7 research outputs found

    Mean Electric Field of Dielectric Nanoparticle

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    The nanoscale effect of the formation of an electric field near the surface of a dielectric nanoparticle is discussed within the framework of the proposed model based on the reconstruction of the crystal surface, including the splitting of the surface atomic layer into two parallel sublayers consisting of atoms with only positive or only negative effective static electric charges, respectively. The mean electric field potential and strength are obtained depending on the distance from the surface and the numerical values of their parameters for hexagonal boron nitride are estimated

    Nanopowder Boron Compounds Doped with Ferromagnetic Clusters for BNCT

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    Study examines the problem of development of novel nanomaterials serving for boron 10B isotope delivery agents in Boron-Neutron-Capture-Therapy (BNCT). For this purpose, there is done a mini-review on Nano powder boron compounds especially prospective for BNCT; magnetic Nano carriers of the therapeutically active agents in general, delivery of which can be controlled by using of an external magnetic field; as well as methods of synthesis of nanocomposites comprising components of both kinds. Based on recent literature analysis, boron nitride and boron carbide Nano powders doped with ferromagnetic iron oxide nanoclusters are recommended for BNCT as effective delivery agents with good biocompatibility

    Оцінка атомного заряду в нітридах бору

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    Boron nitrides (BN) are compounds with bonds of covalent–ionic type. Therefore, binding polarity is an important characteristic affecting their physical properties. Dependencies of measurable parameters on static effective charges of constituent atoms are so complex that, these are virtually undetectable experimentally. As for the theoretically obtained atomic charges in boron nitrides, they are characterized by a significant scatter making them almost unreliable. The general reason for this lies in the impossibility of unambiguous division of the electron density between atoms of elements. It pushes the search for a semiempirical solution of the problem.We have derived the expression for the effective charge number  in a binary compound (effective charges of B and N atoms should be  and , respectively) depending on number of molecules  in primitive parallelogram, its sectional area  transverse to the external electric field direction, Young’s modulus  and permittivity  in same direction. Semiempirically estimated values of  (in - and -directions) are physically reasonable: hexagonal h-BN – 0.35 and 0.09, cubic c-BN – 0.49, and wurtzite-like w-BN boron nitrides – 0.76 and 0.50.Also quite natural are qualitative conclusions: in h-BN intra-layer bonds polarity is much stronger than that between hexagonal layers; bonds are stronger polarized in denser modifications c-BN and w-BN, which are characterized by higher coordination numbers as well; bonds polarities in c-BN and along -axis in w-BN are almost indistinguishable; and bonds polarities in - and -directions in w-BN are different.Obtained static charges can be used in the refinement of the BN electron structure calculations.Для бинарных соединений выведено выражение эффективных зарядов, зависящее от числа молекул в элементарном параллелограме, площади его сечения поперек внешнему полю, модули Юнга и диэлектрической проницаемости. Для нитридов бора были получены следующие полуэмпирические оценки: h-BN – 0.35 и 0.09, c-BN – 0.49, и w-BN – 0.76 и 0.50.Для бінарних сполук виведено вираз ефективних зарядів, залежних від числа молекул в елементарній паралелограмі, площі його перетину поперек зовнішньому полю, модулі Юнга і діелектричній проникності. Для нітридів бору були отримані наступні напівемпіричні оцінки: h-BN – 0.35 і 0.09, c-BN – 0.49, і w-BN – 0.76 і 0.50

    Оцінка атомного заряду в нітридах бору

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    Boron nitrides (BN) are compounds with bonds of covalent–ionic type. Therefore, binding polarity is an important characteristic affecting their physical properties. Dependencies of measurable parameters on static effective charges of constituent atoms are so complex that, these are virtually undetectable experimentally. As for the theoretically obtained atomic charges in boron nitrides, they are characterized by a significant scatter making them almost unreliable. The general reason for this lies in the impossibility of unambiguous division of the electron density between atoms of elements. It pushes the search for a semiempirical solution of the problem.We have derived the expression for the effective charge number  in a binary compound (effective charges of B and N atoms should be  and , respectively) depending on number of molecules  in primitive parallelogram, its sectional area  transverse to the external electric field direction, Young’s modulus  and permittivity  in same direction. Semiempirically estimated values of  (in - and -directions) are physically reasonable: hexagonal h-BN – 0.35 and 0.09, cubic c-BN – 0.49, and wurtzite-like w-BN boron nitrides – 0.76 and 0.50.Also quite natural are qualitative conclusions: in h-BN intra-layer bonds polarity is much stronger than that between hexagonal layers; bonds are stronger polarized in denser modifications c-BN and w-BN, which are characterized by higher coordination numbers as well; bonds polarities in c-BN and along -axis in w-BN are almost indistinguishable; and bonds polarities in - and -directions in w-BN are different.Obtained static charges can be used in the refinement of the BN electron structure calculations.Для бинарных соединений выведено выражение эффективных зарядов, зависящее от числа молекул в элементарном параллелограме, площади его сечения поперек внешнему полю, модули Юнга и диэлектрической проницаемости. Для нитридов бора были получены следующие полуэмпирические оценки: h-BN – 0.35 и 0.09, c-BN – 0.49, и w-BN – 0.76 и 0.50.Для бінарних сполук виведено вираз ефективних зарядів, залежних від числа молекул в елементарній паралелограмі, площі його перетину поперек зовнішньому полю, модулі Юнга і діелектричній проникності. Для нітридів бору були отримані наступні напівемпіричні оцінки: h-BN – 0.35 і 0.09, c-BN – 0.49, і w-BN – 0.76 і 0.50

    Роль бора у формуванні вторинних радіаційних дефектів в кремнії

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    Influence of boron impurities on electron-transport in crystalline silicon is well known because p-Si – basic semiconducting material of the modern microelectronics – usually is obtained by doping with B. It is too important to understand the mechanism interaction of B dopants with radiation defects in silicon to (i) develop effective radiation treatment technologies for electronic devices and integrated circuits, (ii) improve their radiation resistance, and (iii) design effective solid-state radiation sensors and detectors.Based on authors’ previous works the role of B-impurities in formation of secondary radiation defects in Si crystals is investigated. Dependences of these processes on isochronous annealing temperature (80–600 °C) are studied by using the Hall measurements of temperature-dependencies (100–300 K) of holes’ concentration and mobility in silicon before and after irradiation with 8 MeV electrons at the dose of 5∙1015 cm–2. Two main conclusions are made: boron atoms in silicon crystals (i) serve as extremely active sinks of radiation defects, and (ii) participate in space-charge-screening of the relatively high-conductive inclusions in form of clusters of radiation defects.Основываясь на прежние работы авторов исследована роль примесей бора (B) в формировании вторичных радиационных дефектов в кристаллах кремния (Si). Зависимости этих процессов от температуры изохронного отжига (в интервале 80–600 °C) изучены с использованием холловских измерений температурных зависимостей (в интервале 100–300 К) концентрации и подвижности дырок в кремний до и после облучения электронами с энергией около 8 МэВ при дозе 5∙1015 см–2.Ґрунтуючись на колишні роботи авторів, досліджено роль домішок бору (B) у формуванні вторинних радіаційних дефектів в кристалах кремнію (Si). Залежності цих процесів від температури ізохронного відпалу (в інтервалі 80-600 °C) вивчені з використанням холлівських вимірювань температурних залежностей (в інтервалі 100-300 К) концентрації і рухливості дірок в кремній до і після опромінення електронами з енергією близько 8 МэВ при дозі 5∙1015 см–2

    Роль бора у формуванні вторинних радіаційних дефектів в кремнії

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    Influence of boron impurities on electron-transport in crystalline silicon is well known because p-Si – basic semiconducting material of the modern microelectronics – usually is obtained by doping with B. It is too important to understand the mechanism interaction of B dopants with radiation defects in silicon to (i) develop effective radiation treatment technologies for electronic devices and integrated circuits, (ii) improve their radiation resistance, and (iii) design effective solid-state radiation sensors and detectors.Based on authors’ previous works the role of B-impurities in formation of secondary radiation defects in Si crystals is investigated. Dependences of these processes on isochronous annealing temperature (80–600 °C) are studied by using the Hall measurements of temperature-dependencies (100–300 K) of holes’ concentration and mobility in silicon before and after irradiation with 8 MeV electrons at the dose of 5∙1015 cm–2. Two main conclusions are made: boron atoms in silicon crystals (i) serve as extremely active sinks of radiation defects, and (ii) participate in space-charge-screening of the relatively high-conductive inclusions in form of clusters of radiation defects.Основываясь на прежние работы авторов исследована роль примесей бора (B) в формировании вторичных радиационных дефектов в кристаллах кремния (Si). Зависимости этих процессов от температуры изохронного отжига (в интервале 80–600 °C) изучены с использованием холловских измерений температурных зависимостей (в интервале 100–300 К) концентрации и подвижности дырок в кремний до и после облучения электронами с энергией около 8 МэВ при дозе 5∙1015 см–2.Ґрунтуючись на колишні роботи авторів, досліджено роль домішок бору (B) у формуванні вторинних радіаційних дефектів в кристалах кремнію (Si). Залежності цих процесів від температури ізохронного відпалу (в інтервалі 80-600 °C) вивчені з використанням холлівських вимірювань температурних залежностей (в інтервалі 100-300 К) концентрації і рухливості дірок в кремній до і після опромінення електронами з енергією близько 8 МэВ при дозі 5∙1015 см–2