30 research outputs found

    Does trade creation by social and business networks hold in services? An analysis for Accommodation and Restaurants in Spain

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    Recent literature on the border effect fostered research on informal barriers to trade and the role of networks promoting it. In relation to social networks, it has been shown that the intensity of trade of goods is positively correlated with the migration flows between any pair of countries/regions. In this article it is investigated if such a relation also holds for the Spanish domestic trade flows of services. With this aim, a gravity model rooted in the Dixit–Stiglitz–Krugman theoretical frameworks is used taking advantage of a unique dataset on interregional trade flows of some of the main sectors linked to Tourism, namely, Accommodation and Restaurants. A different analysis of each sector separately is carried out, finding a big positive effect for Restaurants, but no effect for the Hostel industry. These novel results can be explained by forces driving the demand in each sector. Migration linkages are measured by means of Register data, regarding the stock of people born in each region living in the others. Business networks are approached by a matrix of companies in different regions operating in these key sectors that are connected.Gravity model; bilateral exports; border effect; Social and business networks; internal migration; interregional trade.

    Social networks and trade of services: Modelling interregional flows with spatial and network autocorrelation effects

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    Recent literature on border effect has fostered research on informal barriers to trade and the role played by network dependencies. In relation to social networks, it has been shown that intensity of trade in goods is positively correlated with migration flows between pairs of countries/regions. In this article, we investigate whether such a relation also holds for interregional trade of services. We also consider whether interregional trade flows in services linked with tourism exhibit spatial and/or social network dependence. Conventional empirical gravity models assume the magnitude of bilateral flows between regions is independent of flows to/ from regions located nearby in space, or flows to/from regions related through social/cultural/ethic network connections. With this aim, we provide estimates from a set of gravity models showing evidence of statistically significant spatial and network (demographic) dependence in the bilateral flows of the trade of services considered. The analysis has been applied to the Spanish intra- and interregional monetary flows of services from the accommodation, restaurants and travel agencies for the period 2000 2009, using alternative datasets for the migration stocks and definitions of network effects.This paper has been developed in the context of different research projects: TransporTrade S2007/HUM/497, (www.uam.es/transportrade), funded by the Education Department of the Madrid Regional Govern ment; the Project (ECO2010 21643/ECON) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, as well as the DESTINO Project (Ministerio de Fomento). T. de la Mata also acknowledges the fund received from the Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid (Programa FPI UAM). Carlos Llano also thanks the support received by the New York University Economics Department, where part of this work was also accomplished during an academic stay in the Fall semester 201

    Gravity model and tourism: an application to the interregional monetary flows of the Spanish Tourist sector

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    Este trabajo analiza los flujos monetarios domésticos del sector Turismo en España mediante diferentes especificaciones del modelo gravitatorio, aplicados a tres estimaciones alternativas de los flujos monetarios bilaterales. Los modelos han permitido identificar las principales variables que actúan como factores de atracción de los flujos interregionales, obteniendo elasticidades diferentes para la variable distancia a las observadas en los flujos turísticos internacionales o en el comercio interregional español de bienes. También se muestra la gran importancia del comercio intrarregional y el comportamiento singular de los flujos interregionales entre regiones adyacentes.This work analyses the intra and interregional monetary flows generated by the Tourist sector within Spain, by means of different formulations of the gravity model and three alternative estimates of bilateral monetary flows. The models have also identified some important variables driving the interregional monetary flows of the tourist sector, showing different elasticities for the distance variable than the ones observed in other studies of international tourist flows or the Spanish interregional trade flows of goods. We also show the importance of the intrarregional trade and the special behaviour of the interregional flows between adjacent regions

    The interregional trade of services and the effects of social and business networks: With application to accommodation, restaurants and travel agencies flows in Spain

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Análisis Económico. Fecha de lectura : 20-11-201

    El comercio interprovincial de bienes en España

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    En España no existe información oficial sobre el comercio interregional de bienes. En el marco del proyecto C-intereg se ha estimado la primera base de datos de comercio con detalle provincial, tomando como punto de partida la información disponible sobre transporte de mercancías junto con información adicional sobre precios específicos por regiones y productos. La metodología también incluye varios ejercicios de depuración y armonización con las cifras oficiales de producción y comercio internacional. En este artículo se ofrece la primera exploración realizada sobre los flujos provinciales para el periodo 1995-2007, incluyendo un análisis descriptivo profundo que permite clasificar a las provincias españolas según su apertura exterior. Posteriormente, se analiza econométricamente la base de datos utilizando diversas especificaciones de la ecuación gravitatoria para datos de panel. Dicho análisis ha permitido detectar los principales flujos interprovinciales, ofreciendo una radiografía hasta ahora inédita acerca del grado de integración comercial a esta escala territoria

    Synthesis of degradable cationic carbosilane dendrimers based on Si-O or ester bonds

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    Several cationic carbosilane dendrimers have been synthesized containing two different types of degradable bonds: SieO and ester bonds. The first type of systems was prepared by reacting carbosilane dendrimers containing peripheral SieCl bonds with first generation dendrons presenting a eOH function at the focal point and amine peripheral functions. The second type of systems was prepared by esterification between a dendrimer containing acid groups and an alcoholamine. The stability in water of both types of cationic systems was evaluatedMinisterio de Economía y Empres

    El comercio interprovincial de bienes en España

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    En España no existe información oficial sobre el comercio interregional de bienes. En el marco del proyecto C-intereg se ha estimado la primera base de datos de comercio con detalle provincial, tomando como punto de partida la información disponible sobre transporte de mercancías junto con información adicional sobre precios específicos por regiones y productos. La metodología también incluye varios ejercicios de depuración y armonización con las cifras oficiales de producción y comercio internacional. En este artículo se ofrece la primera exploración realizada sobre los flujos provinciales para el periodo 1995-2007, incluyendo un análisis descriptivo profundo que permite clasificar a las provincias españolas según su apertura exterior. Posteriormente, se analiza econométricamente la base de datos utilizando diversas especificaciones de la ecuación gravitatoria para datos de panel. Dicho análisis ha permitido detectar los principales flujos interprovinciales, ofreciendo una radiografía hasta ahora inédita acerca del grado de integración comercial a esta escala territorial.interregional trade; transport flows; border effect; Spanish provinces.

    Identificación, detección y diagnóstico de estilos de aprendizaje en el alumnado del Grado de Pedagogía

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Jornadas de Innovación Docente de la UBU, Burgos, 23 y 24 de febrero de 2012, organizadas por el Instituto de Formación e Innovación Educativa-IFIE de la Universidad de Burgo

    Una primera caracterización de las empresas receptoras de fondos NGEU en España

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    Este documento presenta una primera caracterización de las empresas receptoras de los fondos del programa Next Generation EU (NGEU) desde el comienzo del mismo y hasta abril de 2023. Las empresas adjudicatarias de licitaciones asociadas al NGEU presentan un mayor tamaño, una mayor productividad y unas mejores condiciones de acceso a la financiación bancaria, tanto respecto a las empresas no adjudicatarias de licitaciones públicas como respecto a las empresas adjudicatarias de otras licitaciones no vinculadas al NGEU. Sin embargo, en el caso de las subvenciones, las empresas beneficiarias de subvenciones asociadas al NGEU son, en términos generales, más pequeñas que las empresas beneficiarias de otras subvenciones públicas no vinculadas al NGEU.This document presents a first characterisation of the private companies receiving funds from the Next Generation EU (NGEU) programme between March 2020 and April 2023. The companies awarded public tenders associated with the NGEU exhibit larger size, greater productivity and better conditions of access to bank financing, both with respect to companies not awarded public tenders and with respect to companies awarded other public tenders not linked to the NGEU. However, in the case of subsidies, companies receiving subsidies associated with the NGEU are, in general terms, smaller than companies receiving other public subsidies not financed by the NGEU programme