10 research outputs found

    A Layered architecture to model digital citizenship rights and opportunities

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    We live in a society shaped by information and communication technologies, a continuous interplay between what happens in the physical world and online. This fact asks the \u201chomo digitalis\u201d (the \u201cdigital person\u201d) to reconsider and reshape her/his citizenship and sovereignty to face with this \u201caugmented\u201d context, where rights and obligations have to be properly declined to meet technology opportunities. These opportunities, however, challenge the very idea of citizenship and the exercise of underlying rights. The authors propose the \u201crainbow of digital citizenship rights\u201d to slice aspects of digital citizenship in conceptual levels. The framework consists of abstraction layers spanning from basic network access up to the highest \u201cright to active involvement in policy-making.\u201d This article describes the framework and its application to analyze the \u201cPublic consultation on the fundamental principles of the Internet\u201d promoted by the italian Ministry of Education, work performed with the authors\u2019 \u201cDigital Citizenship and Technocivism\u201d course students

    Modular algebraic nets to specify concurrent systems

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    In this paper, we present the basic features of a specification language for concurrent distributed systems, developed at the Department of Information Sciences of the University of Milan, Italy. The language is based on a class of modular algebraic high-level nets, OBJSA nets, which result from the synthesis of Superposed Automata (SA) nets and of the algebraic specification language OBJ. It is supported by the OBJSA Net Environment (ONE). OBJSA nets stress the possibility of building the system model by composing its components and encourage the incremental development of the specification and its reusability. An OBJSA net consists of an SA net inscribed with terms of an OBJ module. The ONE environment supports the user in producing and executing a specification, hiding from her/him, as much as possible, the technical details of the algebraic part of the specification. The paper provides a complete presentation of OBJSA nets, including a user-oriented introduction, the definition of OBJSA nets (as subclass of SPEC-inscribed nets), of their occurrence rule (the semantics) and of the composition operation. In addition it presents the kernel of the support environment

    DEMON - Design Methods Based on Nets

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    E-democracy: modelli e strumenti delle forme di partecipazione emergenti nel panorama italiano

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    Studio preparatorio per la definizione della linea d'azione E-democracy, del II Piano nazionale per l'e-government, commissionato dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (Italia)

    An incremental specification of a hydroelectric power plant control system using a class of modular algebraic nets

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    In this paper, we present how the specification of a case study, the "Hydroelectric Power Plant Control System", proposed by the ENEL S.p.A., the major italian electricity supplier, can be incrementally obtained using OBJSA nets, a class of modular algebraic high-level nets, supported by their environment ONE. OBJSA nets, which result from the integration of Superposed Automata (SA) nets and of the algebraic specification language OBJ, stress the possibility of building the system model through composition of its (sequential non-deterministic) components and encourage the incremental development of the specification and its reusability, thanks to the availability of the Redp and Redt transformations. The environment ONE supports the user in producing and executing a specification, hiding from her/him, as much as possible, the technical details of the algebraic part of the specification

    Como avaliar a deliberação online?: um mapeamento de critérios relevantes

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    Este artigo explora os critérios utilizados nas pesquisas da área de Deliberação Online. Através de uma ampla revisão de literatura, foram selecionados os 59 artigos que elencam os indicadores a serem medidos em discussões na internet. Nestes artigos, foram encontrados, ao todo, 369 critérios, com média de 6,25 por artigo e desvio padrão de 2,69. Em um segundo momento, o esforço da pesquisa se deu no agrupamento de tais critérios em categorias mais amplas e conectadas aos princípios deliberativos. Os critérios foram então resumidos a 8 categorias, a saber: Justificação, Reciprocidade, Reflexividade, Respeito, Pluralidade, Igualdade, Informação e Tópico. Conclui-se que, apesar dos muitos critérios utilizados, não se trata de uma dispersão dos estudos de deliberação online. Este resultado está ligado às diferentes correntes teóricas da democracia deliberativa, à difícil operacionalização dos critérios, à necessidade de critérios específicos para os diferentes contextos e objetos de análise e, em vários casos, à simples diferença de taxonomia.<br>This paper explores the main criteria used in researches in the field of online deliberation. Through an extensive literature review, we selected 59 articles that list indicators to assess discussions in the internet. In these articles were found, altogether, 369 criteria, with an average of 6,25 per item and standard deviation of 2,69. In a second stage, the research effort is made to group these criteria into broad categories and connected to the deliberative principles. The criteria were summarized in eight categories, namely: Justification, Reciprocity, Reflexivity, Respect, Pluralism, Equality, Information and Topic. We conclude that despite the many criteria used, one cannot say there is an excessive dispersion at online deliberation studies. This result is linked to different deliberative democracy approaches, the difficult to operationalize the criterion, the need for specific criterion for different contexts and objects and, in many cases, the mere difference of taxonomy