6,726 research outputs found

    Nonlinear viscoelasticity of freestanding and polymer-anchored vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams

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    Vertical arrays of carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) show unique mechanical behavior in compression, with a highly nonlinear response similar to that of open cell foams and the ability to recover large deformations. Here, we study the viscoelastic response of both freestanding VACNT arrays and sandwich structures composed of a VACNT array partially embedded between two layers of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and bucky paper. The VACNTs tested are ∼2 mm thick foams grown via an injection chemical vapor deposition method. Both freestanding and sandwich structures exhibit a time-dependent behavior under compression. A power-law function of time is used to describe the main features observed in creep and stress-relaxation tests. The power-law exponents show nonlinear viscoelastic behavior in which the rate of creep is dependent upon the stress level and the rate of stress relaxation is dependent upon the strain level. The results show a marginal effect of the thin PDMS/bucky paper layers on the viscoelastic responses. At high strain levels (ɛ = 0.8), the peak stress for the anchored CNTs reaches ∼45 MPa, whereas it is only ∼15 MPa for freestanding CNTs, suggesting a large effect of PDMS on the structural response of the sandwich structures

    Pulmonary tuberculosis followed by sarcoidosis in an HIV-infected patient: a case report and a simplified diagnostic flowchart for diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis

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    The diagnosis of sarcoidosis in a patient living with HIV infection is an uncommon event and a challenge for clinicians. Clinical manifestations are variable and fluctuating depending to adherence to ARV therapy and to the level of CD4 count. We analyze here one chronic case in which sarcoidosis appeared clinically two years after pulmonary tuberculosis. The course of the disease was influenced and prolonged by frequent interruptions of antiretroviral therapy. Moreover the diagnosis and the decision to treat have been delayed by the need of exclusion of other pathologies, principally tuberculosis reactivation/reinfection, other mycobacterial diseases, hematologic malignancies. We propose a simplified flowchart for diagnosis and follow up of sarcoidosis, which may also be applied to patients with HIV infection. Diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) may be difficult in these patients, because the immunological paradox of sarcoidosis. For this reason, following exclusion of active tuberculosis, we advise to submit all sarcoidosis patients to IPT (isoniazid preventive therapy), when immunosuppressive therapy is started

    Impact of aging on the sintering behavior of bioactive-glass powder

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    Bioactive glasses (BGs) have been successfully used for several years as bone graft substitutes to fill defects and augment bone structures in orthopedic and dental procedures. Despite recent advances in the fabrication of reliable 3D scaffolds based on BG, the reproducibility of fabrication has only been marginally addressed and remains a challenge for their application. Recent studies have shown that BGs can react with moisture and atmospheric CO2 to form carbonates, affecting the properties and structure of the final product. In this study, factors that can affect the sintering behavior of BG powders were identified and investigated. A statistical analysis was then performed to optimize the BG sintering process, which revealed the possibility of obtaining BG scaffolds with reproducible density by acting on controllable factors such as aging and drying. In practice, this can be achieved by controlling the atmosphere during processing, handling, and storage of the material

    Finite Temperature Effective Potential for Gauge Models in de Sitter Space

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    The one-loop effective potential for gauge models in static de Sitter space at finite temperatures is computed by means of the ζ\zeta--function method. We found a simple relation which links the effective potentials of gauge and scalar fields at all temperatures. In the de Sitter invariant and zero-temperature states the potential for the scalar electrodynamics is explicitly obtained, and its properties in these two vacua are compared. In this theory the two states are shown to behave similarly in the regimes of very large and very small radii a of the background space. For the gauge symmetry broken in the flat limit (aa \to \infty) there is a critical value of a for which the symmetry is restored in both quantum states. Moreover, the phase transitions which occur at large or at small a are of the first or of the second order, respectively, regardless the vacuum considered. The analytical and numerical analysis of the critical parameters of the above theory is performed. We also established a class of models for which the kind of phase transition occurring depends on the choice of the vacuum.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure.ep

    Atrial natriuretic peptide effects on intracellular pH changes and ROS production in HEPG2 cells: Role of p38 MAPK and phospholipase D

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    Aims: The present study was performed to evaluate Atrial Natriuretic Peptide ( ANP) effects on intracellular pH, phospholipase D and ROS production and the possible relationship among them in HepG2 cells. Cancer extracellular microenvironment is more acidic than normal tissues and the activation of NHE- 1, the only system able to regulate pHi homeostasis in this condition, can represent an important event in cell proliferation and malignant transformation. Methods: The ANP effects on pHi were evaluated by fluorescence spectrometry. The effects on p38 MAPK and ROS production were evaluated by immunoblots and analysis of DCF- DA fluorescence, respectively. RT- PCR analysis and Western blotting were used to determine the ANP effect on mRNA NHE- 1 expression and protein levels. PLD- catalyzed conversion of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatydilethanol ( PetOH), in the presence of ethanol, was monitored by thin layer chromatography. Results: A significant pHi decrease was observed in ANP- treated HepG2 cells and this effect was paralleled by the enhancement of PLD activity and ROS production. The ANP effect on pHi was coupled to an increased p38 MAPK phosphorylation and a down- regulation of mRNA NHE- 1 expression and protein levels. Moreover, the relationship between PLD and ROS production was demonstrated by calphostin- c, a potent inhibitor of PLD. At the same time, all assessed ANP- effects were mediated by NPR- C receptors. Conclusion: Our results indicate that ANP recruits a signal pathway associated with p38 MAPK, NHE- 1 and PLD responsible for ROS production, suggesting a possible role for ANP as novel modulator of ROS generation in HepG2 cells. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Carbon nanomaterials-based electrically conductive scaffolds to repair the ischaemic heart tissue

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    Ischaemic heart diseases are the leading causes of morbidity around the world and pose serious socio-economic burdens. Ischaemic events, such as myocardial infarction, lead to severe tissue damage and result in the formation of scar tissue. This scar tissue, being electrically inert, does not conduct electrical currents and thus generates lethal arrhythmias. The ventricle dilates with time due to asynchronous beating due to the scar, and it eventually leads to total heart failure. The current pharmacological approaches only cure heart failure symptoms without inducing tissue regeneration. Therefore, heart transplant remains the gold standard to date, but the limited organ donors and the possibility of immune rejection make this approach elusive. Cardiac tissue engineering has the potential to address this issue by engineering artificial heart tissues using 3D scaffolds cultured with cardiac stem cells. Compared with the traditional non-conductive scaffold, electroconductive scaffolds can transfer feeble electric currents among the cultured cells by acting as a "wire". This improves intercellular communication and synchronisation that otherwise is not possible using non-conductive scaffolds. This article reviews the recent advances in carbon nanomaterials-based electroconductive scaffolds, their in vitro/in vivo efficacy, and their potential to repair ischaemic heart tissue

    Extrinsically conductive nanomaterials for cardiac tissue engineering applications

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) is the consequence of coronary artery thrombosis resulting in ischemia and necrosis of the myocardium. As a result, billions of contractile cardiomyocytes are lost with poor innate regeneration capability. This degenerated tissue is replaced by collagen-rich fibrotic scar tissue as the usual body response to quickly repair the injury. The non-conductive nature of this tissue results in arrhythmias and asynchronous beating leading to total heart failure in the long run due to ventricular remodelling. Traditional pharmacological and assistive device approaches have failed to meet the utmost need for tissue regeneration to repair MI injuries. Engineered heart tissues (EHTs) seem promising alternatives, but their non-conductive nature could not resolve problems such as arrhythmias and asynchronous beating for long term in-vivo applications. The ability of nanotechnology to mimic the nano-bioarchitecture of the extracellular matrix and the potential of cardiac tissue engineering to engineer heart-like tissues makes it a unique combination to develop conductive constructs. Biomaterials blended with conductive nanomaterials could yield conductive constructs (referred to as extrinsically conductive). These cell-laden conductive constructs can alleviate cardiac functions when implanted in-vivo. A succinct review of the most promising applications of nanomaterials in cardiac tissue engineering to repair MI injuries is presented with a focus on extrinsically conductive nanomaterials

    Intrinsically conductive polymers for striated cardiac muscle repair

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    One of the most important features of striated cardiac muscle is the excitability that turns on the excitation-contraction coupling cycle, resulting in the heart blood pumping function. The function of the heart pump may be impaired by events such as myocardial infarction, the consequence of coronary artery thrombosis due to blood clots or plaques. This results in the death of billions of cardiomyocytes, the formation of scar tissue, and consequently impaired contractility. A whole heart transplant remains the gold standard so far and the current pharmacological approaches tend to stop further myocardium deterioration, but this is not a long-term solution. Electrically conductive, scaffold-based cardiac tissue engineering provides a promising solution to repair the injured myocardium. The non-conductive component of the scaffold provides a biocompatible microenvironment to the cultured cells while the conductive component improves intercellular coupling as well as electrical signal propagation through the scar tissue when implanted at the infarcted site. The in vivo electrical coupling of the cells leads to a better regeneration of the infarcted myocardium, reducing arrhythmias, QRS/QT intervals, and scar size and promoting cardiac cell maturation. This review presents the emerging applications of intrinsically conductive polymers in cardiac tissue engineering to repair post-ischemic myocardial insult

    Effects of the equilibrium atmosphere on Taleggio cheese storage in micro perforated packaging

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    Taleggio is an Italian smear-ripened cheese, whose complex microbiota demands the optimisation of the packaging system to avoid excessive changes during storage. Metabolic processes of the cheese rind microbiota can be usefully exploited in equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging (EMAP) by balancing microbiota respiration and film permeation. Here, we present the application of three different micro perforated EMAPs as models for smear-ripened cheese compared to two control packaging configurations. Analyses of the main microbial groups, headspace gas, textural profile, and sensory properties were performed to find the best packaging for storage. Results showed that two of the alternative micro perforated packaging systems were able to control the excessive changes during storage, thus limiting fungal overgrowth and allowing the typical development of smear microbiota with minor changes to hardness and cohesiveness. Finally, the sensory evaluation positively favoured one of the alternatively packed cheeses based on its compactness, typical dairy traits, and minor off-flavours. These findings showed that EMAP can be a valid alternative solution to control the storage of Taleggio cheese. Further studies could be conducted to evaluate this system on other smear cheeses