8,038 research outputs found

    Die krugerfees van 1954 end die betekenis daarvan

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    Graag voldoen ek aan die versoek van die Redaksie om ’n paar indrukke van die Krugerfees weer te gee en om iets te sê oor die betekenis daarvan. Toe die Krugergenootskap aan die begin van 1953 verlof gekry het om die Krugerstandbeeld na Kerkplein te verskuiwe het ons dadelik besef dat ons aan die begin van die verwesenliking van ’n groot ideaal van dieAfrikanerdom s ta an en dat d a a r ’n groot volksfees in die verskiet lê

    Normal stresses in semiflexible polymer hydrogels

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    Biopolymer gels such as fibrin and collagen networks are known to develop tensile axial stress when subject to torsion. This negative normal stress is opposite to the classical Poynting effect observed for most elastic solids including synthetic polymer gels, where torsion provokes a positive normal stress. As recently shown, this anomalous behavior in fibrin gels depends on the open, porous network structure of biopolymer gels, which facilitates interstitial fluid flow during shear and can be described by a phenomenological two-fluid model with viscous coupling between network and solvent. Here we extend this model and develop a microscopic model for the individual diagonal components of the stress tensor that determine the axial response of semi-flexible polymer hydrogels. This microscopic model predicts that the magnitude of these stress components depends inversely on the characteristic strain for the onset of nonlinear shear stress, which we confirm experimentally by shear rheometry on fibrin gels. Moreover, our model predicts a transient behavior of the normal stress, which is in excellent agreement with the full time-dependent normal stress we measure.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Physics Behind Precision

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    This document provides a writeup of contributions to the FCC-ee mini-workshop on "Physics behind precision" held at CERN, on 2-3 February 2016.Comment: https://indico.cern.ch/event/469561

    Stopping and straggling of 60-250-keV backscattered protons on nanometric Pt films

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    The stopping power and straggling of backscattered protons on nanometric Pt films were measured at low to medium energies (60-250 keV) by using the medium-energy ion scattering technique. The stopping power results are in good agreement with the most recent measurements by Primetzhofer Phy s. Rev. B 86, 094102 (2012) and are well described by the free electron gas model at low projectile energies. Nevertheless, the straggling results are strongly underestimated by well-established formulas up to a factor of two. Alternatively, we propose a model for the energy-loss straggling that takes into account the inhomogeneous electron-gas response, based on the electron-loss function of the material, along with bunching effects. This approach yields remarkable agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the observed enhancement in energy-loss straggling is due to bunching effects in an inhomogeneous electron system. Nonlinear effects are of minor importance for the energy-loss straggling

    The Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for finite W-algebras

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    We study the representation theory of finite W-algebras. After introducing parabolic subalgebras to describe the structure of W-algebras, we define the Verma modules and give a conjecture for the Kac determinant. This allows us to find the completely degenerate representations of the finite W-algebras. To extract the irreducible representations we analyse the structure of singular and subsingular vectors, and find that for W-algebras, in general the maximal submodule of a Verma module is not generated by singular vectors only. Surprisingly, the role of the (sub)singular vectors can be encapsulated in terms of a `dual' analogue of the Kazhdan-Lusztig theorem for simple Lie algebras. These involve dual relative Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. We support our conjectures with some examples, and briefly discuss applications and the generalisation to infinite W-algebras.Comment: 11 page

    Chytrid epidemics may increase genetic diversity of a diatom spring-bloom

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    Contrary to expectation, populations of clonal organisms are often genetically highly diverse. In phytoplankton, this diversity is maintained throughout periods of high population growth (that is, blooms), even though competitive exclusion among genotypes should hypothetically lead to the dominance of a few superior genotypes. Genotype-specific parasitism may be one mechanism that helps maintain such high-genotypic diversity of clonal organisms. Here, we present a comparison of population genetic similarity by estimating the beta-dispersion among genotypes of early and peak bloom populations of the diatom Asterionella formosa for three spring-blooms under high or low parasite pressure. The Asterionella population showed greater beta-dispersion at peak bloom than early bloom in the 2 years with high parasite pressure, whereas the within group dispersion did not change under low parasite pressure. Our findings support that high prevalence parasitism can promote genetic diversification of natural populations of clonal hosts

    New <i>Methyloceanibacter</i> diversity from North Sea sediments includes methanotroph containing solely the soluble methane monooxygenase

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    Marine methylotrophs play a key role in the global carbon cycle by metabolizing reduced one-carbon compounds that are found in high concentrations in marine environments. Genome, physiology and diversity studies have been greatly facilitated by the numerous model organisms brought into culture. However, the availability of marine representatives remains poor. Here, we report the isolation of four novel species from North Sea sediment enrichments closely related to the Alphaproteobacterium Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi. Each of the newly isolated Methyloceanibacter species exhibited a clear genome sequence divergence which was reflected in physiological differences. Notably one strain R-67174 was capable of oxidizing methane as sole source of carbon and energy using solely a soluble methane monooxygenase and represents the first marine Alphaproteobacterial methanotroph brought into culture. Differences in maximum cell density of >1.5 orders of magnitude were observed. Furthermore, three strains were capable of producing nitrous oxide from nitrate. Together, these findings highlight the metabolic and physiologic variability within closely related Methyloceanibacter species and provide a new understanding of the physiological basis of marine methylotrophy

    Graphical genotyping as a method to map Ny ((o,n)sto) and Gpa5 using a reference panel of tetraploid potato cultivars

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    The method of graphical genotyping is applied to a panel of tetraploid potato cultivars to visualize haplotype sharing. The method allowed to map genes involved in virus and nematode resistance. The physical coordinates of the amount of linkage drag surrounding these genes are easily interpretable. Graphical genotyping is a visually attractive and easily interpretable method to represent genetic marker data. In this paper, the method is extended from diploids to a panel of tetraploid potato cultivars. Application of filters to select a subset of SNPs allows one to visualize haplotype sharing between individuals that also share a specific locus. The method is illustrated with cultivars resistant to Potato virus Y (PVY), while simultaneously selecting for the absence of the SNPs in susceptible clones. SNP data will then merge into an image which displays the coordinates of a distal genomic region on the northern arm of chromosome 11 where a specific haplotype is introgressed from the wild potato species S. stoloniferum (CPC 2093) carrying a gene (Ny ((o,n)sto) ) conferring resistance to two PVY strains, PVYO and PVYNTN. Graphical genotyping was also successful in showing the haplotypes on chromosome 12 carrying Ry-f (sto) , another resistance gene derived from S. stoloniferum conferring broad-spectrum resistance to PVY, as well as chromosome 5 haplotypes from S. vernei, with the Gpa5 locus involved in resistance against Globodera pallida cyst nematodes. The image also shows shortening of linkage drag by meiotic recombination of the introgression segment in more recent breeding material. Identity-by-descent was found to be a requirement for using graphical genotyping, which is proposed as a non-statistical alternative method for gene discovery, as compared with genome-wide association studies. The potential and limitations of the method are discussed.Peer reviewe
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