284 research outputs found

    Estimation in semi-parametric regression with non-stationary regressors

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    In this paper, we consider a partially linear model of the form Yt=Xtτθ0+g(Vt)+ϵtY_t=X_t^{\tau}\theta_0+g(V_t)+\epsilon_t, t=1,...,nt=1,...,n, where {Vt}\{V_t\} is a β\beta null recurrent Markov chain, {Xt}\{X_t\} is a sequence of either strictly stationary or non-stationary regressors and {ϵt}\{\epsilon_t\} is a stationary sequence. We propose to estimate both θ0\theta_0 and g()g(\cdot) by a semi-parametric least-squares (SLS) estimation method. Under certain conditions, we then show that the proposed SLS estimator of θ0\theta_0 is still asymptotically normal with the same rate as for the case of stationary time series. In addition, we also establish an asymptotic distribution for the nonparametric estimator of the function g()g(\cdot). Some numerical examples are provided to show that our theory and estimation method work well in practice.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ344 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Estimation in Partially Linear Single-Index Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects

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    In this paper, we consider semiparametric estimation in a partially linear single-index panel data model with fixed effects. Without taking the difference explicitly, we propose using a semiparametric minimum average variance estimation (SMAVE) based on a dummy-variable method to remove the fixed effects and obtain consistent estimators for both the parameters and the unknown link function. As both the cross section size and the time series length tend to infinity, we not only establish an asymptotically normal distribution for the estimators of the parameters in the single index and the linear component of the model, but also obtain an asymptotically normal distribution for the nonparametric local linear estimator of the unknown link function. The asymptotically normal distributions of the proposed estimators are similar to those obtained in the random effects case. In addition, we study several partially linear single-index dynamic panel data models. The methods and results are augmented by simulation studies and illustrated by an application to a cigarette-demand data set in the US from 1963-1992Fixed effects, local linear smoothing, panel data, semiparametric estimation, single-index models

    Estimation in Single-Index Panel Data Models with Heterogeneous Link Functions

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    In this paper, we study semiparametric estimation for a single-index panel data model where the nonlinear link function varies among the individuals. We propose using the refined minimum average variance estimation method to estimate the parameter in the single-index. As the cross-section dimension N and the time series dimension T tend to infinity simultaneously, we establish asymptotic distributions for the proposed estimator. In addition, we provide a real-data example to illustrate the finite sample behaviour of the proposed estimation method.Asymptotic distribution; local linear smoother; minimum average variance estimation; panel data; semiparametric estimation; single-index models.

    Uniform Consistency for Nonparametric Estimators in Null Recurrent Time Series

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    This paper establishes several results for uniform convergence of nonparametric kernel density and regression estimates for the case where the time series regressors concerned are nonstationary null–recurrent Markov chains. Under suitable conditions, certain rates of convergence are also established for these estimates. Our results can be viewed as an extension of some well–known uniform consistency results for the stationary time series to the nonstationary time series case.beta–null recurrent Markov chain; nonparametric estimation; rate of convergence, uniform consistency

    Semiparametric Trending Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Dependence

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    A semiparametric fixed effects model is introduced to describe the nonlinear trending phenomenon in panel data analysis and it allows for the cross-sectional dependence in both the regressors and the residuals. A semiparametric profile likelihood approach based on the first-stage local linear fitting is developed to estimate both the parameter vector and the time trend function.cross-sectional dependence, nonlinear time trend, panel data, profile likelihood, semiparametric regression

    Semiparametric Regression Estimation in Null Recurrent Nonlinear Time Series

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    Estimation theory in a nonstationary environment has been very popular in recent years. Existing studies focus on nonstationarity in parametric linear, parametric nonlinear and nonparametric nonlinear models. In this paper, we consider a partially linear model and propose to estimate both alpha and g semiparametrically. We then show that the proposed estimator of alpha is still asymptotically normal with the same rate as for the case of stationary time series. We also establish the asymptotic normality for the nonparametric estimator of the function g and the uniform consistency of the nonparametric estimator. The simulated example is given to show that our theory and method work well in practice.asymptotic normality; beta-null recurrent Markov chain; consistency; kernel estimator; partially linear model

    Estimation in Single-Index Panel Data Models with Heterogeneous Link Functions

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    In this paper, we study semiparametric estimation for a single-index panel data model where the nonlinear link function varies among the individuals. We propose using the so-called refined minimum average variance estimation based on a local linear smoothing method to estimate both the parameters in the single-index and the average link function. As the cross-section dimension N and the time series dimension T tend to infinity simultaneously, we establish asymptotic distributions for the proposed parametric and nonparametric estimates. In addition, we provide two real-data examples to illustrate the nite sample behavior of the proposed estimation method.asymptotic distribution, local linear smoother, minimum average variance estimation, panel data, semiparametric estimation, single-index models

    Uniform Consistency for Nonparametric Estimators in Null Recurrent Time Series

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    This paper establishes a suite of uniform consistency results for nonparametric kernel density and regression estimators when the time series regressors concerned are nonstationary null-recurrent Markov chains. Under suitable conditions, certain rates of convergence are also obtained for the proposed estimators. Our results can be viewed as an extension of some well-known uniform consistency results for the stationary time series case to the nonstationary time series case.β-null recurrent Markov chain, nonparametric estimation, rate of convergence, uniform consistency

    Local Linear Fitting Under Near Epoch Dependence: Uniform consistency with Convergence Rates

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    Local linear fitting is a popular nonparametric method in statistical and econometric modelling. Lu and Linton (2007) established the pointwise asymptotic distribution for the local linear estimator of a nonparametric regression function under the condition of near epoch dependence. In this paper, we further investigate the uniform consistency of this estimator. The uniform strong and weak consistencies with convergence rates for the local linear fitting are established under mild conditions. Furthermore, general results regarding uniform convergence rates for nonparametric kernel-based estimators are provided. The results of this paper will be of wide potential interest in time series semiparametric modelling.α-mixing, local linear fitting, near epoch dependence, convergence rates, uniform consistency

    Semiparametric GEE analysis in partially linear single-index models for longitudinal data

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    In this article, we study a partially linear single-index model for longitudinal data under a general framework which includes both the sparse and dense longitudinal data cases. A semiparametric estimation method based on a combination of the local linear smoothing and generalized estimation equations (GEE) is introduced to estimate the two parameter vectors as well as the unknown link function. Under some mild conditions, we derive the asymptotic properties of the proposed parametric and nonparametric estimators in different scenarios, from which we find that the convergence rates and asymptotic variances of the proposed estimators for sparse longitudinal data would be substantially different from those for dense longitudinal data. We also discuss the estimation of the covariance (or weight) matrices involved in the semiparametric GEE method. Furthermore, we provide some numerical studies including Monte Carlo simulation and an empirical application to illustrate our methodology and theory.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOS1320 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org