5 research outputs found

    INTRANS - A method to analyze transitions in socio-technical systems in order to support strategic decision making at key stakeholders

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    Technology, Policy and ManagementEngineering, Systems and ServicesSystems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management (SEPAM

    pmTR database: Population matched (pm) germline allelic variants of T-cell receptor (TR) loci

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    The IMGT database profiles the TR germline alleles for all four TR loci (TRA, TRB, TRG and TRD), however, it does not comprise of the information regarding population specificity and allelic frequencies of these germline alleles. The specificity of allelic variants to different human populations can, however, be a rich source of information when studying the genetic basis of population-specific immune responses in disease and in vaccination. Therefore, we meticulously identified true germline alleles enriched with complete TR allele sequences and their frequencies across 26 different human populations, profiled by “1000 Genomes data”. We identified 205 TRAV, 249 TRBV, 16 TRGV and 5 TRDV germline alleles supported by at least four haplotypes. The diversity of germline allelic variants in the TR loci is the highest in Africans, while the majority of the Non-African alleles are specific to the Asian populations, suggesting a diverse profile of TR germline alleles in different human populations. Interestingly, the alleles in the IMGT database are frequent and common across all five super-populations. We believe that this new set of germline TR sequences represents a valuable new resource which we have made available through the new population-matched TR (pmTR) database, accessible via https://pmtrig.lumc.nl/.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Efficacy assessment of newly-designed filtering facemasks during the sars-cov-2 pandemic

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic resulted in shortages of production and test capacity of FFP2-respirators. Such facemasks are required to be worn by healthcare professionals when performing aerosol-generating procedures on COVID-19 patients. In response to the high demand and short supply, we designed three models of facemasks that are suitable for local production. As these facemasks should meet the requirements of an FFP2-certified facemask, the newly-designed facemasks were tested on the filtration efficiency of the filter material, inward leakage, and breathing resistance with custom-made experimental setups. In these tests, the facemasks were benchmarked against a commercial FFP2 facemask. The filtration efficiency of the facemask’s filter material was also tested with coronavirus-loaded aerosols under physiologically relevant conditions. This multidisciplinary effort resulted in the design and production of facemasks that meet the FFP2 requirements, and which can be produced at local production facilities.Mechatronic Systems DesignPrecision and Microsystems EngineeringMedical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    Opto-electronic feedback control of membrane potential for real-time control of action potentials

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    To unlock new research possibilities by acquiring control of action potential (AP) morphologies in excitable cells, we developed an opto-electronic feedback loop-based system integrating cellular electrophysiology, real-time computing, and optogenetic approaches and applied it to monolayers of heart muscle cells. This allowed accurate restoration and preservation of cardiac AP morphologies in the presence of electrical perturbations of different origin in an unsupervised, self-regulatory manner, without any prior knowledge of the disturbance. Moreover, arbitrary AP waveforms could be enforced onto these cells. Collectively, these results set the stage for the refinement and application of opto-electronic control systems to enable in-depth investigation into the regulatory role of membrane potential in health and disease.Electronic Components, Technology and Material