580 research outputs found

    Uso de spots televisivos en las elecciones: la campaña de Paúl Granda para la Alcaldía de Cuenca-2009

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    El presente estudio pretende demostrar la importancia del uso de spots televisivos en campaña electoral, como parte de estrategias profesionales que cambian el escenario donde diferentes candidatos se disputan los votos de las y los ciudadanas/os. Partiendo de la realidad del contexto político ecuatoriano, en particular de la ciudad de Cuenca, se analizan cinco spots televisivos utilizados por el candidato Paul Granda en su primer intento de ganar la Alcaldía de Cuenca, y símbolo del cambio que marca la forma de hacer campaña electoral en Ecuador, de tradicional a profesional. La maquinaria propagandística puesta en marcha por el Movimiento PAIS, obliga los otros partidos y candidatos a dar un giro radical a su estrategia electoral, produciendo un fuerte impacto en los públicos votantes, y consagrando el consenso que los ecuatorianos habían manifestado por el presidente Rafael Correa en 2006. En el estudio se muestra este cambio a través de la campaña del candidato Granda, de la dependencia del movimiento y de los contrastes que provocan viejas y nuevas herramientas en el desarrollo de campañas profesionales que miden y planifican impactos, percepciones y preferencias. // The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of TV spots during electoral campaigns, which are used as professional strategies that can change the circumstances of candidates who are competing for citizens’ votes. In the Ecuadorian political context, particularly in the city of Cuenca, we analyzed five TV spots used by mayoral candidate Paul Granda during his first attempt to become mayor; this marked a change in electoral campaigns in Ecuador, from traditional to professional. The advertising used by Movimiento PAIS forced other political parties and candidates to radically change their strategy; this caused a strong impact in voters and demonstrated the consensus Ecuadorians had for President Rafael Correa in 2006. The study shows this change through Paul Granda’s campaign, the dependence of the movement and the contrasts of old and new tools in the development of professional campaigns that measure and plan impacts, perceptions and preferences

    An Active-Set Algorithmic Framework for Non-Convex Optimization Problems over the Simplex

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    In this paper, we describe a new active-set algorithmic framework for minimizing a non-convex function over the unit simplex. At each iteration, the method makes use of a rule for identifying active variables (i.e., variables that are zero at a stationary point) and specific directions (that we name active-set gradient related directions) satisfying a new "nonorthogonality" type of condition. We prove global convergence to stationary points when using an Armijo line search in the given framework. We further describe three different examples of active-set gradient related directions that guarantee linear convergence rate (under suitable assumptions). Finally, we report numerical experiments showing the effectiveness of the approach.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Developments in perfect simulation of Gibbs measures through a new result for the extinction of Galton-Watson-like processes

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    This paper deals with the problem of perfect sampling from a Gibbs measure with infinite range interactions. We present some sufficient conditions for the extinction of processes which are like supermartingales when large values are taken. This result has deep consequences on perfect simulation, showing that local modifications on the interactions of a model do not affect simulability. We also pose the question to optimize over a class of sequences of sets that influence the sufficient condition for the perfect simulation of the Gibbs measure. We completely solve this question both for the long range Ising models and for the spin models with finite range interactions.Comment: 28 page

    Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina: comparative analysis 2009-2013

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    Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Carrazana Rivera, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Research on socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol use has been a topic of increasing concern but not sufficiently understood. Traditionally, research about social inequalities in health suggests that individuals with lower socioeconomic status (SES) have poorer health than those who belong to higher socioeconomic groups (Dalstra, 2006). In regard to alcohol consumption there is sufficient evidence that is concentrated among more favored individuals. Although lower socioeconomic groups exhibit higher rates of abstinence, heavy drinking is more prevalent among these individuals (Bloomfield et. Al, 2006). Low and middle income countries might present different patterns than developed countries. There is some evidence from Brazil showing that higher socioeconomic status is strongly associated with high risk drinking (Almeida-Filho, 2005). In Chile no socioeconomic gradient was found in heavy episodic drinking (HED), whereas heavy volume drinking is concentrated among higher SES individuals (Peña et al, 2017). There is a lack of enough evidence about SES inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina. The present study analyses SES inequalities in alcohol consumption and harmful use of alcohol in Argentina. Using data from National Survey of Risk Factors, waves 2009 and 2013, concentration indices (CI) are calculated for monthly prevalence and HED. The monthly prevalence shows a strong socioeconomic gradient, since the highest income quintile concentrates the biggest proportion of consumers in both periods. It is noticeable that the proportion of consumers in the lowest quintile is significantly higher in 2013 than in 2009. The CI for the total sample in both waves are statistically significant and greater than zero, showing that monthly prevalence is concentrated in higher SES individuals. This result indicates that alcohol is a ?normal good?, since its consumption grows with the per capita household income level. In regard with HED, it increased throughout all age groups and income levels, between the two waves. The highest HED prevalence is found in the 18-34 aged group. In spite the CI for HED for the total sample in both waves are pro-poor, CI for subsamples reveal a different pattern of inequality in 2013 respect 2009: HED is pro-rich among young people aged 18-34 living in larger cities, while CI is still pro-poor for the rest. This result contrasts with Peña et al. 2017, and suggest the convenience of targeted alcohol interventions.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Carrazana Rivera, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Otras Economía y Negocio

    Forelimb proportions and fossorial adaptations in the scratch-digging rodent <i>Ctenomys</i> (Caviomorpha)

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    Members of the genus Ctenomys (tuco-tuco; Rodentia: Caviomorpha: Octodontidae) are considered scratch diggers. We compared the forelimbs of adult C. azarae with those of 13 species within other genera of caviomorph rodents to identify morphofunctional variation in osseous elements related to fossorial habits. Eight measurements of the humerus and ulna were used to construct five functional indices that were subjected to principal components analysis and simple comparisons among means. Ctenomys has a general morphology similar to that of terrestrial caviomorph rodents but exhibits some features that reflect its specialized fossorial condition, such as its comparatively large epicondyles. These features indicate greater muscular development and capacity for force production in the pronators and supinators of the forelimb and manus and flexors of the manus. The deltoid complex is well developed, indicating a large moment arm for the deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles, which increases the capacity for force production on humeral flexion. Humeral indices are the best for differentiating fossorial forms from diggers, occasional diggers, generalized, and cursorial forms. Limb bone segments are used differently by highly fossorial and scratch-digging forms.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Nota del editor : Oportunidades y desafíos para la alfabetización mediática informacional

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    En el nuevo contexto social determinado por el desarrollo contante de las TIC, los ciudadanos ejercen su rol activo mediante dispositivos tecnológicos, y la alfabetización mediática se presenta como un agente de cambio en favor de una sociedad más crítica, democrática y participativa. En esta edición especial se presentan seis contribuciones que aportan al debate sobre los retos de la alfabetización mediática en el siglo XXI mediante el estudio de fenómenos y aspectos en los cuales el uso de las TIC y los medios digitales convergen con la necesidad de ofrecer propuestas educativas que respondan a las exigencias formativas de la ciudadanía. Los autores otorgan miradas profundas sobre cuestiones como el acceso a la educación y la tecnología, la interacción lúdica en la educación, la motivación de los educandos en su participación, y la materialización de estas reflexiones en propuestas educativas de cuarto nivel.En el nou context social determinat pel desenvolupament constant de les TIC, els ciutadans exerceixen el seu paper actiu mitjançant dispositius tecnològics, i l'alfabetització mediàtica es presenta com un agent de canvi en favor d'una societat més crítica, democràtica i participativa. En aquesta edició especial es presenten sis contribucions que aporten al debat sobre els reptes de l'alfabetització mediàtica al segle XXI. Estudien fenòmens i aspectes en els quals l'ús de les TIC i els mitjans digitals convergeixen amb la necessitat d'oferir propostes educatives que responguin a les exigències formatives de la ciutadania. Els autors aporten diverses mirades sobre qüestions com l'accés a l'educació i la tecnologia, la interacció lúdica en l'educació, la motivació dels educands en la seva participació, i la materialització d'aquestes reflexions en propostes educatives de quart nivell.En el nou context social determinat pel desenvolupament constant de les TIC, els ciutadans exerceixen el seu paper actiu mitjançant dispositius tecnològics, i l'alfabetització mediàtica es presenta com un agent de canvi en favor d'una societat més crítica, democràtica i participativa. En aquesta edició especial es presenten sis contribucions que aporten al debat sobre els reptes de l'alfabetització mediàtica al segle XXI. Estudien fenòmens i aspectes en els quals l'ús de les TIC i els mitjans digitals convergeixen amb la necessitat d'oferir propostes educatives que responguin a les exigències formatives de la ciutadania. Els autors aporten diverses mirades sobre qüestions com l'accés a l'educació i la tecnologia, la interacció lúdica en l'educació, la motivació dels educands en la seva participació, i la materialització d'aquestes reflexions en propostes educatives de quart nivell.In the new social context determined by the constant development of ICT, citizens exercise their active role through technological devices, and media literacy is presented as an agent of change in favour of a more critical, democratic and participatory society. In this special edition, six papers are presented to contribute to the discussion on the challenges of media literacy in the 21st century through the study of phenomena and aspects in which the use of ICT and digital media converge with the need to offer educational proposals that respond to the citizen's formative demands. The authors give deep insights into issues such as access to education and technology, playful interaction in education, learners' motivation in their participation, and the materialisation of these reflections into fourth level educational proposals.Dans le nouveau contexte social déterminé par le développement constant des TIC, les citoyens exercent leur rôle actif à travers des dispositifs technologiques, et l'éducation aux médias est présentée comme un agent de changement en faveur d'une société plus critique, démocratique et participative. Cette édition spéciale présente six contributions qui contribuent au débat sur les défis de l'éducation aux médias au XXIe siècle à travers l'étude des phénomènes et des aspects dans lesquels l'utilisation des TIC et des médias numériques converge avec la nécessité de proposer des propositions éducatives qui répondent aux besoins de formation des citoyens. Les auteurs apportent un éclairage approfondi sur des questions telles que l'accès à l'éducation et à la technologie, l'interaction ludique dans l'éducation, la motivation des étudiants dans leur participation et la matérialisation de ces réflexions dans des propositions éducatives de quatrième niveau

    Uso de los spots televisivos en las elecciones: la campaña politica de Paul Granda para la Alcaldía de Cuenca - 2009

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    The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of TV spots during electoral campaigns, which are used as professional strategies that can change the circumstances of candidates who are competing for citizens’ votes. In the Ecuadorian political context, particularly in the city of Cuenca, we analyzed five TV spots used by mayoral candidate Paul Granda during his first attempt to become mayor; this marked a change in electoral campaigns in Ecuador, from traditional to professional. The advertising used by Movimiento PAIS forced other political parties and candidates to radically change their strategy; this caused a strong impact in voters and demonstrated the consensus Ecuadorians had for President Rafael Correa in 2006. The study shows this change through Paul Granda’s campaign, the dependence of the movement and the contrasts of old and new tools in the development of professional campaigns that measure and plan impacts, perceptions and preferences.El presente estudio pretende demostrar la importancia del uso de spots televisivos en campaña electoral, como parte de estrategias profesionales que cambian el escenario donde diferentes candidatos se disputan los votos de las y los ciudadanas/os. Partiendo de la realidad del contexto político ecuatoriano, en particular de la ciudad de Cuenca, se analizan cinco spots televisivos utilizados por el candidato Paul Granda en su primer intento de ganar la Alcaldía de Cuenca, y símbolo del cambio que marca la forma de hacer campaña electoral en Ecuador, de tradicional a profesional. La maquinaria propagandística puesta en marcha por el Movimiento PAIS, obliga los otros partidos y candidatos a dar un giro radical a su estrategia electoral, produciendo un fuerte impacto en los públicos votantes, y consagrando el consenso que los ecuatorianos habían manifestado por el Presidente Rafael Correa en 2006.  En el estudio se muestra este cambio a través de la campaña del candidato Granda, de la dependencia del movimiento y de los contrastes que provocan viejas y nuevas herramientas en el desarrollo de campañas profesionales que miden y planifican impactos, percepciones y preferencias

    CFD analysis of CO2- and H2O-diluted combustion in gas turbines

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