191 research outputs found

    Student biocuration projects as a learning environment

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    BACKGROUND: Bioinformatics is becoming an essential tool for the majority of biological and biomedical researchers. Although bioinformatics data is exploited by academic and industrial researchers, limited focus is on teaching this area to undergraduates, postgraduates and senior scientists. Many scientists are developing their own expertise without formal training and often without appreciating the source of the data they are reliant upon. Some universities do provide courses on a variety of bioinformatics resources and tools, a few also provide biocuration projects, during which students submit data to annotation resources. METHODS: To assess the usefulness and enjoyability of annotation projects a survey was sent to University College London (UCL) students who have undertaken Gene Ontology biocuration projects. RESULTS: Analysis of survey responses suggest that these projects provide students with an opportunity not only to learn about bioinformatics resources but also to improve their literature analysis, presentation and writing skills. CONCLUSIONS: Biocuration student projects provide valuable annotations as well as enabling students to develop a variety of skills relevant to their future careers. It is also hoped that, as future scientists, these students will critically assess their own manuscripts and ensure that these are written with the biocurators of the future in mind

    Demethylation of the Coding Region Triggers the Activation of the Human Testis-Specific PDHA2 Gene in Somatic Tissues

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    Human PDHA2 is a testis-specific gene that codes for the E1α subunit of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDC), a crucial enzyme system in cell energy metabolism. Since activation of the PDHA2 gene in somatic cells could be a new therapeutic approach for PDC deficiency, we aimed to identify the regulatory mechanisms underlying the human PDHA2 gene expression. Functional deletion studies revealed that the −122 to −6 promoter region is indispensable for basal expression of this TATA-less promoter, and suggested a role of an epigenetic program in the control of PDHA2 gene expression. Indeed, treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with the hypomethylating agent 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine (DAC) promoted the reactivation of the PDHA2 gene, by inducing the recruitment of the RNA polymerase II to the proximal promoter region and the consequent increase in PDHA2 mRNA levels. Bisulfite sequencing analysis revealed that DAC treatment induced a significant demethylation of the CpG island II (nucleotides +197 to +460) in PDHA2 coding region, while the promoter region remained highly methylated. Taken together with our previous results that show an in vivo correlation between PDHA2 expression and the demethylation of the CpG island II in testis germ cells, the present results show that internal methylation of the PDHA2 gene plays a part in its repression in somatic cells. In conclusion, our data support the novel finding that methylation of the PDHA2 coding region can inhibit gene transcription. This represents a key mechanism for absence of PDHA2 expression in somatic cells and a target for PDC therapy

    The RNA-binding protein hnRNP K mediates the effect of BDNF on dendritic mRNA metabolism and regulates synaptic NMDA receptors in hippocampal neurons

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an important mediator of long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus. The local effects of BDNF depend on the activation of translation activity, which requires the delivery of transcripts to the synapse. In this work, we found that neuronal activity regulates the dendritic localization of the RNA-binding protein heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) in cultured rat hippocampal neurons by stimulating BDNF-Trk signaling. Microarray experiments identified a large number of transcripts that are coimmunoprecipitated with hnRNP K, and about 60% of these transcripts are dissociated from the protein upon stimulation of rat hippocampal neurons with BDNF. In vivo studies also showed a role for TrkB signaling in the dissociation of transcripts from hnRNP K upon high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of medial perforant path-granule cell synapses of male rat dentate gyrus (DG). Furthermore, treatment of rat hippocampal synaptoneurosomes with BDNF decreased the coimmunoprecipitation of hnRNP K with mRNAs coding for glutamate receptor subunits, Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIβ (CaMKIIβ) and BDNF. Downregulation of hnRNP K impaired the BDNF-induced enhancement of NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated mEPSC, and similar results were obtained upon inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide. The results demonstrate that BDNF regulates specific populations of hnRNP-associated mRNAs in neuronal dendrites and suggests an important role of hnRNP K in BDNF-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity.publishe

    Thematic characterization of research on Information Science in Brazil from 2000-2009

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    Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar cuáles han sido los principales temas de interés en el campo de la investigación científica dentro del área de la Ciencia de la Información en Brasil a lo largo de la primera década de este siglo (2000-2009). Para ello se ha analizado el contenido de la producción científica publicada en cuatro de las principales revistas nacionales de la disciplina: Ciência da Informação, DataGramaZero, Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação y Transinformação. La metodología aplicada se basa en el análisis de co-ocurrencia de palabras-clave y en la representación e interpretación de los resultados por medio del análisis de redes sociales. Para dotar de un marco de interpretación a los resultados obtenidos se propone una comparación con las áreas temáticas propuestas por la Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação en sus Grupos de Trabajo por tratarse de un espacio institucionalizado en donde, por consenso, se debate la investigación en la Ciencia de la Información brasileña. Se concluye en que es el estudio de la propia disciplina la que acapara los mayores esfuerzos de investigación