3,970 research outputs found

    Opere spirituali del beato padre f. Giouanni della Crocce : primo scalzo della riforma del Carmine¿e coadiutore della santa vergine Teresa, fondatrice di essa.

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    Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2014Sig.: [cruz latina], 2[cruz latina]8, A-Z8, 2A-2Z8, a8.Port. con grab. cal.Texto a dos col.Texto con apostillas marg.Salita del Monte Carmelo. Notte oscura. Essercitto d¿amore. La fiamma d¿amor viu

    Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para disminuir los accidentes laborales del área de producción en la empresa Emmsegen, Callao, 2021

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    La seguridad y salud en el trabajo es un tema de vital importancia ya que ayuda a proteger a los trabajadores siendo estos un recurso indispensable para el éxito de las empresas. Con el fin de disminuir accidentes, algunas empresas han adoptado el Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SGSST). Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar cómo la implementación del SGSST disminuye los accidentes laborales del área de producción en la empresa Emmsegen del Callao en el 2021. En cuanto a la metodología es de tipo aplicado, diseño preexperimental y la técnica utilizada es de muestreo no probabilística por conveniencia, además los instrumentos son observación y medición directa y análisis documental. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que con el SGSST la empresa disminuyó los accidentes en un 73%. Por último, se concluye que perfeccionen el SGSST, con la finalidad de mejorar las condiciones de trabajo para reducir los accidentes con el fin de aumentar su productividad y por ende la rentabilidad de la empresa

    Propuesta de una guía de revisión de las normas técnicas A.010 y A.020 del RNE mediante el software BIMcollab Zoom, para la reducción del plazo en la revisión de proyectos multifamiliares en el proceso de tramitación para la obtención de licencias de edificación, en el Distrito de San Bartolo

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    En el Perú, antes de ejecutar la construcción de una edificación multifamiliar se debe contar con una licencia de edificación (Tipo B o Tipo C según la ordenanza del distrito), para la obtención de esta, se debe de presentar un expediente técnico con documentación requerida por la municipalidad correspondiente del distrito donde se desea realizar la construcción. Dicha municipalidad cuenta con un plazo determinado para revisar y emitir la aprobación o denegación del trámite de licencia de edificación. Sin embargo, en una investigación realizada por el Ministerio de Vivienda en el 2012, se concluyó que el tiempo promedio de revisión municipal supera lo permitido (Banco Central de Reserva del Perú [BCRP],2015). Esto ocasiona, posteriormente, retrasos en el inicio de la ejecución n del proyecto y por lo consiguiente genera gastos adicionales, ya sea por incumplimiento de plazos contractuales, o variaciones en el cronograma de ejecución. Se sabe que en otros países se ha implementado metodologías con la ayuda de herramientas software para optimizar el tiempo del proceso de obtención de licencias de edificación, incluso se ha logrado automatizar completamente dicho proceso. Por ello, la presente investigación está enfocada en investigar las causas principales de los retrasos en el proceso de revisión de expedientes por parte de la municipalidad y proponer una metodología que pueda optimizar los plazos de revisión, logrando cumplir con los parámetros de tiempo establecidos por la municipalidad. Así mismo, se evaluó distintos softwares BIM para incorporarlos y reestructurar el proceso de obtención de licencias de edificación. Finalmente, se realizó una simulación con la metodología propuesta en la municipalidad de San Bartolo con 3 proyectos reales en proceso de ejecución para, posteriormente, comparar los plazos de revisión de la metodología actual con la metodología propuesta.In Peru, before executing the construction of a multifamily building you must have a building license (Type B or Type C according to the district ordinance), to obtain this, you must submit a technical file with documentation required by the corresponding municipality of the district where you want to carry out the construction. This municipality has a specific deadline to review and issue the approval or denial of the building license process. However, in an investigation conducted by the Ministry of Housing in 2012, it was concluded that the average time of municipal review exceeds what is allowed (BCRP, 2015) This subsequently causes delays in the start of the execution of the project and therefore generates additional expenses, either due to non-compliance with contractual deadlines, or variations in the execution schedule. It is known that in other countries methodologies have been implemented with the help of software tools to optimize the time of the process of obtaining building licenses, even it has been possible to fully automate this process. Therefore, this research is focused on investigating the main causes of delays in the process of reviewing files by the municipality and proposing a methodology that can optimize review deadlines, managing to comply with the time parameters established by the municipality. Likewise, different BIM software was evaluated to incorporate them and restructure the process of obtaining building licenses. Finally, a simulation was carried out with the methodology proposed in the municipality of San Bartolo with 3 real projects in the process of execution to subsequently compare the review deadlines of the current methodology with the proposed methodology.Tesi

    First record of Callipodium rubens (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) in a lagoon system in Mexico

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    Considering that in the Mexican coastal of Gulf of Mexico, the octocoral reports have been made exclusively in marine ecosystems, the present investigation provides the unusual presence of Callipodium rubens in a lagoon system of Veracruz, for the first time. In the Tampamacho lagoon, nine, two and 13 specimens (respectively) were recorder during 2015, 2016 and 2018. They were fixed on immerged roots of Rhizophora mangle. Callipodium rubens was recorded occupying the lower horizons (near the bottom) of mangrove roots, spaces that are usually occupied by other sessile epibionts such as bivalves and barnacles. Because the records have been made in different locations and years in Tampamachoo lagoon, a detailed study is necessary to explain the ecological role that C. rubens performs, as a part of epibiont community in red mangrove roots.Considerando que en las costas mexicanas del golfo de México los reportes de octocorales se han hecho exclusivamente en ecosistemas marinos, la presente investigación aporta por primera vez la presencia inusual de Callipodium rubens en un sistema lagunar de Veracruz. En la laguna de Tampamachoco durante los años 2015, 2016 y 2018 se registraron nueve, dos y 13 ejemplares (respectivamente) fijados en raíces sumergidas de Rhizophora mangle. Callipodium rubens fue registrado ocupando los horizontes inferiores (cercanos al fondo) de las raíces de mangle, espacios que suelen ser ocupados por otros epibiontes sésiles como bivalvos y balanos. Dado que los registros se han realizado en diferentes localidades y años en la laguna de Tampamachoco, es necesario un estudio detallado para explicar el papel ecológico que desempeña C. rubens como parte de la comunidad epibionte en raíces del mangle rojo

    Family centeredness of care:a cross-sectional study in intensive care units part of the European society of intensive care medicine

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    Purpose: To identify key components and variations in family-centered care practices. Methods: A cross-sectional study, conducted across ESICM members. Participating ICUs completed a questionnaire covering general ICU characteristics, visitation policies, team-family interactions, and end-of-life decision-making. The primary outcome, self-rated family-centeredness, was assessed using a visual analog scale. Additionally, respondents completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Ethical Decision Making Climate Questionnaire to capture burnout dimensions and assess the ethical decision-making climate. Results: The response rate was 53% (respondents from 359/683 invited ICUs who actually open the email); participating healthcare professionals (HCPs) were from Europe (62%), Asia (9%), South America (6%), North America (5%), Middle East (4%), and Australia/New Zealand (4%). The importance of family-centeredness was ranked high, median 7 (IQR 6–8) of 10 on VAS. Significant differences were observed across quartiles of family centeredness, including in visitation policies availability of a waiting rooms, family rooms, family information leaflet, visiting hours, night visits, sleep in the ICU, and in team-family interactions, including daily information, routine day-3 conference, and willingness to empower nurses and relatives. Higher family centeredness correlated with family involvement in rounds, participation in patient care and end-of-life practices. Burnout symptoms (41% of respondents) were negatively associated with family-centeredness. Ethical climate and willingness to empower nurses were independent predictors of family centeredness. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the need to prioritize healthcare providers’ mental health for enhanced family-centered care. Further research is warranted to assess the impact of improving the ethical climate on family-centeredness.</p

    Family centeredness of care:a cross-sectional study in intensive care units part of the European society of intensive care medicine

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    Purpose: To identify key components and variations in family-centered care practices. Methods: A cross-sectional study, conducted across ESICM members. Participating ICUs completed a questionnaire covering general ICU characteristics, visitation policies, team-family interactions, and end-of-life decision-making. The primary outcome, self-rated family-centeredness, was assessed using a visual analog scale. Additionally, respondents completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Ethical Decision Making Climate Questionnaire to capture burnout dimensions and assess the ethical decision-making climate. Results: The response rate was 53% (respondents from 359/683 invited ICUs who actually open the email); participating healthcare professionals (HCPs) were from Europe (62%), Asia (9%), South America (6%), North America (5%), Middle East (4%), and Australia/New Zealand (4%). The importance of family-centeredness was ranked high, median 7 (IQR 6–8) of 10 on VAS. Significant differences were observed across quartiles of family centeredness, including in visitation policies availability of a waiting rooms, family rooms, family information leaflet, visiting hours, night visits, sleep in the ICU, and in team-family interactions, including daily information, routine day-3 conference, and willingness to empower nurses and relatives. Higher family centeredness correlated with family involvement in rounds, participation in patient care and end-of-life practices. Burnout symptoms (41% of respondents) were negatively associated with family-centeredness. Ethical climate and willingness to empower nurses were independent predictors of family centeredness. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the need to prioritize healthcare providers’ mental health for enhanced family-centered care. Further research is warranted to assess the impact of improving the ethical climate on family-centeredness.</p

    Metamorfismo de contacto y mineralización metálica en Lunahuaná, Cañete

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    The mean metamorphism at Quebrada Totorita, Lunahuaná, is “Contact Metamorphism”-type, according to the fieldwork, characterization of geological units and supported with thin sections petrography. A strong hydrothermal alteration of biotite was recognized associated to the metamorphism, although with very localized extension, which suggest a probable metallic occurrence of Porphyry Copper-Skarn.Key words: El metamorfismo en el área Quebrada Totorita-Lunahuaná es principalmente de tipo “Metamorfismo de Contacto”, mostrado en el trabajo de campo, caracterización de unidades geológicas, y afianzado con la petrografía de secciones delgadas. Relacionado a este, se reconoce una zona de fuerte alteración hidrotermal por la presencia de biotita, pero de extensión muy local, lo cual sugiere una posible ocurrencia metálica de un Pórfido de Cobre- Skarn

    Mapping the evidence of the effects of environmental factors on the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in the non-built environment: Protocol for a systematic evidence map

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    Background: Human, animal, and environmental health are increasingly threatened by the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance. Inappropriate use of antibiotic treatments commonly contributes to this threat, but it is also becoming apparent that multiple, interconnected environmental factors can play a significant role. Thus, a One Health approach is required for a comprehensive understanding of the environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance and inform science-based decisions and actions. The broad and multidisciplinary nature of the problem poses several open questions drawing upon a wide heterogeneous range of studies. Objective: This study seeks to collect and catalogue the evidence of the potential effects of environmental factors on the abundance or detection of antibiotic resistance determinants in the outdoor environment, i.e., antibiotic resistant bacteria and mobile genetic elements carrying antibiotic resistance genes, and the effect on those caused by local environmental conditions of either natural or anthropogenic origin. Methods: Here, we describe the protocol for a systematic evidence map to address this, which will be performed in adherence to best practice guidelines. We will search the literature from 1990 to present, using the following electronic databases: MEDLINE, Embase, and the Web of Science Core Collection as well as the grey literature. We shall include full-text, scientific articles published in English. Reviewers will work in pairs to screen title, abstract and keywords first and then full-text documents. Data extraction will adhere to a code book purposely designed. Risk of bias assessment will not be conducted as part of this SEM. We will combine tables, graphs, and other suitable visualisation techniques to compile a database i) of studies investigating the factors associated with the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in the environment and ii) map the distribution, network, cross-disciplinarity, impact and trends in the literature.This work was supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme. The funder had no role in the development of this protocol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio