148 research outputs found

    Animal diets in the Waterberg based on stable isotopic composition of faeces

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    Faecal analysis of diet in free-ranging mammals can provide insight into local habitat conditions by reflecting the resources actually utilized. Here we used stable light isotope analysis of faeces to qualify, as well as quantify, certain aspects of mammal food selection in a recovering, nutrient-poor, savanna habitat in the Waterberg. Stable carbon isotope ratios in faeces reflect proportions of C3-foods (browse) to C4-foods (grass) consumed, whereas stable nitrogen isotope ratios reflect a combination of trophic behaviour, protein intake, and water and nutritional stress. Percentage nitrogen indicates the nutritional quality of the diet, at least in terms of crude protein intake. We used these data to reconstruct and compare the diets of various mammal species from two reserves in the Waterberg: the Welgevonden Private Game Reserve and Zoetfontein Private Game Farm

    Mechanisms behind surface modification of polypropylene film using an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet

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    Plasma treatments are common for increasing the surface energy of plastics, such as polypropylene (PP), to create improved adhesive properties. Despite the significant differences in plasma sources and plasma properties used, similar effects on the plastic film can be achieved, suggesting a common dominant plasma constituent and underpinning mechanism. However, many details of this process are still unknown. Here we present a study into the mechanisms underpinning surface energy increase of PP using atmospheric-pressure plasmas. For this we use the effluent of an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet (APPJ) since, unlike most plasma sources used for these treatments, there is no direct contact between the plasma and the PP surface; the APPJ provides a neutral, radical-rich environment without charged particles and electric fields impinging on the PP surface. The APPJ is a RF-driven plasma operating in helium gas with small admixtures of O2 (0-1%), where the effluent propagates through open air towards the PP surface. Despite the lack of charged particles and electric fields on the PP surface, measurements of contact angle show a decrease from 93.9° to 70.1° in 1.4 s and to 35° in 120 s, corresponding to a rapid increase in surface energy from 36.4 mN m-1 to 66.5 mN m-1 in the short time of 1.4 s. These treatment effects are very similar to what is found in other devices, highlighting the importance of neutral radicals produced by the plasma. Furthermore, we find an optimum percentage of oxygen of 0.5% within the helium input gas, and a decrease of the treatment effect with distance between the APPJ and the PP surface. These observed effects are linked to two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF) measurements of atomic oxygen density within the APPJ effluent which show similar trends, implying the importance of this radical in the surface treatment of PP. Analysis of the surface reveals a two stage mechanism for the production of polar bonds on the surface of the polymer: a fast reaction producing carboxylic acid, or a similar ketone, followed by a slower reaction that includes nitrogen from the atmosphere on the surface, producing amides from the ketones

    Dynamic Analysis of Vascular Morphogenesis Using Transgenic Quail Embryos

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    Background: One of the least understood and most central questions confronting biologists is how initially simple clusters or sheet-like cell collectives can assemble into highly complex three-dimensional functional tissues and organs. Due to the limits of oxygen diffusion, blood vessels are an essential and ubiquitous presence in all amniote tissues and organs. Vasculogenesis, the de novo self-assembly of endothelial cell (EC) precursors into endothelial tubes, is the first step in blood vessel formation [1]. Static imaging and in vitro models are wholly inadequate to capture many aspects of vascular pattern formation in vivo, because vasculogenesis involves dynamic changes of the endothelial cells and of the forming blood vessels, in an embryo that is changing size and shape. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have generated Tie1 transgenic quail lines Tg(tie1:H2B-eYFP) that express H2B-eYFP in all of their endothelial cells which permit investigations into early embryonic vascular morphogenesis with unprecedented clarity and insight. By combining the power of molecular genetics with the elegance of dynamic imaging, we follow the precise patterning of endothelial cells in space and time. We show that during vasculogenesis within the vascular plexus, ECs move independently to form the rudiments of blood vessels, all while collectively moving with gastrulating tissues that flow toward the embryo midline. The aortae are a composite of somatic derived ECs forming its dorsal regions and the splanchnic derived ECs forming its ventral region. The ECs in the dorsal regions of the forming aortae exhibit variable mediolateral motions as they move rostrally; those in more ventral regions show significant lateral-to-medial movement as they course rostrally. Conclusions/Significance: The present results offer a powerful approach to the major challenge of studying the relative role(s) of the mechanical, molecular, and cellular mechanisms of vascular development. In past studies, the advantages of the molecular genetic tools available in mouse were counterbalanced by the limited experimental accessibility needed for imaging and perturbation studies. Avian embryos provide the needed accessibility, but few genetic resources. The creation of transgenic quail with labeled endothelia builds upon the important roles that avian embryos have played in previous studies of vascular development

    Individual, ecological, and anthropogenic influences on activity budgets of long-finned pilot whales

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    The authors would like to thank sponsors, NL Ministry of Defence, NOR Ministry of Defence, U.S. Office of Naval Research (N00014-08-1-0984, N00014-10-1-0355, N00014-14-1-0390), FR Ministry of Defence (DGA; public market no. 15860052), World Wildlife Fund Norway (9E0682), and French Total Foundation and Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation. The statistical development work was supported by a separate grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research (N00014-12-1-0204), under the project entitled Multi-study OCean acoustics Human effects Analysis (MOCHA).Time allocation to different activities and habitats enables individuals to modulate their perceived risks and access to resources, and can reveal important trade-offs between fitness-enhancing activities (e.g., feeding vs. social behavior). Species with long reproductive cycles and high parental investment, such as marine mammals, rely on such behavioral plasticity to cope with rapid environmental change, including anthropogenic stressors. We quantified activity budgets of free-ranging long-finned pilot whales in order to assess individual time trade-offs between foraging and other behaviors in different individual and ecological contexts, and during experimental sound exposures. The experiments included 1-2 and 6-7 kHz naval sonar exposures (a potential anthropogenic stressor), playback of killer whale (a potential predator/competitor) vocalizations, and negative controls. We combined multiple time series data from digital acoustic recording tags (DTAG) as well as group-level social behavior data from visual observations of tagged whales at the surface. The data were classified into near-surface behaviors and dive types (using a hidden Markov model for dive transitions) and aggregated into time budgets. On average, individuals (N=19) spent most of their time (69%) resting and transiting near surface, 21% in shallow dives (depth <40m), and only 10% of their time in deep foraging dives, of which 65% reached a depth 10m from the sea bottom. Individuals in the largest of three body size classes or accompanied by calves tended to spend more time foraging than others. Simultaneous tagging of pairs of individuals showed that up to 50% of the activity budget was synchronized between conspecifics with decreased synchrony during foraging periods. Individuals spent less time foraging when forming larger non-vocal aggregations of individuals in late afternoons, and more time foraging when in the mid-range of water depths (300-400m) available in the study area (50-700m). Individuals reduced foraging time by 83% (29-96%) during their first exposure to sonar, but not during killer whale sound playbacks. A relative increase in foraging during repeat sonar exposures indicated habituation or change in response tactic. We discuss the possible adaptive value of these trade-offs in time allocation to reduce individual conflict while maintaining benefits of group living.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Why whales are big but not bigger : physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants

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    This research was funded in part by grants from the National Science Foundation (IOS-1656676, IOS-1656656; OPP-1644209 and 07-39483), the Office of Naval Research (N000141612477), and a Terman Fellowship from Stanford University. All procedures in USA were conducted under approval of the National Marine Fisheries Service (Permits 781-1824, 16163, 14809, 16111, 19116, 15271, 20430), Canada DFO SARA/MML 2010-01/SARA-106B, National Marine Sanctuaries (MULTI-2017-007), Antarctic Conservation Act (2009-014, 2015-011) and institutional IACUC committee protocols. Fieldwork, data collection and data processing for M. densirostris were funded by the Office of Naval Research grants N00014-07-10988, N00014-07-11023, N00014-08-10990, N00014-18-1-2062, and 00014-15-1-2553, and the U.S. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Grant SI-1539. PLT gratefully acknowledges funding from funding the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland). MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (HR09011) and contributing institutions.The largest animals are marine filter feeders, but the underlying mechanism of their large size remains unexplained. We measured feeding performance and prey quality to demonstrate how whale gigantism is driven by the interplay of prey abundance and harvesting mechanisms that increase prey capture rates and energy intake. The foraging efficiency of toothed whales that feed on single prey is constrained by the abundance of large prey, whereas filter-feeding baleen whales seasonally exploit vast swarms of small prey at high efficiencies. Given temporally and spatially aggregated prey, filter feeding provides an evolutionary pathway to extremes in body size that are not available to lineages that must feed on one prey at a time. Maximum size in filter feeders is likely constrained by prey availability across space and time.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Optical Counterparts for 70,000 Radio Sources: APM Identifications for the FIRST Radio Survey

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    We describe a program to identify optical counterparts to radio sources from the VLA FIRST survey using the Cambridge APM scans of the POSS-I plates. We use radio observations covering 4150 square degrees of the north Galactic cap to a 20 cm flux density threshold of 1.0 mJy; the 382,892 sources detected all have positional uncertainties of <1" (radius of 90% confidence). Our description of the APM catalog, derived from the 148 POSS-I O and E plates covering this region, includes an assessment of its astrometric and photometric accuracy, a photometric recalibration using the Minnesota APS catalog, a discussion of the classification algorithm, and quantitative tests of the catalog's reliability and completeness. We go on to show how the use of FIRST sources as astrometric standards allows us to improve the absolute astrometry of the POSS plates by nearly an order of magnitude to ~0.15" rms. Matching the radio and optical catalogs yields counterparts for over 70,000 radio sources; we include detailed discussions of the reliability and completeness of these identifications as a function of optical and radio morphology, optical magnitude and color, and radio flux density. An analysis of the problem of radio sources with complex morphologies (e.g., double-lobed radio galaxies) is included. We conclude with a brief discussion of the source classes represented among the radio sources with identified counterparts.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 28 pages, 23 figure

    Avoidance responses of minke whales to 1–4 kHz naval sonar

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    The SOCAL project was funded by the US Navy Chief of Naval Operations Environmental Readiness Division and US Office of Naval Research. The 3S project was funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, the US Office of Naval Research, the Netherlands Ministry of Defence and DGA French Ministry of Defence. The MOCHA project was funded by the US Office of Naval Research. Tyack received funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland) and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions.Minke whales are difficult to study and little information exists regarding their responses to anthropogenic sound. This study pools data from behavioural response studies off California and Norway. Data are derived from four tagged animals, of which one from each location was exposed to naval sonar signals. Statistical analyses were conducted using Mahalanobis distance to compare overall changes in parameters summarising dive behaviour, avoidance behaviour, and potential energetic costs of disturbance. Our quantitative analysis showed that both animals initiated avoidance behaviour, but responses were not associated with unusual dive behaviour. In one exposed animal the avoidance of the sonar source included a 5-fold increase in horizontal speed away from the source, implying a significant increase in metabolic rate. Despite the different environmental settings and exposure contexts, clear changes in behaviour were observed providing the first insights into the nature of responses to human noise for this wide-ranging species.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Targeted Inactivation of Cerberus Like-2 Leads to Left Ventricular Cardiac Hyperplasia and Systolic Dysfunction in the Mouse

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    Previous analysis of the Cerberus like 2 knockout (Cerl2(-/-)) mouse revealed a significant mortality during the first day after birth, mostly due to cardiac defects apparently associated with randomization of the left-right axis. We have however, identified Cerl2-associated cardiac defects, particularly a large increase in the left ventricular myocardial wall in neonates that cannot be explained by laterality abnormalities. Therefore, in order to access the endogenous role of Cerl2 in cardiogenesis, we analyzed the embryonic and neonatal hearts of Cerl2 null mutants that did not display a laterality phenotype. Neonatal mutants obtained from the compound mouse line Cer2(-/-)Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT); IBB/CBME [PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2011]; FCT [SFRH/BD/62081/2009]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio