6,171 research outputs found

    A 4-unit-cell superstructure in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.92 superconductor

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    Using high-energy diffraction we show that a 4-unit-cell superstructure, q0=(1/4,0,0), along the shorter Cu-Cu bonds coexists with superconductivity in optimally doped YBCO. A complex set of anisotropic atomic displacements on neighboring CuO chain planes, BaO planes, and CuO2 planes, respectively, correlated over ~3-6 unit cells gives rise to diffuse superlattice peaks. Our observations are consistent with the presence of Ortho-IV nanodomains containing these displacements.Comment: Corrected typo in abstrac

    Exact Solution of an Evolutionary Model without Ageing

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    We introduce an age-structured asexual population model containing all the relevant features of evolutionary ageing theories. Beneficial as well as deleterious mutations, heredity and arbitrary fecundity are present and managed by natural selection. An exact solution without ageing is found. We show that fertility is associated with generalized forms of the Fibonacci sequence, while mutations and natural selection are merged into an integral equation which is solved by Fourier series. Average survival probabilities and Malthusian growth exponents are calculated indicating that the system may exhibit mutational meltdown. The relevance of the model in the context of fissile reproduction groups as many protozoa and coelenterates is discussed.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages, 2 ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.


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    The finite-size scaling algorithm based on bulk and surface renormalization of de Oliveira (1992) is tested on q-state Potts models in dimensions D = 2 and 3. Our Monte Carlo data clearly distinguish between first- and second-order phase transitions. Continuous-q analytic calculations performed for small lattices show a clear tendency of the magnetic exponent Y = D - beta/nu to reach a plateau for increasing values of q, which is consistent with the first-order transition value Y = D. Monte Carlo data confirm this trend.Comment: 5 pages, plain tex, 5 EPS figures, in file POTTS.UU (uufiles

    Modelling the overdiagnosis of breast cancer due to mammography screening in women aged 40 to 49 in the United Kingdom

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Simulated ecology-driven sympatric speciation

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    We introduce a multi-locus genetically acquired phenotype, submitted to mutations and with selective value, in an age-structured model for biological aging. This phenotype describes a single-trait effect of the environment on an individual, and we study the resulting distribution of this trait among the population. In particular, our simulations show that the appearance of a double phenotypic attractor in the ecology induces the emergence of a stable polymorphism, as observed in the Galapagos finches. In the presence of this polymorphism, the simulations generate short-term speciation, when mating preferences are also allowed to suffer mutations and acquire selective value.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, uses package RevTe

    A dynamical model for competing opinions

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    We propose an opinion model based on agents located at the vertices of a regular lattice. Each agent has an independent opinion (among an arbitrary, but fixed, number of choices) and its own degree of conviction. The latter changes every time it interacts with another agent who has a different opinion. The dynamics leads to size distributions of clusters (made up of agents which have the same opinion and are located at contiguous spatial positions) which follow a power law, as long as the range of the interaction between the agents is not too short, i.e. the system self-organizes into a critical state. Short range interactions lead to an exponential cut off in the size distribution and to spatial correlations which cause agents which have the same opinion to be closely grouped. When the diversity of opinions is restricted to two, non-consensus dynamic is observed, with unequal population fractions, whereas consensus is reached if the agents are also allowed to interact with those which are located far from them

    WIYN Open Cluster Study 1: Deep Photometry of NGC 188

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    We have employed precise V and I photometry of NGC 188 at WIYN to explore the cluster luminosity function (LF) and study the cluster white dwarfs (WDs). Our photometry is offset by V = 0.052 (fainter) from Sandage (1962) and Eggen & Sandage (1969). All published photometry for the past three decades have been based on these two calibrations, which are in error by 0.05 +- 0.01. We employ the Pinsonneault etal (1998) fiducial main sequence to derive a cluster distance modulus of 11.43 +- 0.08. We report observations that are >= 50% complete to V = 24.6 and find that the cluster central-field LF peaks at M_I ~ 3 to 4. This is unlike the solar neighborhood LF and unlike the LFs of dynamically unevolved portions of open and globular clusters, which rise continuously until M_I ~ 9.5. Although we find that >= 50% of the unresolved cluster objects are multiple systems, their presence cannot account for the shape of the NGC 188 LF. For theoretical reasons (Terlevich 1987; Vesperini & Heggie 1997) having to do with the survivability of NGC 188 we believe the cluster is highly dynamically evolved and that the missing low luminosity stars are either in the cluster outskirts or have left the cluster altogether. We identify nine candidate WDs, of which we expect three to six are bona fide cluster WDs. The luminosities of the faintest likely WD indicates an age (Bergeron, Wesemael, & Beauchamp 1995) of 1.14 +- 0.09 Gyrs. This is a lower limit to the cluster age and observations probing to V = 27 or 28 will be necessary to find the faintest cluster WDs and independently determine the cluster age. While our age limit is not surprising for this ~6 Gyr old cluster, our result demonstrates the value of the WD age technique with its very low internal errors. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, uuencoded gunzip'ed latex + 16 postscrip figures, to be published in A

    Is communications a strategic activity in UK Education?

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    This qualitative exploratory paper investigates whether communications/public relations is regarded by opinion formers in UK education as a strategic business activity or a tactical marketing tool. It is based upon depth interviews with 16 senior managers with strategic roles in UK higher or further education, or Government bodies, conducted between June and September 2004. The findings seem to suggest that communications/PR is ideally seen by leaders as a strategic function, but that there are limitations to this vision becoming a reality. The research goes on to offer initial conclusions on some of the issues surrounding perception, resource, and implementation of strategic communications/PR in UK education, with implications for practitioners considered

    Diagrams for heat kernel expansions

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    A diagramatic heat kernel expansion technique is presented. The method is especially well suited to the small-derivative expansion of the heat kernel, but it can also be used to reproduce the results obtained by the approach known as covariant perturbation theory. The new technique gives an expansion for the heat kernel at coincident points. It can also be used to obtain the derivative of the heat kernel and this is useful for evaluating the expectation values of the stress-energy tensor.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, ReVTe

    Recurrence relation for relativistic atomic matrix elements

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    Recurrence formulae for arbitrary hydrogenic radial matrix elements are obtained in the Dirac form of relativistic quantum mechanics. Our approach is inspired on the relativistic extension of the second hypervirial method that has been succesfully employed to deduce an analogous relationship in non relativistic quantum mechanics. We obtain first the relativistic extension of the second hypervirial and then the relativistic recurrence relation. Furthermore, we use such relation to deduce relativistic versions of the Pasternack-Sternheimer rule and of the virial theorem.Comment: 10 pages, no figure
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