2,480 research outputs found

    Design, synthesis and biological activity of selective hCAs inhibitors based on 2-(benzylsulfinyl)benzoic acid scaffold

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    A large library of derivatives based on the scaffold of 2-(benzylsulfinyl)benzoic acid were synthesised and tested as atypical inhibitors against four different isoforms of human carbonic anhydrase (hCA I, II, IX and XII, EC The exploration of the chemical space around the main functional groups led to the discovery of selective hCA IX inhibitors in the micromolar/nanomolar range, thus establishing robust structure-activity relationships within this versatile scaffold. HPLC separation of some selected chiral compounds and biological evaluation of the corresponding enantiomers was performed along with molecular modelling studies on the most active derivatives

    Produção de matéria seca e teores de nitrogênio em milho para silagem adubado com uréia misturada a zeólita.

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    Oscillations in Optional Public Good Games

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    We present a new mechanism promoting cooperative behavior among selfish individuals in the public goods game. This game represents a straightforward generalization of the prisoner's dilemma to an arbitrary number of players. In contrast to the compulsory public goods game, optional participation provides a natural way to avoid deadlocks in the state of mutual defection. The three resulting strategies - collaboration or defection in the public goods game, as well as not joining at all -are studied by means of a replicator dynamics, which can be completely analysed in spite of the fact that some payoff terms are nonlinear. If cooperation is valuable enough, the dynamics exhibits a rock-scissors-paper type of cycling between the three strategies, leading to sizeable average levels of cooperation in the population. Thus, voluntary participation makes cooperation possible. But for each strategy, the average payoff value remains equal to the earnings of those not participating in the public goods game

    The Kuramoto model with distributed shear

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    We uncover a solvable generalization of the Kuramoto model in which shears (or nonisochronicities) and natural frequencies are distributed and statistically dependent. We show that the strength and sign of this dependence greatly alter synchronization and yield qualitatively different phase diagrams. The Ott-Antonsen ansatz allows us to obtain analytical results for a specific family of joint distributions. We also derive, using linear stability analysis, general formulae for the stability border of incoherence.Comment: 6 page

    Tocilizumab administration in COVID-19 patients: Water on the fire or gasoline?

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    Tocilizumab is widely being used to treat COVID-19. Although reducing systemic inflammation, it also increases the risk for secondary infections as a result of the immunosuppression produced. We report the case of a 69-year-old patient admitted to the ICU with severe respiratory distress caused by COVID-19 pneumonia who developed pulmonary aspergillosis. On the basis of these findings, we suggest early testing for pulmonary aspergillosis in COVID-19 patients treated with tocilizumab

    CASSCF and MR–CISD study of the n−4s and n−4pe Rydberg states of the CF3Cl

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    AbstractThe low-lying n−4s (S2 and T2) and n−4pe (S3 and T3) Rydberg states of the CF3Cl have been studied at the CASSCF, MR–CISD, MR–CISD+Q and MR–AQCC levels using the mixed aug–cc–pVDZ/d–aug–cc–pVDZ and aug′–cc–pVTZ/d′–aug′–cc–pVTZ basis sets. Spin–orbit corrections for the singlet energies, vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths have been computed. The effect of the inclusion of K+L or only the K inner shell chlorine orbitals in the frozen core space at the post-CASSCF levels has also been discussed. Good agreement with available experimental and with previous high-level theoretical results has been achieved

    Produção de matéria seca, extração e utilização de nitrogênio em aveia adubada com uréia em mistura com zeólita.

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    A perda de nitrogênio (N) por volatilização de amônia é um dos principais fatores responsáveis pela baixa eficiência da uréia aplicada sobre a superfície do solo. A redução das perdas por volatilização pode ser obtida com o de zeólitas como aditivo à uréia. Zeólitas são minerais alumino-silicatos cristalinos hidratados de metais alcalinos ou alcalinos-terrosos, estruturados em redes cristalinas tridimensionais rígidas, formadas por tetraedros de AlO4 e SiO4 e de ocorrência natural. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da mistura de zeólita à uréia na adubação nitrogenada da aveia sobre a produção de matéria seca, extração e utilização de nitrogênio. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2X2X2X4, com 3 repetições. Os tratamentos foram 2 tipos de zeólita estilbita (natural = 470 g kg-1 e concentrada = 650 g kg-1), 2 granulometrias (<1mm e <0,3mm), 2 níveis de nitrogênio (100 e 200 mg kg-1 ); e 4 relações de zeólita (testemunha, 25, 50 e 100% m/m da dose de N). Os tratamentos foram aplicados na adubação da aveia conduzida em vasos e em casa-de-vegetação. Os melhores resultados de produção de matéria seca foram obtidos a dose de 200 mg kg-1 de N em mistura com 59,8% de zeólita concentrada (650 g kg-1 de estilbita). A melhor eficiência de uso foi alcançada com o uso das doses mais baixas de nitrogênio da uréia