75 research outputs found

    Applying Motivation Theories to the Design of Educational Technology

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    Although there has been a wealth of research exploring motivation within technological environments, few of these studies employ frameworks that are grounded in well-established theories of motivation. This paper brings rigorous theoretical frameworks of motivation to the study and design of educational technology. First, we outline key motivation constructs that compose Eccles and Wigfield’s Expectancy-Value theory and the Self-Determination theory and discuss their implications for education. Through a case study, we then illustrate how motivational theories informed the recent development of a virtual learning environment designed to promote students’ interest in and motivation to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers. Finally, looking toward the future of mobile learning, we discuss the motivational affordances of personal and portable features of mobile handhelds

    Technology-rich Activities: One Type Does Not Motivate All

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    We report on data collected at three time points during a four-day intervention designed to explore the value added of technology-rich activities within an inquiry mathematics curriculum. Two of the activities were computer-based, whereas the third involved a professionally created movie. Using latent profile analysis we explored (a) the profiles of experiences (indicated by self-reports of immersion, interest, usefulness, and relatedness of the technology activity) that students in Grades 5–8 (n = 7774) reported regarding their participation in one of three different activities; (b) the motivational and achievement outcomes in mathematics that were evident by being a member of one of these latent profiles; and (c) the factors that predicted students’ membership into one of these profiles of technology experience. Results showed that: (1) three latent profiles emerged from the data; (2) the profiles predicted mathematics learning and motivation; and (3) grade level, prior mathematics achievement, prior mathematics interest, and students’ feelings of how autonomy supportive their teachers are predicted membership into these profiles. Results support and refine the literature in educational psychology regarding models of motivation and engagement, as well as the literature in educational technology concerning the motivational affordances of technology

    Evaluating technology-based strategies for enhancing motivation in mathematics

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    Background, context, and purpose of study: During the middle school years, students frequently show significant declines in motivation toward school in general and mathematics in particular. One way in which researchers have sought to spark students’ interests and build their sense of competence in mathematics and in STEM more generally is through the use of technology. Yet evidence regarding the motivational effectiveness of this approach is mixed. Here we evaluate the impact of three brief technology-based activities on students’ short-term motivation in math. 16,789 5th to 8th grade students and their teachers in one large school district were randomly assigned to three different technology-based activities, each representing a different framework for motivation and engagement and all designed around an exemplary lesson related to algebraic reasoning. We investigated the relationship between specific technology-based activities that embody various motivational constructs and students’ engagement in mathematics and perceived competence in pursuing STEM careers. Article available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

    Measuring peat motion and water table dynamics on tropical peatlands using high-resolution time-lapse camera in four different land cover types across South Sumatra and Central Kalimantan

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    Peat soils are known to be the most capable soil type to store a huge amount of carbon. However, peatland ecosystems are often disturbed by anthropogenic activities such as excessive water drainage, leading to rapid peat subsidence and carbon loss. Due to its dynamic properties, peatland ecosystem needs to be monitored over time to prevent unwanted socio-economic and environmental impacts. Nonetheless, field measurement of peat motion and subsidence often requires complex and expensive tools. This research aims to measure peat motion and water table dynamics in four sites across South Sumatra and Central Kalimantan Provinces. Peat motion and water table data were observed using a time-lapse camera for approximately a year period. Results of this study showed a good relationship of peat surface motion and water table dynamics with R2 values ranging from 0.74 and 0.95. In Central Kalimantan, peat surface motion indicates a downward motion with the amplitude of 1.66 cm and 0.56 cm, and net subsidence of 1.35 cm and 0.47 cm, over shrub and coconut plantation sites, respectively. In South Sumatra, peat surface showed a high degree of fluctuation, with amplitudes of 4.89 and 4.80 cm, and net subsidence of 1.70 and 0.62, observed on oil palm and forest sites, respectively

    Evaluating a Second Life PBL Demonstrator Project: What Can We Learn?

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    This article reports the findings of a demonstrator project to evaluate how effectively Immersive Virtual Worlds (IVWs) could support Problem-based Learning. The project designed, created and evaluated eight scenarios within Second Life (SL) for undergraduate courses in health care management and paramedic training. Evaluation was primarily qualitative, using illuminative evaluation which provided multiple perspectives through interviews, focus groups and questionnaires with designers, facilitators, learning technologists and students. Results showed that SL provided a rich, engaging environment which enhanced authenticity of the scenarios, though there were issues of access and usability. The article concludes by drawing together the lessons learned which will inform educators who seek to design and develop learning scenarios in this medium

    Imagining technology-enhanced learning with heritage artefacts: teacher-perceived potential of 2D and 3D heritage site visualisations

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    Background: There is much to be realised in the educational potential of national and world heritage sites. Such sites need to be supported in sharing their resources with a wide and international public, especially within formal education. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) heritage site visualisations could serve this need. Our study focuses on the teacher-perceived possibilities and benefits for education around such visualisations. Purpose: We describe how a group of UK teachers perceive the potential of cross-curricular learning that could arise from an Italian world heritage site. The teachers commented on 2D visualisations of artefacts from this site, as well as the design of a 3D immersive environment to serve educational purposes. We consider as follows: (1) how the cross-curricular teaching potential of such resources is perceived, and (2) what design features of a 3D immersive environment teachers suggest are needed for educational explorations. Sample: We recruited 10 teachers from the Midlands region of the UK and carried out semi-structured interviews. Methods: Interviews were transcribed and a thematic analysis applied to the conversations. Questioning was grounded in the examination of 2D and 3D visual resources. This provoked cross-curricular and educational design thinking. Results: Teacher responses highlighted a wide range of cross-curricular possibilities. However, they expressed a more ‘assimilative’ than ‘accommodative’ approach when relating resources to the curriculum. Such ‘assimilation’ involved seeing the site artefacts as raw material for more instrumental ‘curriculum activities’ (e.g. within art and design, geography, maths or literacy) rather than a more accommodative approach whereby curricular disciplines were exercised to make new meaning from the artefacts. In relation to 3D technology design, most teachers highlighted three technology features that would render it well matched to educational practice and three educational benefits over non-3D immersive environments. Conclusions: Teachers can easily imagine a rich range of opportunities to utilise 2D and 3D heritage site artefacts within the curriculum. However, the largely assimilative nature of this cross-curricular appropriation suggests the value of providing more guidance and support to teachers in the interpretation and application of artefacts. Their design suggestions can usefully inform construction of educational features within 3D immersive technologies that support heritage site experiences
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