122 research outputs found

    Migration Impact on Moroccan Unemployment : a Static Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

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    Recently, much research interest is directed towards the impact of migration on the sending country. However, we think that this literature does not successfully analyse the effects of migration on unemployment and wage rates especially in urban areas. It studies the effect of one king of migration flow, mainly international migration, on labour market in the country of origin and shows that international migration is able to reduce the unemployment rate and/or raise the wage rates. However, it is common to find labour markets affected simultaneously by inflows and outflows of workers. Using a detailed CGE model applied to the Moroccan economy, we show that if we take simultaneously into account Moroccan emigration to the European Union, immigration from Sub-Saharan Africa into Moroccan urban areas and rural-urban migration, the impact on Moroccan urban labour market disaggregated by professional categories is ambiguous.Imperfect labor market, migration, computable general equilibrium model.

    Quelques enseignements récents de la réforme du système monétaire international

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    It is now recognized that a viable international monetary system must rest on a combination of only two of the following three principles: (1) respect of the national economic policies, (2) free convertibility of currencies, (3) fixed parities with gold and the dollar. The author emphasizes some arguments against flexible exchange rates. He concludes that the present international monetary system has resolved the fundamental ambiguity of the Bretton Woods system by permitting flexibility of exchange rates

    Market Labor, Household Work and Schooling in South Africa: Modeling the Effects of Trade on Adults' and Children's Time Allocation

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    This paper analyzes how economic policies can influence parents’ decisions about their children’s schooling, household work and leisure in South Africa. Using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model that integrates both market and non-market activities, distinguishing male and female workers on the one hand, and adult and child non-market work and leisure on the other, we find that, in the context of trade liberalization, gender inequality is likely to rise between adults and between boys and girls. Furthermore, the paper notes that the increase in adult male and female market labor supply is made possible through the substitution of children for parents in household work, although more so in some groups than others. These effects sustain in the long run.Household work, market work, child schooling, gender, time-use, trade, CGE model, South Africa

    La formation des prix et les industries canadiennes exposées et abritées : Price formation and the Canadian exposed and sheltered industries

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    Following the bursts of inflation registered in the 1970s, many authors pointed to a generalization of the phenomenon of inflation and claimed that in a small economy highly integrated into international markets, the steady rise in general price levels might be attributable to foreign causes. In this context, the "Scandinavian School" gave renewed credibility to the division of the economy into two major categories: sectors exposed to strong international competition and those protected from such competition. In our study, we do not attempt to validate the entire "Scandinavian model", but only to examine the nature of the distinction between exposed and sheltered industries by proposing a list of industries in each of the two categories. In contrast to other work based on the Scandinavian model, the proposed classification presented in this study is based on a measure of the proportion of a sector's output that is exported. Following this arbitrary criterion, we divide the 22 branches of the primary and manufacturing sectors into eleven exposed and eleven sheltered branches. A series of tests are then applied to validate this classification


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    Le système monétaire européen : Où en sommes-nous?

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    The decisions of the Council of Europe on December 5"', 1978, that would lead to the establishment of the European Monetary System, raise a multitude of questions. Among these, the creation of a European currency unit, the ECU, and the announcement of the establishment in the near future of a European Monetary Fund, the E.M.F., are the most symbolic decisions in terms of public opinion as well as the most important in their economic and political implications. In this article, we will show that the development of the ECU and the creation of a E.M.F. with substantial decisional autonomy are the two conditions necessary for strengthening the European monetary union

    Le modèle scandinave et l’économie canadienne

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    En vue de rendre compte des mécanismes de transmission de l’inflation au Canada, notre étude applique une distinction entre les industries abritées et les industries exposées. Ces dernières sont soumises à une forte concurrence de leurs compétiteurs étrangers, alors que les industries abritées en sont préservées. Les critères de classification des branches exposées et abritées sont présentés dans la deuxième section de l’article, tandis que dans la section 3, nous discutons du mode de construction et l’évolution des principales variables macro-sectorielles. La section finale traite des équations du modèle et présente les résultats des estimations économétriques.In the Scandinavian model of wages and prices determination a fundamental distinction is drawn between sheltered and exposed industries. Exposed industries are exposed to strong competition from abroad, and sheltered industries are those whose products are sold at home under conditions that protect them from strong foreign competition. In the second section, our criteria to classify exposed and sheltered industries will be presented. In the third section, the construction and evolution of the main sectoral macro-variables will be discussed. The fourth section includes derivation of wages and prices equations for both industries and presents an econometric estimation

    Quelques enseignements récents de la réforme du système monétaire international

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    It is now recognized that a viable international monetary system must rest on a combination of only two of the following three principles: (1) respect of the national economic policies, (2) free convertibility of currencies, (3) fixed parities with gold and the dollar. The author emphasizes some arguments against flexible exchange rates. He concludes that the present international monetary system has resolved the fundamental ambiguity of the Bretton Woods system by permitting flexibility of exchange rates.
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