4,330 research outputs found

    Generalized Adaptors with Memory for Nonlinear Wave Digital Structures

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    The problem of modeling a nonlinear resistor in the Wave Digital domain can be seen as that of apply ing to its nonlinear characteristic the ane transforma tion that maps Khirchho variables into wave variables When dealing with nonlinear elements with memory such as nonlinear capacitors and inductors the above approach cannot be applied as ane transformations are memoryless. In this paper a new approach is proposed for modeling nonlinear elements with memory in the wave domain The method we propose denes a more general class of wave variables and adaptors with memory that un der some conditions can incorporate the memory of a nonlinear circuit and allow us to treat some nonlinear elements with memory as if they were instantaneous

    Generalized Adaptors with Memory for Nonlinear Wave Digital Structures

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    The problem of modeling a nonlinear resistor in the Wave Digital domain can be seen as that of apply ing to its nonlinear characteristic the ane transforma tion that maps Khirchho variables into wave variables When dealing with nonlinear elements with memory such as nonlinear capacitors and inductors the above approach cannot be applied as ane transformations are memoryless. In this paper a new approach is proposed for modeling nonlinear elements with memory in the wave domain The method we propose denes a more general class of wave variables and adaptors with memory that un der some conditions can incorporate the memory of a nonlinear circuit and allow us to treat some nonlinear elements with memory as if they were instantaneous

    Introduzione alle tecniche di sintesi della musica con elaboratore

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    ItPer produrre la musica con l'elaboratore si impiegano delle opportune tecniche di sintesi.In questo lavoro prima vengono esaminate le tecniche di generazione del suono,eventualmente con parametri lentamente variabili nel tempo;poi quelli che trasformano il suono in modo lineare o non lineare.Per ciascun tipo sono presentati i metodi piĂą diffusi e ne vengono discussi vantaggi e svantaggi,cercando di porre in evidenza le possibilitĂ  applicative

    Manejo da adubação verde para produção de mandioca em solo arenoso.

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    High-resolution tracking in a GEM-Emulsion detector

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    SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) is a beam dump experiment proposed at the CERN SPS aiming at the observation of long lived particles very weakly coupled with ordinary matter mostly produced in the decay of charmed hadrons. The beam dump facility of SHiP is also a copious factory of neutrinos of all three kinds and therefore a dedicated neutrino detector is foreseen in the SHiP apparatus. The neutrino detector exploits the Emulsion Cloud Chamber technique with a modular structure, alternating walls of target units and planes of electronic detectors providing the time stamp to the event. GEM detectors are one of the possible choices for this task. This paper reports the results of the first exposure to a muon beam at CERN of a new hybrid chamber, obtained by coupling a GEM chamber and an emulsion detector. Thanks to the micrometric accuracy of the emulsion detector, the position resolution of the GEM chamber as a function of the particle inclination was evaluated in two configurations, with and without the magnetic fiel

    A high stability semiconductor laser system for a 88^{88}Sr-based optical lattice clock

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    We describe a frequency stabilized diode laser at 698 nm used for high resolution spectroscopy of the 1S0-3P0 strontium clock transition. For the laser stabilization we use state-of-the-art symmetrically suspended optical cavities optimized for very low thermal noise at room temperature. Two-stage frequency stabilization to high finesse optical cavities results in measured laser frequency noise about a factor of three above the cavity thermal noise between 2 Hz and 11 Hz. With this system, we demonstrate high resolution remote spectroscopy on the 88Sr clock transition by transferring the laser output over a phase-noise-compensated 200 m-long fiber link between two separated laboratories. Our dedicated fiber link ensures a transfer of the optical carrier with frequency stability of 7 \cdot 10^{-18} after 100 s integration time, which could enable the observation of the strontium clock transition with an atomic Q of 10^{14}. Furthermore, with an eye towards the development of transportable optical clocks, we investigate how the complete laser system (laser+optics+cavity) can be influenced by environmental disturbances in terms of both short- and long-term frequency stability.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys.

    Monitoraggio ambientale e biologico dell’esposizione ad idrocarburi mono-aromatici ed a metil tert-butil etere in un gruppo di lavoratori addetti all’erogazione di carburanti

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    Lo studio è stato condotto per valutare gli indicatori biologici di esposizione a vapori di benzina in lavoratori addetti all’erogazione di carburante tramite un approccio combinato di monitoraggio ambientale e biologico. L’esposizione personale a benzene, toluene, etilbenzene e xilene (BTEX) e l’escrezione urinaria di BTEX, metil tert-butil etere (MTBE-U), degli acidi trans,transmuconico (t,t-MA) ed S-fenilmercapturico (S-PMA) e della cotinina sono stati valutati con tecniche cromatografiche accoppiate alla spettrometria di massa. I livelli di MTBE-U erano influenzati dalla sola esposizione professionale a vapori di benzina, mentre quelli di B-U ed S-PMA dipendevano da abitudine tabagica ed esposizione professionale

    The micro-RWELL layouts for high particle rate

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    The μ\mu-RWELL is a single-amplification stage resistive Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD). The detector amplification element is realized with a single copper-clad polyimide foil micro-patterned with a blind hole (well) matrix and embedded in the readout PCB through a thin Diamond-Like-Carbon (DLC) sputtered resistive film. The introduction of the resistive layer, suppressing the transition from streamer to spark, allows to achieve large gains (≥\geq104^4) with a single amplification stage, while partially reducing the capability to stand high particle fluxes. The simplest resistive layout, designed for low-rate applications, is based on a single-resistive layer with edge grounding. At high particle fluxes this layout suffers of a non-uniform response. In order to get rid of such a limitation different current evacuation geometries have been designed. In this work we report the study of the performance of several high rate resistive layouts tested at the CERN H8-SpS and PSI π\piM1 beam test facilities. These layouts fulfill the requirements for the detectors at the HL-LHC and for the experiments at the next generation colliders FCC-ee/hh and CepC
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