1,455 research outputs found

    Tracheocutaneous fistula in patients undergoing supracricoid partial laryngectomy: the role of chronic aspiration

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    The aim of the present retrospective controlled study was to analyse and compare risk factors for tracheocutaneous fistula in patients who received tracheostomy after supracricoid partial laryngectomy with those who received tracheostomy for other causes. We enrolled 39 patients with tracheocutaneous fistulas who were divided into two groups. The first received temporary tracheostomy for supracricoid partial laryngectomies (n = 21), while the control group consisted of patients who received temporary tracheostomy for other causes (n = 18). Risk factors believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of tracheocutaneous fistula were examined including advanced age, cardiopathy, local infections, radiotherapy, elevated body mass index, malnutrition, decannulation time and aspiration grade. The Leipzig and Pearson scale score was significantly higher in the supracricoid partial laryngectomy group (p = 0.006 and 0.031 for univariate and multivariate analyses, respectively). The penetration/aspiration scale score was significantly higher in the supracricoid partial laryngectomy group as determined by univariate analysis (p = 0.014). The decannulation time was significantly lower in the supracricoid partial laryngectomy group (p = 0.004 and 0.0004 for univariate and multivariate analyses, respectively). The number of surgical closures for tracheocutaneous fistula was significantly higher in the supracricoid partial laryngectomy group by univariate analysis (p = 0.027). These results suggest that chronic aspiration and related cough may be important pathogenic factors for tracheocutaneous fistula and could be responsible for the significantly higher rates of closure failure in patients after supracricoid partial laryngectomy

    Genetic variation and possible origins of weedy rice found in California.

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    Control of weeds in cultivated crops is a pivotal component in successful crop production allowing higher yield and higher quality. In rice-growing regions worldwide, weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea Rosh.) is a weed related to cultivated rice which infests rice fields. With populations across the globe evolving a suite of phenotypic traits characteristic of weeds and of cultivated rice, varying hypotheses exist on the origin of weedy rice. Here, we investigated the genetic diversity and possible origin of weedy rice in California using 98 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and an Rc gene-specific marker. By employing phylogenetic clustering analysis, we show that four to five genetically distinct biotypes of weedy rice exist in California. Analysis of population structure and genetic distance among individuals reveals diverse evolutionary origins of California weedy rice biotypes, with ancestry derived from indica, aus, and japonica cultivated rice as well as possible contributions from weedy rice from the southern United States and wild rice. Because this diverse parentage primarily consists of weedy, wild, and cultivated rice not found in California, most existing weedy rice biotypes likely originated outside California

    Evidence and role of autoantibodies in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.

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    In this study, we review our current knowledge of the autoimmune etiopathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps including bacterial infections, viral infections and immunomediated mechanisms and to discuss pathogenesis with relevance for pharmacotherapy. Relevant publications on the etiopathogenesis and treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) from 1977 to 2013 were analyzed. The characteristic signs and symptoms include appearance of relapsing nasal polyps, with typical symptoms such as nasal obstruction, nasal discharge and, usually, loss of the sense of smell. The etiology and pathogenesis remain unknown. Proposed theories of causation include bacterial or viral infections and immunomediated mechanisms. The autoimmune aetiology of of unknown origin or failure to respond to classic pharmacological treatments with nasal and oral steroids is now suspected. At present, the nature of the antigen trigger, the exact role played by B/T cells and anti-dsDNA autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis remains unclear. Corticosteroids and surgery are the first line of treatment in CRSwNP. In the case of corticosteroid treatment failure, other drugs can be used such as rituximab, belimumab or omalizumab which have demonstrated clinical efficacy in the treatment of nasal polyposis with comorbid asthma. Immunosuppressive drugs such as methotrexate, and cyclophosphamide have also been used with varying degrees of success

    Comparative Genomics Suggests a Taxonomic Revision of the Staphylococcus cohnii Species Complex

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    Staphylococcus cohnii (SC), a coagulase-negative bacterium, was first isolated in 1975 from human skin. Early phenotypic analyses led to the delineation of two subspecies (subsp.), Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. cohnii (SCC) and Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. urealyticus (SCU). SCC was considered to be specific to humans, whereas SCU apparently demonstrated a wider host range, from lower primates to humans. The type strains ATCC 29974 and ATCC 49330 have been designated for SCC and SCU, respectively. Comparative analysis of 66 complete genome sequences-including a novel SC isolate-revealed unexpected patterns within the SC complex, both in terms of genomic sequence identity and gene content, highlighting the presence of 3 phylogenetically distinct groups. Based on our observations, and on the current guidelines for taxonomic classification for bacterial species, we propose a revision of the SC species complex. We suggest that SCC and SCU should be regarded as two distinct species: SC and SU (Staphylococcus urealyticus), and that two distinct subspecies, SCC and SCB (SC subsp. barensis, represented by the novel strain isolated in Bari) should be recognized within SC. Furthermore, since large-scale comparative genomics studies recurrently suggest inconsistencies or conflicts in taxonomic assignments of bacterial species, we believe that the approach proposed here might be considered for more general application

    Evaluation of inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry for determination of as in agricultural inputs with high REE contents.

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    In the present work, an inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometer (ICP-MS/MS) operating in single quadrupole and mass shift modes were evaluated for As determination in mineral fertilizers and agricultural gypsum with high contents of rare earth elements. For MS/MS mode, oxygen was the gas introduced into the octopole reaction system (ORS3 ). Samples were prepared by microwave-assisted digestion with diluted nitric acid solution. The accuracy was checked by analysis of a fertilizer certified reference material (NIST SRM 695) and by addition and recovery experiments. When operating in single quadrupole mode, recoveries ranged from 59 to 151%; while values obtained by MS/MS mode varied from 81 to 105% when 0.30 mL min-1 O2 was introduced into the ORS3 . Limits of detection for As+ in single quadrupole and AsO+ in MS/MS mass shift mode were 6 and 9 ng L-1, respectively

    Cogan's syndrome: An autoimmune inner ear disease

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    Abstract Objectives The objective of our study was to review our current knowledge of the aetiopathogenesis of Cogan's syndrome, including viral infection and autoimmunity, and to discuss disease pathogenesis with relevance to pharmacotherapy. Systematic review methodology Relevant publications on the aetiopathogenesis and pharmacotherapy of Cogan's syndrome from 1945 to 2012 were analysed. Results and conclusions Cogan's syndrome is a rare autoimmune vasculitis, and its pathogenesis is unknown. Infection, but primarily autoimmunity, may play contributing roles in the pathogenesis of this disease. It is characterised by ocular and audiovestibular symptoms similar to those of Meniere's syndrome. Approximately 70% of patients have systemic disease, of which vasculitis is considered the pathological mechanism. The immunologic theory is based on the release of auto-antibodies against corneal, inner ear and endothelial antigens, and of anti-nuclear cytoplasmic auto-antibodies (ANCA). Corticosteroids are the first line of treatment, and multiple immunosuppressive drugs have been tried with varying degrees of success. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha blockers are a category of immunosuppressive agents representing a recent novel therapeutic option in Cogan's syndrome

    Cadmium and arsenic affect quiescent centre formation and maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana post-embryonic roots disrupting auxin biosynthesis and transport

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    The research was focussed on the effects of cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As), alone or combined, on Arabidopsis post-embryonic roots, with attention to quiescent centre formation and development in relation to auxin homeostasis. To the aim, morphological and histochemical analyses were carried out on seedlings, exposed or not to Cd and/or As, of wild type, and transgenic lines useful for monitoring quiescent centre identity, auxin localization and cellular influx and efflux. Moreover, auxin levels and expression of the YUC6 auxin biosynthetic gene were monitored in Cd and/or As exposed wild type seedlings. Results showed that Cd and Cd plus As increased the lateral and adventitious root density, whereas As alone reduced it. In the lateral and adventitious root apices Cd and/or As negatively affected quiescent centre identity and auxin localization, changed auxin levels, expression of YUC6, and of PIN1 and LAX3, auxin efflux and influx carriers, respectively. The alteration in auxin homeostasis was different for the two pollutants, explaining their contrasting response on the post-embryonic roots

    Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQL), the “PDQL-BR”, into Brazilian Portuguese

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    Translate, culturally adapt, and validate the “Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life” (PDQL) BR, into Brazilian Portuguese. Fifty-two patients answered the PDQL-BR. Twenty-one patients answered the PDQL-BR again 14 days later. The UPDRS and HY scale was applied. Validation was evaluated using psychometric properties, checking the quality of the data, reliability, and validity. Quality of the data was evaluated based on occurrence of ceiling and floor effects. Reliability was evaluated based on: internal consistency of an item, homogeneity, and reproducibility. Validation was checked through the evaluation of convergent and discriminatory validation. There was no ceiling and floor effect. When evaluating reliability, items 20, 30, and 37 showed correlation of 0.34, 0.26, and 0.37, respectively, to your scale; the other items was higher than 0.4. The alpha Cronbach coefficient was higher than 0.7 for most domains. There was good reproducibility. There were no meaningful changes in the PDQL-BR translation and cross-cultural adaptation

    Sudden neck swelling with rash as late manifestation of COVID-19: a case report

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    Background: Although there are reports of otolaryngological symptoms and manifestations of CoronaVirus Disease 19 (COVID-19), there have been no documented cases of sudden neck swelling with rash in patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection described in literature. Case presentation: We report a case of a sudden neck swelling and rash likely due to late SARS-CoV-2 in a 64-year-old woman. The patient reported COVID-19 symptoms over the previous three weeks. Computed Tomography (CT) revealed a diffuse soft-tissue swelling and edema of subcutaneous tissue, hypodermis, and muscular and deep fascial planes. All the differential diagnoses were ruled out. Both the anamnestic history of the patient’s husband who had died of COVID-19 with and the collateral findings of pneumonia and esophageal wall edema suggested the association with COVID-19. This was confirmed by nasopharyngeal swab polymerase chain reaction. The patient was treated with lopinavir/ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine and piperacillin/tazobactam for 7 days. The neck swelling resolved in less than 24 h, while the erythema was still present up to two days later. The patient was discharged after seven days in good clinical condition and with a negative swab. Conclusion: Sudden neck swelling with rash may be a coincidental presentation, but, in the pandemic context, it is most likely a direct or indirect complication of COVID-19

    The observed oogenesis impairment in greater amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810) reared in captivity is not related to an insufficient liver transcription or oocyte uptake of vitellogenin

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    The greater amberjack Seriola dumerili is an excellent candidate for the Mediterranean aquaculture, due to its large body size and high growth rate, as well as its high flesh quality and commercial value worldwide. For its successful incorporation in the aquaculture industry, an in-depth understanding of the reproductive function of the species under rearing conditions is necessary, since completion of oogenesis in captivity is currently a bottleneck for the commercial production of the species. Liver and ovary samples from wild and captive-reared greater amberjack females were collected at three different phases of the reproductive cycle: early gametogenesis (EARLY, late April-early May), advanced gametogenesis (ADVANCED, late May-early June) and spawning (SPAWNING, late June-July). The cDNAs of three vitellogenins (VtgA, VtgB and VtgC) were partially sequenced and a qRT-PCR for their expression was used to compare ovarian maturity stage and liver vitellogenin transcript levels between wild and captive-reared individuals. An extensive atresia of late vitellogenic follicles, which prevented any further oocyte development and spawning was observed in captive-reared individuals during the ADVANCED phase. The expression levels of the three vitellogenins, as well as the amount of yolk globules in vitellogenic oocytes, did not differ significantly between captive-reared and wild females, indicating that the observed oogenesis impairment in greater amberjack reared in captivity was not related to an insufficient liver synthesis or a reduced oocyte uptake of vitellogenin
