121 research outputs found

    Immunoglobulin variable-region gene mutational lineage tree analysis: application to autoimmune diseases

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    Lineage trees have frequently been drawn to illustrate diversification, via somatic hypermutation (SHM), of immunoglobulin variable-region (IGV) genes. In order to extract more information from IGV sequences, we developed a novel mathematical method for analyzing the graphical properties of IgV gene lineage trees, allowing quantification of the differences between the dynamics of SHM and antigen-driven selection in different lymphoid tissues, species, and disease situations. Here, we investigated trees generated from published IGV sequence data from B cell clones participating in autoimmune responses in patients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and Sjögren's Syndrome (SS). At present, as no standards exist for cell sampling and sequence extraction methods, data obtained by different research groups from two studies of the same disease often vary considerably. Nevertheless, based on comparisons of data groups within individual studies, we show here that lineage trees from different individual patients are often similar and can be grouped together, as can trees from two different tissues in the same patient, and even from IgG- and IgA-expressing B cell clones. Additionally, lineage trees from most studies reflect the chronic character of autoimmune diseases

    The Relationship between CD27 Negative and Positive B Cell Populations in Human Peripheral Blood

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    CD27 expression has been used to distinguish between memory and naive B cells in humans. However, low levels of mutated and isotype-switched CD27−IgD− cells are seen in healthy adults, and these are increased in some autoimmune diseases and in the elderly. Thus CD27 is not a universal marker of memory B cells in humans. Various hypotheses have been put forward as to the function of the CD27− memory population. Since we have previously found high-throughput IGHV repertoire analysis useful to distinguish “innate-like” memory B cells (CD27+IgD+), we have employed similar analyses to elucidate the relationship between CD27− and CD27+ memory B cells. IgM+IgD− memory cells in both the CD27+ and CD27− compartments share the unique characteristics of the “innate-like” IgM+IgD+CD27+ cells. The switched CD27+ and CD27− memory cells share a similar IGHV repertoire, having more in common with each other than with “innate-like” memory cells, although it is interesting that IgG2 and IgA2 subclasses of antibody in both switched memory populations have a more “innate-like” repertoire. Clonality analysis shows evidence of a close clonal relationship between the two populations in that both CD27− and CD27+ switched memory cells can be found in the same genealogical tree. The expression of CD27 does not appear to occur in a linear developmental fashion, since we see CD27− cells as precursors of CD27+ cells and vice versa. Despite the similarities, the CDR-H3 repertoire of the CD27− cells is significantly different from both the CD27+IgD+ and CD27+IgD− populations, indicating that perhaps the lack of CD27 might be related to binding properties of the Ig CDR-H3 region

    The Dynamics of Germinal Centre Selection as Measured by Graph-Theoretical Analysis of Mutational Lineage Trees

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    We have developed a rigorous graph-theoretical algorithm for quantifying the shape properties of mutational lineage trees. We show that information about the dynamics of hypermutation and antigen-driven clonal selection during the humoral immune response is contained in the shape of mutational lineage trees deduced from the responding clones. Age and tissue related differences in the selection process can be studied using this method. Thus, tree shape analysis can be used as a means of elucidating humoral immune response dynamics in various situations

    sciCSR infers B cell state transition and predicts class-switch recombination dynamics using single-cell transcriptomic data

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    Class-switch recombination (CSR) is an integral part of B cell maturation. Here we present sciCSR (pronounced 'scissor', single-cell inference of class-switch recombination), a computational pipeline that analyzes CSR events and dynamics of B cells from single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) experiments. Validated on both simulated and real data, sciCSR re-analyzes scRNA-seq alignments to differentiate productive heavy-chain immunoglobulin transcripts from germline 'sterile' transcripts. From a snapshot of B cell scRNA-seq data, a Markov state model is built to infer the dynamics and direction of CSR. Applying sciCSR on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination time-course scRNA-seq data, we observe that sciCSR predicts, using data from an earlier time point in the collected time-course, the isotype distribution of B cell receptor repertoires of subsequent time points with high accuracy (cosine similarity ~0.9). Using processes specific to B cells, sciCSR identifies transitions that are often missed by conventional RNA velocity analyses and can reveal insights into the dynamics of B cell CSR during immune response

    Chickens, more than humans, focus the diversity of their immunoglobulin genes on the complementarity-determining region but utilise amino acids, indicative of a more cross-reactive antibody repertoire

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    The mechanisms of B-cell diversification differ greatly between aves and mammals, but both produce B cells and antibodies capable of supporting an effective immune response. To see how differences in the generation of diversity might affect overall repertoire diversity, we have compared the diversity characteristics of immunoglobulin genes from domestic chickens to those from humans. Both use V(D)J gene rearrangement and somatic hypermutation, but only chickens use somatic gene conversion. A range of diversity analysis tools were used to investigate multiple aspects of amino acid diversity at both the germline and repertoire levels. The effect of differing amino acid usages on antibody characteristics was assessed. At both the germline and repertoire levels, chickens exhibited lower amino acid diversity in comparison to the human immunoglobulin genes, especially outside of the complementarity-determining region (CDR). Chickens were also found to possess much larger and more hydrophilic CDR3s with a higher predicted protein binding potential, suggesting that the antigen-binding site in chicken antibodies is more flexible and more polyreactive than that seen in human antibodies

    Inflammation-induced IgE promotes epithelial hyperplasia and tumour growth

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    IgE is the least abundant circulating antibody class but is constitutively present in healthy tissues bound to resident cells via its high-affinity receptor, FcΔRI. The physiological role of endogenous IgE antibodies is unclear but it has been suggested that they provide host protection against a variety of noxious environmental substances and parasitic infections at epithelial barrier surfaces. Here we show, in mice, that skin inflammation enhances levels of IgE antibodies that have natural specificities and a repertoire, VDJ rearrangements and CDRH3 characteristics similar to those of IgE antibodies in healthy tissue. IgE-bearing basophils are recruited to inflamed skin via CXCL12 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)/IL-3-dependent upregulation of CXCR4. In the inflamed skin, IgE/FcΔRI-signalling in basophils promotes epithelial cell growth and differentiation, partly through histamine engagement of H1R and H4R. Furthermore, this IgE response strongly drives tumour outgrowth of epithelial cells harbouring oncogenic mutation. These findings indicate that natural IgE antibodies support skin barrier defences, but that during chronic tissue inflammation this role may be subverted to promote tumour growth

    Thioredoxin is a metabolic rheostat controlling regulatory B cells

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    Metabolic programming is important for B cell fate, but the bioenergetic requirement for regulatory B (B reg) cell differentiation and function is unknown. Here we show that B reg cell differentiation, unlike non-B reg cells, relies on mitochondrial electron transport and homeostatic levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis revealed that TXN, encoding the metabolic redox protein thioredoxin (Trx), is highly expressed by B reg cells, unlike Trx inhibitor TXNIP which was downregulated. Pharmacological inhibition or gene silencing of TXN resulted in mitochondrial membrane depolarization and increased ROS levels, selectively suppressing B reg cell differentiation and function while favoring pro-inflammatory B cell differentiation. Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), characterized by B reg cell deficiencies, present with B cell mitochondrial membrane depolarization, elevated ROS and fewer Trx + B cells. Exogenous Trx stimulation restored B reg cells and mitochondrial membrane polarization in SLE B cells to healthy B cell levels, indicating Trx insufficiency underlies B reg cell impairment in patients with SLE. </p

    Changes to the sebum lipidome upon COVID-19 infection observed via rapid sampling from the skin

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented demand for testing - for diagnosis and prognosis - as well as for investigation into the impact of the disease on the host metabolism. Sebum sampling has the potential to support both needs by looking at what the virus does to us, rather than looking for the virus itself. Methods: In this pilot study, sebum samples were collected from 67 hospitalised patients (30 COVID-19 positive and 37 COVID-19 negative) by gauze swab. Lipidomics analysis was carried out using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, identifying 998 reproducible features. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were applied to the resulting feature set. Findings: Lipid levels were depressed in COVID-19 positive participants, indicative of dyslipidemia; p-values of 0·022 and 0·015 were obtained for triglycerides and ceramides respectively, with effect sizes of 0·44 and 0·57. Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis showed separation of COVID-19 positive and negative participants with sensitivity of 57% and specificity of 68%, improving to 79% and 83% respectively when controlled for confounding comorbidities. Interpretation: COVID-19 dysregulates many areas of metabolism; in this work we show that the skin lipidome can be added to the list. Given that samples can be provided quickly and painlessly, we conclude that sebum is worthy of future consideration for clinical sampling. Funding: The authors acknowledge funding from the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account for sample collection and processing, as well as EPSRC Fellowship Funding EP/R031118/1, the University of Surrey and BBSRC BB/T002212/1. Mass Spectrometry was funded under EP/P001440/1
