833 research outputs found

    Constant-output atomizer

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    A constant-output atomizer includes a body which has a generally frustoconical expansion nozzle for producing an air jet when a supply of pressurized air is connected to the nozzle upstream of the throat of the nozzle. A liquid feed line supplies liquid to be atomized by the air jet, and the body includes a groove which opens into the diffuser section of the nozzle downstream of the throat for conducting liquid from the feed line to the nozzle. The groove which extends in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the nozzle, and radially with respect to it, has a depth approximately equal to half the axial length of the nozzle. Liquid, conducted by capillary action in the groove to the nozzle, is atomized into a fine mist by the air jet in the nozzle; and the groove eliminates fluctuations in spray order

    Improvement of Napier Grass Silage Nutritive Value by Using Inoculant and Crude Enzymes From Trichoderma Reesei and Its Effect on in Vitro Rumen Fermentation

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    This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculant and crude enzyme of Trichoderma reesei on fermentation quality and rumen digestibility of napier grass silage. This research consisted of two stages. The first stage was fermentation quality using a completely randomized design with three treatments and six replications. The second stage was rumen fermentability using a randomized block design with three treatments and six replications. The treatments of both stages were: T0= control of napier grass silage (Hi-fer+), T1= control + T. reesei inoculant at the level of 2.13 x 107 cfu/kg, and T2= control + crude enzyme from T. reesei at the level of 11.4 unit/kg. Napier grass silage were kept at room temperature and opened 21 d after fermentation. The result of the first stage experiment showed that T2 decreased (P<0.01) dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and also increased (P<0.05) crude protein, total digestible nutrient (TDN), pH, acetic acid, and propionic acid of napier grass silage while T1 decreased (P<0.01) NDF and increased (P<0.05) propionic acid. The result of the second stage experiment showed that there were no significant differences in rumen pH, in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility, total VFA, proportion of VFA, ratio of acetic to propionic acids, and also NH3. It is concluded that the addition of crude enzyme from T. reesei could improve fermentation quality of napier grass silage with decreasing NDF and increasing TDN but did not affect rumen fermentability


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    Prestasi akademik merupakan suatu pencapaian dari tiap individu. Namun ada beberapa hal yang dapat mempengaruhi pencapaian prestasi akademik, diantaranya adalah kecemasan. Kecemasan yaitu kondisi dimana seseorang merasa khawatir terhadap sesautau baik itu kemampuan dirinya maupun perasan tidak tenang yang nantinya akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap prestasi akademiknya.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari informasi terkait hal-hal yang dapat menjadi penyebab mahasiswa mengalami kecemasan dalam proses belajar.  Metode dalam peneitian ini adalah metode survey dengan menggunakan angket. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa perguruan tinggi di kota Bandung. Teknik sampling yang digunakan pada penilitian ini adalah simple random sampling. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Kuesioner dilakukan melalui aplikasi google form yang dapat diakses langsung oleh para responden. Kata Kunci: kecemasan, prestasi akademikÂ

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Regional Income is one of the indicators that determine the degree of independence of a region. The greater acceptance of the original income of an area the lower the level of dependence of the local government to the central government. This study aimed to describe the motor vehicle tax receipts, Levy Market, and Total Population of the Local Revenue West Sumatra Province. This type of research conducted in this study is descriptive associative. The type of data used and time-based quantitative data was collected using a pooling or panel that is a combination of time series data (time series) with several places (crossing) the data form the panels are stacked by cross-section of data. Data used are secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Office of Financial Management West Sumatra. Hypothesis testing is used t test, F test, and koefisisen of determination (R2).Based on the results of hypothesis testing and t Tax Motor Vehicle Population positive and significant impact on the original income, and t test market levies no significant effect on the original income. While the F-test together positive effect and significant correlation between motor vehicle tax, levies Market and Population of the original income. Effect of the magnitude of Motor Vehicle Tax, Levy Market and Population of the revenue is 75.2% and the remaining 24.8% is influenced by other variables not included in this research model

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Ujaran To Omou dalam Bahasa Jepang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)mendeskripsikan bentuk – bentuk dan penggunaan tindak tutur ilokusi to omou (2) mendeskripsikan makna dari tindak tutur ilokusi to omou. Objek penelitian ini adalah tindak tutur ilokusi pada ujaran to omou yang terdapat dalam video Asian Boss Japan . Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak catat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode padan. Berdasarkan hasil dari analisis yang telah dilakukan terhadap 30 data, tindak tutur ilokusi yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga jenis yaitu tindak tutur ilokusi asertif, tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, dan tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif. Tujuan penggunaan dari tindak tutur ilokusi asertif yaitu untuk menyatakan, mengasumsikan, dan menilai. Tindak tutur ilokusi direktif memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk menyarankan dan menasehati. Tujuan penggunaan tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif yaitu untuk memuji, mengakui, bersimpati, mengkritik, menolak, dan menyetujui. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa maksud dari pikiran penutur sangat mempengaruhi makna dari tuturan yang disampaikan

    From riding to driving:The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public transit in Metro Vancouver

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    This study analyzed a panel-based dataset to understand the effect of COVID-19 on transport behavior in Metro Vancouver, Canada, between December 2020 and May 2021. Findings from the sample indicate a decline in transit users compared to pre-pandemic levels and an increase in car use. On the other hand, we saw a shift to a more positive perception of transit in May 2021, while also capturing an increase in perceived levels of crowding. The study underscores the necessity for transit agencies to focus on instilling the feeling of safety among the population, as the majority of those who have not used transit since the beginning of the pandemic reported their willingness to return only with widespread vaccination, community immunity, or other broad successful treatments