825 research outputs found

    Qui contrôle l’éthique des affaires dans les situations d’évènement ?

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    Cet article propose un cadre théorique précisant les situations où il existe une autonomie des choix éthiques managériaux. Ces choix éthiques sont des événements au sens deleuzien car ils sont contingents, non planifiables et identitaires. Des entretiens conduits avec des managers appartenant à l’industrie pharmaceutique et à une entreprise mondialement connue dans l’équipement sportif apportent une illustration à ce cadre théorique. Ces illustrations suggèrent de concevoir le processus de construction de l’éthique des affaires comme une série dynamique d’événements qui actualisent en permanence la pratique routinière de l’éthique, dans une interaction entre identité managériale et règle organisationnelle.The purpose of this paper is to define situations where managers make ethical autonomous choices. These ethical choices are « deleuzian » events since they are contingent, out of any planification, and expressions of the self. Interviews with managers belonging to a pharmaceutics firm and to a global firm of outdoor sports equipment illustrate this theoretical framework. These illustrations suggest to represent business ethics construction as a dynamic process made of a succession of events which endlessly actualise the routinized ethical practices of the organization through interaction between manager’identities and organizational rule.Este artículo ofrece un marco teórico especificando las situaciones en las cuales existen elecciones administrativas autónomas de orden ético. Según Deleuze, estas elecciones éticas son situaciones eventuales puesto que son contingentes, no planificadas, e identitarias. Las entrevistas llevadas a cabo con la colaboración de directores pertenecientes a la Industria Farmacéutica y gerentes de una empresa reconocida a nivel mundial en materia de equipamientos deportivos, permiten ilustrar este marco teórico. Dichas ilustraciones sugieren el proceso de construcción de la ética en los negocios como una serie dinámica de acontecimientos que actualizan permanentemente la práctica rutinaria de la ética, dentro de una interacción entre identidad gestora y regla de organización

    Behavioural Plasticity And Foraging Ecology Of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans)

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    Understanding the way in which species forage, both alone and relative to heterospecifics and conspecifics, has important implications for ecosystem functioning. This is especially true for invasive species for whom context-dependent impacts make comprehensive impact assessments challenging. This thesis examined the foraging ecology of a marine invasive species to better assess its spatially and temporally-mediated impact. The goal of this thesis was to quantify the impact of lionfish (Pterois volitans) in an understudied part of its invaded range, both alone and relative to native analogues. I conducted feeding experiments to evaluate the way in which lionfish move about their environment and to assess the relative roles of behavioural plasticity, foraging efficiency, and cooperative hunting in foraging success. Lionfish showed flexibility in their ability to adopt spatial navigation strategies to remember the locations of profitable prey patches, durations for which lasted up to 6 weeks. Relative to native predators, lionfish exhibited similar consumption rates and lower per capita impacts, though combining their per capita impact with field abundance bolstered their ability to impact native prey populations. Lionfish displayed a high degree of gregariousness and were most efficient when foraging in pairs, whose consumption rates were mediated by the degree of refuge afforded to prey. Overall, these results suggest that the success of lionfish in the eastern Gulf of Mexico lies in the efficiency with which they forage, their behavioural plasticity, and their high population abundance relative to co-occurring native competitors. Understanding the impacts of invasive species is pivotal to managing their threat, though these understandings are contingent upon the assessment of impacts throughout the invaded range of a species

    Alien Registration- Deroy, Claire (Kittery, York County)

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    Alien Registration- Deroy, Rose A. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Questioning Biases in Case Judgment Summaries: Legal Datasets or Large Language Models?

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    The evolution of legal datasets and the advent of large language models (LLMs) have significantly transformed the legal field, particularly in the generation of case judgment summaries. However, a critical concern arises regarding the potential biases embedded within these summaries. This study scrutinizes the biases present in case judgment summaries produced by legal datasets and large language models. The research aims to analyze the impact of biases on legal decision making. By interrogating the accuracy, fairness, and implications of biases in these summaries, this study contributes to a better understanding of the role of technology in legal contexts and the implications for justice systems worldwide. In this study, we investigate biases wrt Gender-related keywords, Race-related keywords, Keywords related to crime against women, Country names and religious keywords. The study shows interesting evidences of biases in the outputs generated by the large language models and pre-trained abstractive summarization models. The reasoning behind these biases needs further studies

    Multilevel on-line surface roughness recognition system in end milling operation

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    The use of computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines has become more widespread and as more machining centers are operating unattended, the need for a Smart CNC machine for on-line tool and process monitoring has become critical. An accurate and reliable method of providing real-time information is vital to the continued integration of adaptive control systems (ACS) with machine tools. ACSs are being developed to monitor parameters like tool wear through current sensing, tool breakage from cutting force signals, and tool chatter from vibration signals. These adaptive control systems\u27 capabilities can be broadened to monitor and control various surface quality parameters. For this to happen, a method to provide accurate on-line information about the machined surface is needed;A multi-level on-line fuzzy net controller and multiple regression model was designed to recognize surface roughness in vertical end-milling process. Both models integrate machining parameters of (1) feed speed, (2) depth of cut, (3) tool type, (4) tool material, (5) work material, (6) spindle speed, (7) vibration, and (8) tool diameter. The fuzzy net controller is composed of eight different fizzy designs each having a fuzzifier, rule base, inference engine, and defuzzifier. Individual designs are referenced to perform surface recognition according to the parameter settings for tool diameter, work material, and tool type;The recognition efficiency of the fuzzy net model and a multiple regression model of same configuration are compared with actual Ra readings taken by a profilometer. This multi-level on-line fuzzy net model displayed a recognition accuracy of 90% as compared to an accuracy of 82% for the multiple regression model

    Editorial Discourse on Reception and Discursive Locations of the Soulières Editions

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    Cet article expose le discours éditorial sur la lecture d’un éditeur québécois spécialisé dans la publication d’ouvrages pour la jeunesse: Soulières éditeur. L’analyse de différents lieux discursifs permet d’établir quelle conception de la lecture l’éditeur transmet aux lecteurs d’âge scolaire et aux médiateurs du livre. De plus, elle permet de découvrir si l’éditeur se conforme aux discours éditoriaux contemporains et s’il répond aux orientations ministérielles québécoises proposées par le Ministère le Éducation et le Ministère de la Culture

    On the shapes of flavours: A review of four hypotheses

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    Does it make sense to talk about a round wine, or a sharp taste? Many chefs and wine writers certainly seem to think that it does. The historical precedent of ‘the man who tasted shapes’, as well as recent claims that the chemical senses could present us with forms of universal synaesthesia (Stevenson and Tomiczek 2007), make it natural to wonder whether there might not be a widespread form of synaesthesia underlying these surprising reports. Alternatively, however, they might instead reflect nothing more than the metaphorical use of language (cf. White 2008). Intriguingly, a new field of experimental research is now starting to demonstrate many examples where tastes, aromas, flavours, and the oral-somatosensory attributes of foods and beverages are reliably matched to particular shapes. These crossmodal matches are thus both ubiquitous and robust across the general population, or at least within the cultures in which they have been tested to date. After discussing a number of these examples of the crossmodal matching of shape (or shape attributes such as angularity) to food and drink stimuli, we argue that the category of crossmodal correspondences best captures the core of the phenomenon that is at stake. What is more, they may help to explain why the use of such cross-sensory pairings by chefs, food companies, marketers, and designers can be particularly effective. The focus on this specific type of cross-sensory matching demonstrates that it is a much more robust empirical phenomenon than it might at first seem, both because of its extensive use out there in the marketplace, and also because of the theoretical issues it raises about the differences between several plausible alternative explanations of crossmodal associations

    The Fight over Columbia River Basin Salmon Spills and the Future of the Lower Snake River Dams

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    One of the nation’s most longstanding environmental-energy conflicts concerns the plight of numerous Columbia Basin salmon species which must navigate the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS), a series of hydroelectric dams that make the basin one of the most highly developed in the world. Although the FCRPS dams produce a wealth of hydropower, the mortalities they cause due to the construction and operation of FCRPS dams led to Endangered Species Act listings for the basin’s salmon. Since those listings a quarter-century ago, the federal government has repeatedly failed to produce biological opinions that can survive judicial scrutiny. The latest round of litigation resulted in renewed directives from the federal district court of Oregon to revise the current biological opinion and to spill more water at several dams in the interim to facilitate juvenile salmon migration. The directive to increase spill was upheld by the Ninth Circuit in 2018, but the U.S. House of Representatives quickly voted to overturn that decision, and the Senate now has the matter under consideration

    Fact-based Court Judgment Prediction

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    This extended abstract extends the research presented in "ILDC for CJPE: Indian Legal Documents Corpus for Court Judgment Prediction and Explanation" \cite{malik-etal-2021-ildc}, focusing on fact-based judgment prediction within the context of Indian legal documents. We introduce two distinct problem variations: one based solely on facts, and another combining facts with rulings from lower courts (RLC). Our research aims to enhance early-phase case outcome prediction, offering significant benefits to legal professionals and the general public. The results, however, indicated a performance decline compared to the original ILDC for CJPE study, even after implementing various weightage schemes in our DELSumm algorithm. Additionally, using only facts for legal judgment prediction with different transformer models yielded results inferior to the state-of-the-art outcomes reported in the "ILDC for CJPE" study
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