9 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Determinants of institutional birth among women in rural Nepal: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study
Institutional Birth Survey_Pre-Surgical Expansion_Eng,Nep (PDF 257Â kb
ARI Hospital Rates Versus CHW Reported Rates.
<p>ARI Hospital Rates Versus CHW Reported Rates.</p
Scatter plot of hospital diarrhea rate per 1,000 people against community health diarrhea rate per 1,000 people.
<p>Scatter plot of hospital diarrhea rate per 1,000 people against community health diarrhea rate per 1,000 people.</p
Box plots of hospital diarrhea rates per week per village cluster per 1,000 people by community health rate categories<sup>a</sup>.
<p>Dots represent outliers in the data.</p
Box plots of hospital ARI rates per week per village cluster per 1,000 people by community health rate categories<sup>a</sup>.
<p>Dots represent outliers in the data.</p
Diarrhea Hospital Rates Versus CHW Reported Rates.
<p>Diarrhea Hospital Rates Versus CHW Reported Rates.</p
HMIS Codes for Diarrhea and ARI in Bayalpata Hospital Data System.
<p>HMIS Codes for Diarrhea and ARI in Bayalpata Hospital Data System.</p
Scatter plot of hospital ARI rate per 1,000 people against community health ARI rate per 1,000 people.
<p>Scatter plot of hospital ARI rate per 1,000 people against community health ARI rate per 1,000 people.</p
Basic Description of the Study Sample Stratified by Type of Condition.
<p>Basic Description of the Study Sample Stratified by Type of Condition.</p