8 research outputs found

    Plasma-Metanephrines in Patients with Autoimmune Addison’s Disease with and without Residual Adrenocortical Function

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    Purpose: Residual adrenocortical function, RAF, has recently been demonstrated in one-third of patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD). Here, we set out to explore any influence of RAF on the levels of plasma metanephrines and any changes following stimulation with cosyntropin. Methods: We included 50 patients with verified RAF and 20 patients without RAF who served as controls upon cosyntropin stimulation testing. The patients had abstained from glucocorticoid and fludrocortisone replacement > 18 and 24 h, respectively, prior to morning blood sampling. The samples were obtained before and 30 and 60 min after cosyntropin stimulation and analyzed for serum cortisol, plasma metanephrine (MN), and normetanephrine (NMN) by liquid-chromatography tandem-mass pectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results: Among the 70 patients with AAD, MN was detectable in 33%, 25%, and 26% at baseline, 30 min, and 60 min after cosyntropin stimulation, respectively. Patients with RAF were more likely to have detectable MN at baseline (p = 0.035) and at the time of 60 min (p = 0.048) compared to patients without RAF. There was a positive correlation between detectable MN and the level of cortisol at all time points (p = 0.02, p = 0.04, p < 0.001). No difference was noted for NMN levels, which remained within the normal reference ranges. Conclusion: Even very small amounts of endogenous cortisol production affect MN levels in patients with AAD

    Altered biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation in autoimmune Addison's disease - a cross-sectional study

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    Objective - Increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease has been reported in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD), but pathomechanisms are poorly understood. Methods - We compared serum levels of 177 cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers in 43 patients with AAD at >18-h glucocorticoid withdrawal and 43 matched controls, overall and stratified for sex. Biomarker levels were correlated with the frequency of adrenal crises and quality of life (QoL) by AddiQoL-30. Finally, we investigated changes in biomarker levels following 250 µg tetracosactide injection in patients without residual adrenocortical function (RAF) to explore glucocorticoid-independent effects of high ACTH. Results - Nineteen biomarkers significantly differed between patients with AAD and controls; all but 1 (ST1A1) were higher in AAD. Eight biomarkers were significantly higher in female patients compared with controls (IL6, MCP1, GAL9, SPON2, DR4, RAGE, TNFRSF9, and PGF), but none differed between male patients and controls. Levels of RAGE correlated with the frequency of adrenal crises (r = 0.415, P = .006) and AddiQoL-30 scores (r = −0.347, P = .028) but not after correction for multiple testing. PDL2 and leptin significantly declined 60 min after injection of ACTH in AAD without RAF (−0.15 normalized protein expression [NPX], P = .0001, and −0.25 NPX, P = .0003, respectively). Conclusions - We show that cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers are altered in AAD compared with controls, particularly in women. RAGE might be a marker of disease severity in AAD, associated with more adrenal crises and reduced QoL. High ACTH reduced PDL2 and leptin levels in a glucocorticoid-independent manner but the overall effect on biomarker profiles was small

    Residual Corticosteroid Production in Autoimmune Addison Disease

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    Context - Contrary to current dogma, growing evidence suggests that some patients with autoimmune Addison disease (AAD) produce corticosteroids even years after diagnosis. Objective - To determine frequencies and clinical features of residual corticosteroid production in patients with AAD. Design - Two-staged, cross-sectional clinical study in 17 centers (Norway, Sweden, and Germany). Residual glucocorticoid (GC) production was defined as quantifiable serum cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol and residual mineralocorticoid (MC) production as quantifiable serum aldosterone and corticosterone after > 18 hours of medication fasting. Corticosteroids were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Clinical variables included frequency of adrenal crises and quality of life. Peak cortisol response was evaluated by a standard 250 µg cosyntropin test. Results - Fifty-eight (30.2%) of 192 patients had residual GC production, more common in men (n = 33; P P P P P P P  Conclusion - In established AAD, one-third of the patients still produce GCs even decades after diagnosis. Residual production is more common in men and in patients with shorter disease duration but is not associated with adrenal crises or quality of life

    l-Ergothioneine Protects Skin Cells against UV-Induced Damage—A Preliminary Study

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    Many changes related to aging at the cellular level may be due to the physiological condition of mitochondria. One of the most common types of damage of mtDNA is the so-called “common deletion” referring to a deletion of 4977 base pairs. In the skin cells this phenomenon probably is caused by oxidative damage of mtDNA induced by UV. The present study was aimed at evaluating the effect of the antioxidant l-ergothioneine on UV-induced damage in skin cells. The effect of l-ergothioneine on the reduced glutathione level was studied. The presence of the “common deletion” in human fibroblasts irradiated with UVA and treated with l-ergothioneine was evaluated by a polymerase chain reaction. We have demonstrated that l-ergothioneine enhanced the level of reduced glutathione and protected cells from the induction of a photoaging-associated mtDNA “common deletion”. In view of our results, l-ergothioneine could be an effective skin care and anti-photoaging ingredient

    The prevalence, patterns of co-occurrence, perceived acceptability, and recognition of emotional intimate partner violence (EIPV) among young adults in Poland

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a significant public health concern. Emotional intimate partner violence (EIPV) is the most common form of partner abuse. Young adults are at the greatest risk of EIPV (WHO, 2013). EIPV often includes behaviours such as denigration, dominance and intimidation, coercive control, threats to physical and psychological health, and isolation (Dokkendahl et al., 2022). EIPV is likely to be bidirectional, i.e., the same individual receives and uses abusive behaviours (O’Leary &amp; Slep, 2012). EIPV can be particularly difficult to identify due to its subtle and insidious nature, and some acts of emotional abuse may even appear affectionate (Minto et al., 2022). This lack of recognition of EIPV as a serious issue can affect how victims cope with the abuse as well as how much victims and perpetrators are blamed for the abuse. Alarmingly, EIPV remains the least understood and studied form of IPV (Dokkendahl et al., 2022). The overarching aim of the current study is to build a better understanding of the prevalence, patterns of co-occurrence, risk factors, consequences, perceived acceptability, and recognition of EIPV among young adults (aged 18-29 years) in Poland

    Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders in Autoimmune Addison Disease

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    Context: Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common endocrine co-morbidity in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD), but detailed investigations of prevalence and clinical course is lacking. Objective: Provide comprehensive epidemiological and clinical data on autoimmune thyroid disorders in AAD. Design and patients: A nationwide registry-based study including 442 patients with AAD and autoimmune thyroid disease, identified through the Norwegian National Registry of Autoimmune Diseases. Results: Of 912 registered AAD patients, 442 (48%) were diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease. Three hundred and eighty (42%) had autoimmune hypothyroidism. Of the 302 with available thyroid function tests at time for diagnosis, 20% had overt hypothyroidism, 73% had subclinical hypothyroidism and 7% had thyroid levels in the normal range. Negative thyroid peroxidase antibodies was found in 32%. Ninety-eight percent were treated with levothyroxine, 5% with combination therapy with liothyronine or thyroid extracts, and 1% were observed without treatment. Seventy-eight patients (9%) were diagnosed with Graves' disease (GD), of whom 16 (21%) were diagnosed with autoimmune hypothyroidism either before onset or after remission of GD. At the end of follow-up 33% had normal thyroid hormone levels without antithyroid-drugs or levothyroxine treatment. The remaining had either active disease (5%), had undergone ablative treatment (41%), or had developed autoimmune hypothyroidism (21%). Conclusion: The true prevalence of hypothyroidism in AAD is lower than reported in current literature. Careful consideration of the indication to start thyroxin therapy is warranted. Long-term remission rates in GD patients with AAD are comparable to recent reports on long-term follow-up of patients without AAD.publishedVersio

    Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders in Autoimmune Addison Disease

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    Context: Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common endocrine co-morbidity in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD), but detailed investigations of prevalence and clinical course is lacking. Objective: Provide comprehensive epidemiological and clinical data on autoimmune thyroid disorders in AAD. Design and patients: A nationwide registry-based study including 442 patients with AAD and autoimmune thyroid disease, identified through the Norwegian National Registry of Autoimmune Diseases. Results: Of 912 registered AAD patients, 442 (48%) were diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease. Three hundred and eighty (42%) had autoimmune hypothyroidism. Of the 302 with available thyroid function tests at time for diagnosis, 20% had overt hypothyroidism, 73% had subclinical hypothyroidism and 7% had thyroid levels in the normal range. Negative thyroid peroxidase antibodies was found in 32%. Ninety-eight percent were treated with levothyroxine, 5% with combination therapy with liothyronine or thyroid extracts, and 1% were observed without treatment. Seventy-eight patients (9%) were diagnosed with Graves' disease (GD), of whom 16 (21%) were diagnosed with autoimmune hypothyroidism either before onset or after remission of GD. At the end of follow-up 33% had normal thyroid hormone levels without antithyroid-drugs or levothyroxine treatment. The remaining had either active disease (5%), had undergone ablative treatment (41%), or had developed autoimmune hypothyroidism (21%). Conclusion: The true prevalence of hypothyroidism in AAD is lower than reported in current literature. Careful consideration of the indication to start thyroxin therapy is warranted. Long-term remission rates in GD patients with AAD are comparable to recent reports on long-term follow-up of patients without AAD