programas de formación en la modalidad presencial se hace cada vez más difícil para los estudiantes adultos, que tienen que asumir otras responsabilidades personales, familiares y laborales. A ello se añade que, en el Perú, las condiciones económicas y la lejanía geográfica dificultan aún más este acceso. Ante esta situación, la Facultad de Educación de la Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú, desde hace más de quince años, apostó por la educación a distancia como una alternativa válida de formación permanente, basada principalmente en medios impresos, por resultar más accesible

    IN MEMORIAM Donald L. Shaw (February 11, 1930-January 30, 2017): Scholar, Mentor, Friend

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    In April 2006 at the annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC), Decimonónica sponsored a session honoring Donald Leslie Shaw’s broad scholarly contributions to Hispanism. It was one of five different panels organized for this renowned scholar in addition to a grand luncheon that celebrated his remarkable career and presented him Modernisms and Modernities: Studies in Honor of Donald L. Shaw, a Festschrift edited by Susan Carvalho that included her 12-page introduction, a wonderful biographical sketch of Shaw. Those of us present for these various tributes in Kentucky will never forget how visibly overwhelmed Shaw was by the multiple public gestures, to include his induction into the prestigious Orden de Don Quijote, one of the highest international honors of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. And although these various recognitions reconfirmed the huge impact Shaw had made on both Latin American and Spanish literary studies, the fact that the venue was his beloved Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, an annual “pilgrimage” he refused to miss because of its reunion with dear students, colleagues and friends, made the collective homage even more meaningful

    Taxane-containing chemotherapy in the treatment of early breast cancer patients

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    In primary breast cancer, taxane-based compared with anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy significantly reduces the relative risk of recurrence (ranging from 17% to 36%) and sometimes improves overall survival. Different dosages and schedules of anthracyclines and taxanes have been tested. Randomized studies comparing sequential versus concurrent administrations are in progress and no data about efficacy are available. However, based on a single randomized trial and on indirect comparisons, safety and tolerability seem to be better with sequential schema. A formal comparison between weekly and every 3 weeks administration of taxanes reported no substantial difference in terms of efficacy. However, taking into account a subgroup analysis of this study, and results coming from metastatic disease, the best way to give taxanes seems to be either weekly paclitaxel or docetaxel every 3 weeks. In the majority of the study, taxane efficacy seems to be independent of hormonal receptor status, i.e. active in both hormonal receptor positive and negative disease. In conclusion, taxane-based adjuvant chemotherapy is a standard option for most early breast cancer patients with node-positive disease. No sufficient and dedicated data are available in node-negative disease

    Strategic teaching in a virtual context : a study on tutor training in continuing education

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    Adult students who start a distance-studying program need to develop a strategic learning that allows them to adapt themselves to the demands of distance education and achieve their learning goals successfully. The tutor becomes a fundamental factor when it comes to facilitating these students' adaptation process to distance studying as well as the development of their strategic learning. In this article it is presented a qualitative study on the training process of a group of tutors in strategic distance teaching and learning; it is also presented the analysis of the changes generated in them regarding conceptual and strategic knowledge, both in an academic (as students in the course) and a professional (as tutors) level. Results point out that those tutors who managed to develop higher levels as strategic learners during the training course, accordingly developed a bigger conceptual knowledge and a better performance as strategic tutors

    Apresentação de textos selecionados de Preleções sobre a filosofia da religião, de G. W. F. Hegel

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    Apresentação de textos selecionados de Preleções sobre a filosofia da religião, de G. W. F. Hegel, traduzidos por Fabiana Del Mastr

    Linking Accountability and Service Delivery in a Decentralizing System: An Analysis of Human Resource Management Powers in Malawi’s Education Sector

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    While decentralization has long been considered an effective tool for improving service delivery, the theoretical benefits of this policy have not always materialized in practice. I aim to understand this gap between theory and practice by exploring the degree of human resource management (HRM) power possessed by district education officials in Malawi. I then consider how insufficient power may lead to struggles with accountability and service delivery. Through semi-structured interviews and a survey, I probe the experiences of district education officials, who are tasked with managing teachers within their district. I contextualize district officials’ perceptions of HRM power with interviews from key informants working in the central government. Through thematic analysis, I identify four moments in the HRM system where decision-making power is perceived to be essential: hiring, disciplining, dismissing, and promoting. I name these moments ‘Inflection Points for Better Service Delivery,’ and adapt Bossert’s (1998) “decision space” model as an analytical framework to assess whether officials have narrow, moderate, or wide decision-making power at each of these crucial moments. I conclude that participants largely perceive power at each inflection point to be insufficient for holding teachers accountable, which negatively impacts service delivery outputs in the classroom. Despite these challenges, however, I find that respondents are hopeful about the future of decentralization. While they acknowledge that the process is slow and that there are barriers to overcome, they are equally positive about achieving a future in which they might have the power to enforce better service delivery for the citizens of Malawi.Bachelor of Art


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    Este artigo propõe analisar A transcendência do ego em dois movimentos. Tem-se por objetivo, primeiramente, circunscrever a influência da fenomenologia husserliana sobre as premissas da obra. Para tanto, faz-se necessário uma exposição anterior, que delineie os conceitos da filosofia de Husserl que foram absorvidos por Sartre. Em seguida, o artigo pretende investigar por quais razões o desenvolvimento da obra produz acentos discordantes e distanciamentos importantes entre os dois filósofos. Por fim, como consequência deste segundo movimento, espera-se que ao fim do artigo se tenha explicitado o caráter prático (ou já existencial) da fundamentação da fenomenologia sartreana

    Reply to V. Turan et al

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