25 research outputs found

    Early Cambrian Appalachian Archaeocyaths: Further Age Constraints from the Fauna of New Jersey and Virginia, U.S.A.

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    New data allow us to correlate the Early Cambrian archaeocyathan faunas of the Appalachian (eastern)and Cordilleran (western) faunal provinces of Laurentia. The precise relationships of fossil assemblages between these provinces have hitherto been controversial, with the correlation of the Elliptocephala asaphoides Fauna posing particular problems. New and revised data (including the new taxa Sekwicyathus tillmani nov. sp. Debrenne & A. Zhuravlev and Archaeosycon balsami nov. sp. Debrenne & A. Zhuravlev on archaeocyathan assemblages from the Appalachians New Jersey and Virginia allow correlation of these assemblages to the middle Bonnia-Olenellus Zone of the Pacific Laurentia (Late Botoman) and the Elliptocephala asaphoides Fauna with the middle-upper Bonnia-Olenellus Zone (Late Botoman-Early Toyonian). The Appalachian archaeocyathan assemblages are not endemic but originated from archaeocyaths of the Pacific Region in or near the Middle Botoman; then, during the Middle Botoman-Late Botoman, they migrated northward along the Appalachian margin of Laurentia (in term of modern coordinates). We discuss here the development and the extent of influence of the Hawke Bay regressive event, and the pattern of archaeocyathan migration as the Appalachian margin of Laurentia drifted northward into equatorial latitudes

    The Natural History Museum Fossil Porifera Collection

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    This article provides updated information about the Porifera Collection at The Natural History Museum (NHM), London. With very little information available regarding fossil sponge digitization or any similar initiative, this paper covers the type and figured specimens and drawer label content data of the Porifera Collection and also describes the collection and its research potential. With approximately 71,000 specimens, of which more than 60% are Mesozoic, the NHM holdings offer the best Mesozoic sponge collection in the world and one of the most important due to its breadth and depth. The Porifera Collection covers all stratigraphic periods and all taxonomic groups and includes almost 3000 cited and figured specimens including types. Although most of the specimens come from the British Isles, worldwide samples are also present, with abundant specimens from other Commonwealth countries and from Antarctica.The attached document is the author(’s’) final accepted/submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Archaeocyatha du Maroc : Essai de synthèse

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    Moroccan Archaeocyatha : A review. Archaeocyath Moroccan faunas are listed and the faunal assemblages of every lower Cambrian Formation of Morocco determined. Regional paleogeography is established, based on the species distribution. Generic distribution is placed in a global paleogeographic reconstruction.L'ensemble des formes d'archéocyathes du Maroc est révisé dans le but de déterminer la composition des assemblages fauniques dans les Formations du Cambrien inférieur du Maroc et la répartition paléogéographique des espèces. Les genres cosmopolites présents au Maroc sont replacés dans un cadre paléogéographique global.Debrenne Françoise. Archaeocyatha du Maroc : Essai de synthèse. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 17, numéro 3-4, 1990. Le paleozoïque du Maroc. I – Cambrien – Dévonien (Paléontologie – Biostratigraphie) pp. 213-227

    Evolution sédimentaire du Cambrien du S.W. de la Sardaigne

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    The cambrian succession of 3 lithological units paleontologically dated is briefly exposed. The evolution of the depositional environments follows the classical scheme : detritical phase with interbedded carbonate bodies, establishment of a subtidal to inter-tidal carbonate platform and terminal siltstones.La succession cambrienne de 3 unités lithologiques datées paléontologiquement est sommairement exposée. L'évolution des milieux de dépôts sur le schéma classique : phase détritique avec intercalation de carbonates, établissement d'une plate-forme carbonatée subtidale à intertidale, dépôts terminaux argilo-silteux.Debrenne Françoise. Evolution sédimentaire du Cambrien du S.W. de la Sardaigne. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 9, numéro 3, 1982. Formations carbonatées : dynamique, successions paléoécologiques. pp. 175-177

    Sur les Archaeocyatha du cambrien de Carteret (Manche)

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    National audienc

    Grands cycles -Modèles d'analyse séquentielle et interprétation des dépôts cyclique argilo-carbonatés

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    Short review of the methodological concept of "Grands Cycles" (Aitken 1966). Sequencial analysis is required for the study of lithologie successions. Application to the cambrian carbonate platforms.Bref exposé de la méthodologie basée sur le concept des "Grands Cycles" (Aitken 1966). Nécessité d'utiliser les principes de l'analyse séquentielle dans l'étude des dépôts. Application à l'étude des plates-formes carbonatées.Debrenne Françoise. Grands cycles -Modèles d'analyse séquentielle et interprétation des dépôts cyclique argilo-carbonatés. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 9, numéro 3, 1982. Formations carbonatées : dynamique, successions paléoécologiques. pp. 233-237

    Faux et usage de faux

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    Modèles paléozoïques

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    Debrenne Françoise. Modèles paléozoïques. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 9, numéro 3, 1982. Formations carbonatées : dynamique, successions paléoécologiques. pp. 287-289