91 research outputs found

    Validation of Trypanosoma cruzi inactivation techniques for laboratory use

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    Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) is the causative agent of Chagas’ disease, a parasitic infection responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in Latin America. The current treatments have many serious drawbacks and new drugs are urgently required. In the UK, T. cruzi is classified by the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) as a Hazard Group 3 organism and strict safety practices must be adhered to when handling this pathogen in the laboratory. Validated inactivation techniques are required for safe T. cruzi waste disposal and removal from Containment Level 3 (CL3) facilities for storage, transportation and experimental analysis. Here we assess three T. cruzi. inactivation methods. These include three freeze-thaw cycles, chemical inactivation with Virkon disinfectant, and air drying on Whatman FTA cards (A, B, C, Elute) and on a Mitra microsampling device. After each treatment parasite growth was monitored for 4–6 weeks by microscopic examination. Three freeze-thaw cycles were sufficient to inactivate all T. cruzi CLBrener Luc life cycle stages and Silvio x10/7 A1 large epimastigote cell pellets up to two grams wet weight. Virkon treatment for one hour inactivated T. cruzi Silvio x10/7 subclone A1 and CLBrener Luc both in whole blood and cell culture medium when incubated at a final concentration of 2.5% Virkon, or at ≥1% Virkon when in tenfold excess of sample volume. Air drying also inactivated T. cruzi CLBrener Luc spiked blood when dried on FTA A, B or Elute cards for ≥30 minutes and on a Mitra Microsampler for two hours. However, T. cruzi CLBrener Luc were not inactivated on FTA C cards when dried for up to two hours. These experimentally confirmed conditions provide three validated T. cruzi inactivation methods which can be applied to other related ACDP Hazard Group 2–3 kinetoplastid parasites.</p

    La depresión submarina de Guaracayal, estado Sucre, Venezuela: Una barrera para la propagación de la ruptura cosísmica a lo largo de la falla de el pilar

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    La depresión de Guaracayal, en el golfo de Cariaco, estado Sucre, Venezuela, fue inicialmente reconocida a partir de un levantamiento batimétrico realizado en la década de los ochenta. Un levantamiento de sísmica somera de alta resolución adquirido en el golfo de Cariaco a bordo del B/O Guaiquerí II en enero 2006 reveló que esta depresión resulta ser una cuenca en tracción activa (“active pull-apart basin”) sobre la traza activa submarina de la falla dextral de El Pilar, por su geometría y lo fresco y prominente de los escarpes de fallas que la limitan. Esta cuenca, con una profundidad de aguas de ~15m mayor que el fondo plano ubicado a unos -80m, mide aproximadamente 8km de longitud en dirección este-oeste y unos 2km transversalmente. La cuenca se forma en un relevo dextro, es decir transtensivo, de la traza submarina de la falla de El Pilar, que secciona en dos porciones lo propuesto anteriormente como un único segmento de falla con extensión entre Cumaná y Casanay-Guarapiche. Esta separación entre ambas trazas de 2km parece ser suficiente barrera para la propagación lateral de la ruptura sísmica, tal como lo evidencia la sismicidad contemporánea e histórica. El tramo de falla Cumaná-Casanay, de unos 80km de longitud, ha requerido en dos ocasiones de la conjunción de dos sismos contiguos en dirección oeste-este (1797-1684 y 1929-1997) para romperse en su totalidad. No obstante, no se excluye la posibilidad de un evento que rompa toda la extensión del segmento, a pesar de este comportamiento sísmico reiterado

    Unravelling the rate of action of hits in the Leishmania donovani box using standard drugs amphotericin B and miltefosine

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    In recent years, the neglected diseases drug discovery community has elected phenotypic screening as the key approach for the identification of novel hit compounds. However, when this approach is applied, important questions related to the mode of action for these compounds remain unanswered. One of such questions is related to the rate of action, a useful piece of information when facing the challenge of prioritising the most promising hit compounds. In the present work, compounds of the "Leishmania donovani box" were evaluated using a rate of action assay adapted from a replicative intracellular high content assay recently developed. The potency of each compound was determined every 24 hours up to 96 hours, and standard drugs amphotericin B and miltefosine were used as references to group these compounds according to their rate of action. Independently of this biological assessment, compounds were also clustered according to their minimal chemical scaffold. Comparison of the results showed a complete correlation between the chemical scaffold and the biological group for the vast majority of compounds, demonstrating how the assay was able to bring information on the rate of action for each chemical series, a property directly linked to the mode of action. Overall, the assay here described permitted us to evaluate the rate of action of the "Leishmania donovani box" using two of the currently available drugs as references and, also, to propose a number of fast-acting chemical scaffolds present in the box as starting points for future drug discovery projects to the wider scientific community. The results here presented validate the use of this assay for the determination of the rate of action early in the discovery process, to assist in the prioritisation of hit compounds

    Development of Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro assays to identify compounds suitable for progression in Chagas’ disease drug discovery

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    Chagas' disease is responsible for significant mortality and morbidity in Latin America. Current treatments display variable efficacy and have adverse side effects, hence more effective, better tolerated drugs are needed. However, recent efforts have proved unsuccessful with failure of the ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor posaconazole in phase II clinical trials despite promising in vitro and in vivo studies. The lack of translation between laboratory experiments and clinical outcome is a major issue for further drug discovery efforts. Our goal was to identify cell-based assays that could differentiate current nitro-aromatic drugs nifurtimox and benznidazole from posaconazole. Using a panel of T. cruzi strains including the six major lineages (TcI-VI), we found that strain PAH179 (TcV) was markedly less susceptible to posaconazole in vitro. Determination of parasite doubling and cycling times as well as EdU labelling experiments all indicate that this lack of sensitivity is due to the slow doubling and cycling time of strain PAH179. This is in accordance with ergosterol biosynthesis inhibition by posaconazole leading to critically low ergosterol levels only after multiple rounds of division, and is further supported by the lack of effect of posaconazole on the non-replicative trypomastigote form. A washout experiment with prolonged posaconazole treatment showed that, even for more rapidly replicating strains, this compound cannot clear all parasites, indicative of a heterogeneous parasite population in vitro and potentially the presence of quiescent parasites. Benznidazole in contrast was able to kill all parasites. The work presented here shows clear differentiation between the nitro-aromatic drugs and posaconazole in several assays, and suggests that in vitro there may be clinically relevant heterogeneity in the parasite population that can be revealed in long-term washout experiments. Based on these findings we have adjusted our in vitro screening cascade so that only the most promising compounds are progressed to in vivo experiments

    Short-course combination treatment for experimental chronic Chagas disease

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    Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, affects millions of people in the Americas and across the world, leading to considerable morbidity and mortality. Current treatment options, benznidazole (BNZ) and nifurtimox, offer limited efficacy and often lead to adverse side effects because of long treatment durations. Better treatment options are therefore urgently required. Here, we describe a pyrrolopyrimidine series, identified through phenotypic screening, that offers an opportunity to improve on current treatments. In vitro cell-based washout assays demonstrate that compounds in the series are incapable of killing all parasites; however, combining these pyrrolopyrimidines with a subefficacious dose of BNZ can clear all parasites in vitro after 5 days. These findings were replicated in a clinically predictive in vivo model of chronic Chagas disease, where 5 days of treatment with the combination was sufficient to prevent parasite relapse. Comprehensive mechanism of action studies, supported by ligand-structure modeling, show that compounds from this pyrrolopyrimidine series inhibit the Qi active site of T. cruzi cytochrome b, part of the cytochrome bc1 complex of the electron transport chain. Knowledge of the molecular target enabled a cascade of assays to be assembled to evaluate selectivity over the human cytochrome b homolog. As a result, a highly selective and efficacious lead compound was identified. The combination of our lead compound with BNZ rapidly clears T. cruzi parasites, both in vitro and in vivo, and shows great potential to overcome key issues associated with currently available treatments.</p