9 research outputs found

    Sero-prevalence of West Nile virus in urban and peri-urban poultry farms of Guwahati, India

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    West Nile virus (WNV) is a zoonotic, emerging mosquito-borne virus which can cause severe disease in the form of encephalitis and acute flaccid paralysis in humans. In Assam, northeast India, arboviruses seem to be re-emerging, however, WNV has been little studied. The present investigation was carried out from April, 2018 to March, 2019 to study sero-positivity of WNV in chicken in urban and peri-urban areas of Guwahati, the capital city of Assam. Four urban and four peri-urban areas of Guwahati were selected. A total of 864 chicken serum samples (72 samples per month) were screened by ELISA and further confirmed by haemagglutination inhibition (HI), which revealed that 3.13% of the chickens had been exposed to WNV, with 0.69% sero-positivity in urban areas compared to 5.56% in peri-urban. Peak sero-prevalence of WNV were reported during the month of July and August with 8.33% each with lowest sero-prevalence being recorded in November (1.39%) and no sero-positive birds from December to April. These results indicate that WNV is one of the actively circulating flaviviruses in Assam, and human febrile and encephalitic cases should be screened for the disease

    Protein arginylation regulates cellular stress response by stabilizing HSP70 and HSP40 transcripts

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    Svrha rada bila je otkriti što turiste privlači u Hrvatsku, saznati koji faktori utječu na njihov dolazak, zašto se isti turisti vraćaju, te što je moguće učiniti kako bi oni bili još zadovoljniji. U istraživanju su korištene su: deskriptivna metoda, metode analize i sinteze, metoda indukcije i dedukcije te komparacije. U okviru anketnog upitnika ispitane su osnovne kategorije kao što su zadovoljstvo gastronomijom, ljepote kulturnih znamenitosti, čistoća plaža te ostalo. Na zadovoljstvo turista Hrvatskom kao turističkom destinacijom utječu i motivi njihova dolaska koji se znatno razlikuju. Povoljne cijene i pristupačnost domaćina u budućnosti neće biti dovoljna stavka za dolazak novih turista. Stoga je nužno poboljšati ponudu, sniziti cijene te turistima pružiti pravi omjer cijene i kvalitete. Iz dobivenih rezultata anketnog upitnika, moguće je zaključiti da je u svakoj ponuđenoj kategoriji u turizmu potrebno daljnje unapređenje, pri čemu je to u nekim područjima izraženije.Možemo zaključiti da je percepcija turista o Hrvatskoj kao turističkoj destinaciji kategorija koja itekako ostavlja mjesta za napredak

    Natural pigment betacyanin as tracking dye for gel electrophoresis

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    Several dyes including bromophenol blue are used as tracking dye in gel electrophoresis. The stability of betacyanin extracted from spinach vine fruit (Basella rubra L.) was studied in relation to degradative factors such as pH ranging from 2 to 12 and at 100ºC. Betacyanin pigment was found to be stable at pH range 3-8 while the stability of the pigment at high temperature was found to be moderate. The effectiveness of betacyanin as a tracking dye was checked along with the bromophenol blue for agarose gel electrophoresis. The present study revealed that betacyanin from spinach fruit can be a potential alternative to conventional dye like bromophenol blue used in the loading dye preparation for agarose gel electrophoresis

    Natural pigment betacyanin as tracking dye for gel electrophoresis

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    23-26Several dyes including bromophenol blue are used as tracking dye in gel electrophoresis. The<span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-IN;mso-fareast-language:EN-IN"> stability of betacyanin extracted from spinach vine fruit (Basella rubra L.) was studied in relation to degradative factors such as pH ranging from 2 to 12 and at 100ºC. Betacyanin pigment was found to be stable at pH range 3-8 while the stability of the pigment at high temperature was found to be moderate. The effectiveness of betacyanin as a tracking dye was checked along with the bromophenol blue for agarose gel electrophoresis. The present study revealed that betacyanin from spinach fruit can be a potential alternative to conventional dye like bromophenol blue used in the loading dye preparation for agarose gel electrophoresis. </span