167 research outputs found

    Downlink beamforming concepts in UTRA FDD

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    This article gives a comparison of beamforming concepts. Adaptive beamforming and fixed beam switching in WCDMA-FDD-mode are compared from a system level perspective, ordinary sectorization (three 120° sectors) serves as a basis for comparison. Pilot channels P-CPICH (Primary Common Pilot Channel) and S-CPICH (Secondary CPICH) are considered as additional interference. For adaptive beamforming channel estimation has to be based on the pilot bit sequence on DPCCH (Dedicated Physical Control Channel) which leads to degradation especially for high mobile velocities and large angular dispersions of the multipath channel

    Resonance-like piezoelectric electron-phonon interaction in layered structures

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    We show that mismatch of the piezoelectric parameters between layers of multiple-quantum well structures leads to modification of the electron-phonon interaction. In particular, short-wavelength phonons propagating perpendicular to the layers with wavevector close to 2πn/d2\pi n/d, where dd is the period of the structure, induce a strong smoothly-varying component of the piezo-potential. As a result, they interact efficiently with 2D electrons. It is shown, that this property leads to emission of collimated quasi-monochromatic beams of high-frequency acoustic phonons from hot electrons in multiple-quantum well structures. We argue that this effect is responsible for the recently reported monochromatic transverse phonon emission from optically excited GaAs/AlAs superlattices, and provide additional experimental evidences of this.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Phonon Bloch oscillations in acoustic-cavity structures

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    We describe a semiconductor multilayer structure based in acoustic phonon cavities and achievable with MBE technology, designed to display acoustic phonon Bloch oscillations. We show that forward and backscattering Raman spectra give a direct measure of the created phononic Wannier-Stark ladder. We also discuss the use of femtosecond laser impulsions for the generation and direct probe of the induced phonon Bloch oscillations. We propose a gedanken experiment based in an integrated phonon source-structure-detector device, and we present calculations of pump and probe time dependent optical reflectivity that evidence temporal beatings in agreement with the Wannier-Stark ladder energy splitting.Comment: PDF file including 4 figure

    Lifetimes of Confined Acoustic Phonons in Ultra-Thin Silicon Membranes

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    We study the relaxation of coherent acoustic phonon modes with frequencies up to 500 GHz in ultra-thin free-standing silicon membranes. Using an ultrafast pump-probe technique of asynchronous optical sampling, we observe that the decay time of the first-order dilatational mode decreases significantly from \sim 4.7 ns to 5 ps with decreasing membrane thickness from \sim 194 to 8 nm. The experimental results are compared with theories considering both intrinsic phonon-phonon interactions and extrinsic surface roughness scattering including a wavelength-dependent specularity. Our results provide insight to understand some of the limits of nanomechanical resonators and thermal transport in nanostructures

    Observation of Surface-Avoiding Waves: A New Class of Extended States in Periodic Media

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    Coherent time-domain optical experiments on GaAs-AlAs superlattices reveal the exis-tence of an unusually long-lived acoustic mode at ~ 0.6 THz, which couples weakly to the environment by evading the sample boundaries. Classical as well as quantum states that steer clear of surfaces are generally shown to occur in the spectrum of periodic struc-tures, for most boundary conditions. These surface-avoiding waves are associated with frequencies outside forbidden gaps and wavevectors in the vicinity of the center and edge of the Brillouin zone. Possible consequences for surface science and resonant cavity ap-plications are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Ultrafast dynamics of coherent optical phonons and nonequilibrium electrons in transition metals

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    The femtosecond optical pump-probe technique was used to study dynamics of photoexcited electrons and coherent optical phonons in transition metals Zn and Cd as a function of temperature and excitation level. The optical response in time domain is well fitted by linear combination of a damped harmonic oscillation because of excitation of coherent E2gE_{2g} phonon and a subpicosecond transient response due to electron-phonon thermalization. The electron-phonon thermalization time monotonically increases with temperature, consistent with the thermomodulation scenario, where at high temperatures the system can be well explained by the two-temperature model, while below \approx 50 K the nonthermal electron model needs to be applied. As the lattice temperature increases, the damping of the coherent E2gE_{2g} phonon increases, while the amplitudes of both fast electronic response and the coherent E2gE_{2g} phonon decrease. The temperature dependence of the damping of the E2gE_{2g} phonon indicates that population decay of the coherent optical phonon due to anharmonic phonon-phonon coupling dominates the decay process. We present a model that accounts for the observed temperature dependence of the amplitude assuming the photoinduced absorption mechanism, where the signal amplitude is proportional to the photoinduced change in the quasiparticle density. The result that the amplitude of the E2gE_{2g} phonon follows the temperature dependence of the amplitude of the fast electronic transient indicates that under the resonant condition both electronic and phononic responses are proportional to the change in the dielectric function.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Sub-harmonic resonant excitation of confined acoustic modes at GHz frequencies with a high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser

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    We propose sub-harmonic resonant optical excitation with femtosecond lasers as a new method for the characterization of phononic and nanomechanical systems in the gigahertz to terahertz frequency range. This method is applied for the investigation of confined acoustic modes in a free-standing semiconductor membrane. By tuning the repetition rate of a femtosecond laser through a sub-harmonic of a mechanical resonance we amplify the mechanical amplitude, directly measure the linewidth with megahertz resolution, infer the lifetime of the coherently excited vibrational states, accurately determine the system's quality factor, and determine the amplitude of the mechanical motion with femtometer resolution

    Effects of impurity scattering on electron-phonon resonances in semiconductor superlattice high-field transport

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    A non-equilibrium Green's function method is applied to model high-field quantum transport and electron-phonon resonances in semiconductor superlattices. The field-dependent density of states for elastic (impurity) scattering is found non-perturbatively in an approach which can be applied to both high and low electric fields. I-V curves, and specifically electron-phonon resonances, are calculated by treating the inelastic (LO phonon) scattering perturbatively. Calculations show how strong impurity scattering suppresses the electron-phonon resonance peaks in I-V curves, and their detailed sensitivity to the size, strength and concentration of impurities.Comment: 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Vectorial Control of Magnetization by Light

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    Coherent light-matter interactions have recently extended their applications to the ultrafast control of magnetization in solids. An important but unrealized technique is the manipulation of magnetization vector motion to make it follow an arbitrarily designed multi-dimensional trajectory. Furthermore, for its realization, the phase and amplitude of degenerate modes need to be steered independently. A promising method is to employ Raman-type nonlinear optical processes induced by femtosecond laser pulses, where magnetic oscillations are induced impulsively with a controlled initial phase and an azimuthal angle that follows well defined selection rules determined by the materials' symmetries. Here, we emphasize the fact that temporal variation of the polarization angle of the laser pulses enables us to distinguish between the two degenerate modes. A full manipulation of two-dimensional magnetic oscillations is demonstrated in antiferromagnetic NiO by employing a pair of polarization-twisted optical pulses. These results have lead to a new concept of vectorial control of magnetization by light