36 research outputs found

    Stability properties and topology at infinity of f-minimal hypersurfaces

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    We study stability properties of ff-minimal hypersurfaces isometrically immersed in weighted manifolds with non-negative Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature under volume growth conditions. Moreover, exploiting a weighted version of a finiteness result and the adaptation to this setting of Li-Tam theory, we investigate the topology at infinity of ff-minimal hypersurfaces. On the way, we prove a new comparison result in weighted geometry and we provide a general weighted L1L^1-Sobolev inequality for hypersurfaces in Cartan-Hadamard weighted manifolds, satisfying suitable restrictions on the weight function.Comment: 30 pages. Final version: to appear on Geom. Dedicat

    Rigidity results and topology at infinity of translating solitons of the mean curvature flow

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    In this paper we obtain rigidity results and obstructions on the topology at infinity of translating solitons of the mean curvature flow in the Euclidean space. Our approach relies on the theory of f-minimal hypersurfaces.Comment: 18 pages. Minor corrections. Final version: to appear on Commun. Contemp. Mat

    Some geometric properties of hypersurfaces with constant rr-mean curvature in Euclidean space

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    Let f:M\ra \erre^{m+1} be an isometrically immersed hypersurface. In this paper, we exploit recent results due to the authors in \cite{bimari} to analyze the stability of the differential operator LrL_r associated with the rr-th Newton tensor of ff. This appears in the Jacobi operator for the variational problem of minimizing the rr-mean curvature HrH_r. Two natural applications are found. The first one ensures that, under the mild condition that the integral of HrH_r over geodesic spheres grows sufficiently fast, the Gauss map meets each equator of \esse^m infinitely many times. The second one deals with hypersurfaces with zero (r+1)(r+1)-mean curvature. Under similar growth assumptions, we prove that the affine tangent spaces fTpMf_*T_pM, pMp\in M, fill the whole \erre^{m+1}.Comment: 10 pages, corrected typo

    Density problems for second order Sobolev spaces and cut-off functions on manifolds with unbounded geometry

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    We consider complete non-compact manifolds with either a sub-quadratic growth of the norm of the Riemann curvature, or a sub-quadratic growth of both the norm of the Ricci curvature and the squared inverse of the injectivity radius. We show the existence on such a manifold of a distance-like function with bounded gradient and mild growth of the Hessian. As a main application, we prove that smooth compactly supported functions are dense in W2,pW^{2,p}. The result is improved for p=2p=2 avoiding both the upper bound on the Ricci tensor, and the injectivity radius assumption. As further applications we prove new disturbed Sobolev and Calder\'on-Zygmund inequalities on manifolds with possibly unbounded curvature and highlight consequences about the validity of the full Omori-Yau maximum principle for the Hessian.Comment: Improved version. As a main modification, we added a final Section 8 including some additional geometric applications of our result. Furthermore, we proved in Section 7 a disturbed L^p-Sobolev-type inequality with weight more general than the previous one. 25 pages. Comments are welcom

    Hypersurfaces of constant higher order mean curvature in warped products

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    In this paper we characterize compact and complete hypersurfaces with some constant higher order mean curvature into warped product spaces. Our approach is based on the use of a new trace operator version of the Omori-Yau maximum principle which seems to be interesting in its own.Comment: To appear in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. See http://www.ams.org/cgi-bin/mstrack/accepted_papers?jrnl=tra

    Poincar\'e inequality and topological rigidity of translators and self-expanders for the mean curvature flow

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    We prove an abstract structure theorem for weighted manifolds supporting a weighted ff-Poincar\'e inequality and whose ends satisfy a suitable non-integrability condition. We then study how our arguments can be used to obtain full topological control on two important classes of hypersurfaces of the Euclidean space, namely translators and self-expanders for the mean curvature flow, under either stability or curvature asumptions. As an important intermediate step in order to get our results we get the validity of a Poincar\'e inequality with respect to the natural weighted measure on any translator and we prove that any end of a translator must have infinite weighted volume. Similar tools can be obtained for properly immersed self-expanders permitting to get topological rigidity under curvature assumptions.Comment: 15 pages. Minor changes in the exposition in v2. All comments are welcome

    Quantitative index bounds for translators via topology

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    We obtain a quantitative estimate on the generalised index of translators for the mean curvature flow with bounded norm of the second fundamental form. The estimate involves the dimension of the space of weighted square integrable f-harmonic 1-forms. By the adaptation to the weighted setting of Li-Tam theory developed in previous works, this yields estimates in terms of the number of ends of the hypersurface when this is contained in a upper halfspace with respect to the translating direction. When there exists a point where all principal curvatures are distinct we estimate the nullity of the stability operator. This permits to obtain quantitative estimates on the stability index via the topology of translators with bounded norm of the second fundamental form which are either two-dimensional or (in higher dimension) have finite topological type and are contained in a upper halfspace.Comment: 14 pages. Translators seem to support a weighted L^2 Sobolev inequality only in dimension greater than or equal to 3 and when the translator is contained in a upper halfspace with respect to the translating direction; see Appendix A. Statements of Theorem A, Theorem B, Corollary C and Theorem E fixed accordingly. Theorem D still holds unchanged. Final version: to appear on Math.

    A sharp height estimate for compact hypersurfaces with constant kk-mean curvature in warped product spaces

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    In this paper we obtain a sharp height estimate concerning compact hypersurfaces immersed into warped product spaces with some constant higher order mean curvature, and whose boundary is contained into a slice. We apply these results to draw topological conclusions at the end of the paper.Comment: 19 pages. To appear on Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Societ