303 research outputs found

    Understanding the role of emotions, usability components and design features in HCI

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    This paper has discussed the observations of various emotions which are invoked in the human computer interface and how these emotions affect the decisions of the users online. This paper has also discussed usability test methods in the human computer interface design and its relation with the usability of the interfaces. Also some principles are put forward which should be implemented for the development of better interfaces

    Hybrid Approach for Face Recognition Using DWT and LBP

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    Authentication of individuals plays a vital role to check intrusions in any online digital system. Most commonly and securely used techniques are biometric fingerprint reader and face recognition. Face recognition is the process of identification of individuals by their facial images, as faces are rarely matched. Face recognition technique merely considering test images and compare this with number of trained images stored in database and then conclude whether the test images matches with any trained images. In this paper we have discussed two hybrid techniques local binary pattern (LBP) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for face images to extract feature stored in database by applying principal component analysis for fusion and same process is done for test images. Then K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier is used to classify images and measure the accuracy. Our proposed model achieved 95% accuracy. The aim of this paper is to develop a robust method for face recognition and classification of individuals to improve the recognition rate, efficiency of the system and for lesser complexity

    Analysis of treatment outcome in multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients treated under programmatic conditions

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    Background: Programmatic management of MDR-TB has taken over the un-standardized and unsupervised treatment practice in India. However, despite being implemented in whole of country, the data on the program surveillance is scarce.  Hence the present study was sought to evaluate the treatment outcome in patients with MDR TB in Chandigarh being treated under programmatic conditions.Methods: A retrospective study was carried out by enrolling all MDR-TB patients registered between January 2012 to December 2014. Medical records of 140 patients were scrutinized for necessary information on demographic, clinical parameters and previous TB treatment. Treatment outcomes to Cat IV anti-TB therapy, any interruptions in treatment, adverse drug reactions, culture conversion etc. were evaluated from the records.Results: Of the 140 patients, 77 (55%) were declared cured, 11 (7.9%) completed treatment, 23 patients (16.4%) died, 13 (9.3%) defaulted on treatment, 5 (3.6%) had treatment failure and 11 (7.9%) were shifted to Cat V therapy. On comparison, BMI, haemoglobin, treatment outcome in previous ATT, treatment adherence and time to sputum culture conversion were significantly different in different treatment outcome groups.Conclusions: The treatment success rate of MDR‑TB patients have shown improvement under programmatic conditions. Interventions to improve BMI and treatment adherence might further help to improve the success rate

    A Platform as a Service for Concurrency-based Applications Provisioning in Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming ubiquitous with sensor nodes getting more intelligent and capable of transmitting their processed data to a cloud. Concurrency-based applications play a vital role in the rise of the IoT. A concurrency-based application has multiple processes running independently and interacting with each other. An example of the concurrency-based application in IoT is wildfire management application. In a forest, various sensor devices are deployed in the different areas. The processes of the wildfire management application are running on the sensor devices of different areas independently. The process of a particular area monitors the temperature and interacts with the processes in the neighboring areas. This interaction is based on the fire contour algorithm, which allows the application to provide the real-time direction and evolution of the fire in case of the fire incident. Cloud computing is a paradigm for swiftly provisioning a shared pool of configurable resources (e.g., services, applications, network, and storage) on demand. Cloud computing can help to tackle the challenges of IoT-based applications provisioning by offering the Platform as a Service (PaaS). Therefore, developers of such concurrency-based applications can use cloud's PaaS for faster development as well as cost efficiency. However, the PaaS faces several challenges at the time of provisioning of concurrency-based application (i.e., development, deployment, and management). For the concurrency-based application development phase, PaaS should support the various API and frameworks for the development of multiple processes of the concurrency-based application, which helps to start development quickly. For the deployment of the concurrency-based application, the PaaS must offer the facility of hosting of different processes in an isolated environment and enable process's edges to allow inter-process communication. In management phase of the concurrency-based application, PaaS should be able to orchestrate the chain of processes defined during the development phase. The main intent of this dissertation is to provide a PaaS solution for concurrency-based applications provisioning in IoT to solve the challenges as mentioned above. The major contributions of the thesis are in twofold. First, we propose a PaaS architecture for concurrency-based applications provisioning in IoT. Second, we provide a proof of concept in which a prototype is built using as basis Cloud Foundry, an existing PaaS platform, and TelosB as the IoT Infrastructure devices. The performance measurements have also been made to validate the results claimed

    Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis a rare presentation of dengue fever: a case report

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    Dengue virus infection is widespread in the tropics and infection ranges from asymptomatic to dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. It rarely leads to neurological complications because it is classically a non-neurotropic virus. Encephalitis, meningitis, encephalopathy, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), polyneuropathy, mononeuropathy, intracerebral hemorrhage and Guillain-Barre syndrome are very rare neurological manifestations seen in dengue. The list of neurological complications should also include “Dengue hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis is a very rare manifestation of this virus. Here we present a case of a 23 year old male having dengue fever and developing acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis during the course of the disease.Keywords: Dengue fever, acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, meningiti

    Bicriteria in n x 2 Flow Shop Scheduling Under Specified Rental Policy, Processing Time and Setup Time Each Associated with probabilities Including Job Block

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    This paper is an attempt to obtains an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimizing thetotal rental cost of the machines subject to obtain the minimum makespan for n jobs 2 machines flowshopproblem in which the processing times and independent set up times are associated with probabilitiesincluding the job block concept. A heuristic approach method to find optimal or near optimal sequence hasbeen discussed. The proposed method is very simple and easy to understand and also provide an importanttool for the decision makers. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is give to clarifythe algorithm.Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Set Up Time, Rental Cost and Job Block

    Bicriteria in n x 2 Flow Shop Scheduling Problem under Specified Rental Policy, Processing Time, Setup Time Each Associated with Probabilities Including Job Block Criteria and Weightage of Jobs

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    This paper is an attempt to obtain an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimization of the total rental cost of the machines subject to obtain the minimum makespan for n-jobs, 2-machine flow shop scheduling problem in which the processing times and independent set up times are associated with probabilities including job block criteria. Further jobs are attached with weights to indicate their relative importance. The proposed method is very simple and easy to understand and also provide an important tool for the decision makers. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is given to justify the algorithm. Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Setup Time, Job Block, Weighs of job
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