19 research outputs found

    Effects of finite strains in fully coupled 3D geomechanical simulations

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    Numerical modeling of geomechanical phenomena and geo-engineering problems often involves complex issues related to several variables and corresponding coupling effects. Under certain circumstances, both soil and rock may experience a nonlinear material response caused by, for example, plastic, viscous, or damage behavior or even a nonlinear geometric response due to large deformations or displacements of the solid. Furthermore, the presence of one or more fluids (water, oil, gas, etc.) within the skeleton must be taken into account when evaluating the interaction between the different phases of the continuum body. A multiphase three-dimensional (3D) coupled model of finite strains, suitable for dealing with solid-displacement and fluid-diffusion problems, is described for assumed elastoplastic behavior of the solid phase. Particularly, a 3D mixed finite element was implemented to fulfill stability requirements of the adopted formulation, and a permeability tensor dependent on deformation is introduced. A consolidation scenario induced by silo filling was investigated, and the effects of the adoption of finite strains are discusse

    Differential N-end rule degradation of RIN4/NOI fragments generated by the AvrRpt2 effector protease.

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    In plants, the protein RPM1-INTERACTING PROTEIN4 (RIN4) is a central regulator of both pattern-triggered immunity and effector-triggered immunity. RIN4 is targeted by several effectors, including the Pseudomonas syringae protease effector AvrRpt2. Cleavage of RIN4 by AvrRpt2 generates potentially unstable RIN4 fragments, whose degradation leads to the activation of the resistance protein RESISTANT TO P. SYRINGAE2. Hence, identifying the determinants of RIN4 degradation is key to understanding RESISTANT TO P. SYRINGAE2–mediated effector-triggered immunity, as well as virulence functions of AvrRpt2. In addition to RIN4, AvrRpt2 cleaves host proteins from the nitrate-induced (NOI) domain family. Although cleavage of NOI domain proteins by AvrRpt2 may contribute to pattern-triggered immunity regulation, the (in)stability of these proteolytic fragments and the determinants regulating their stability remain unexamined. Notably, a common feature of RIN4, and of many NOI domain protein fragments generated by AvrRpt2 cleavage, is the exposure of a new N-terminal residue that is destabilizing according to the N-end rule. Using antibodies raised against endogenous RIN4, we show that the destabilization of AvrRpt2-cleaved RIN4 fragments is independent of the N-end rule pathway (recently renamed the N-degron pathway). By contrast, several NOI domain protein fragments are genuine substrates of the N-degron pathway. The discovery of this set of substrates considerably expands the number of known proteins targeted for degradation by this ubiquitin-dependent pathway in plants. These results advance our current understanding of the role of AvrRpt2 in promoting bacterial virulence

    An Enhanced Bounding Surface Model for Modelling Various Cyclic Behaviour of Clay

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    Many results from cyclic triaxial experiments indicate that porous media, such as clays, exhibit various long-term behaviours under different cyclic stress ratios (CSRs). These can be classified into three main categories, namely, cyclic shakedown, cyclic stable and cyclic failure. Modelling these soil deformation responses, along with pore pressure and other fundamental cyclic aspects, such as closed hysteresis cycles and degradation, is still an open challenge, and research to date is limited. In order to properly describe and capture these characteristics, an enhanced plasticity model, based on the bounding surface and stress distance concepts, is developed here. In detail, a new uniform interpolation function of the plastic modulus, suitable for all loading stages, is proposed, and a new damage factor associated with the plastic shear strain and the deformation type parameter, is also incorporated into the plastic modulus. Accordingly, cyclic shakedown and cyclic failure can be distinguished, and degradation is achieved. Closed hysteresis loops, typical of clays, are obtained through a radial mapping rule along with a moving projection centre, located by the stress reversal points. Comparisons between the obtained numerical results and the experimental ones from literature confirm the suitability of the constitutive approach, which is capable of correctly capturing and reproducing the key aspects of clays’ cyclic behaviour

    Meso-scale XCT-based modeling of ordinary concrete

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    The increasing attention to numerical issues related to material modeling is still a strong incentive to develop sound mechanical models that can explain material behavior up to failure. A procedure to handle a robust geometric meso-scale reconstruction of concrete materials is here proposed, based on X-ray Computed Tomography (CT-scan or X-ray CT). This study applies X-ray CT on ordinary concrete made with limestone aggregates. In this case the technique allows to acquire the overall inner geometry and distribution of the aggregates and also voids, thanks to the difference in material density of the components. Solid models have been generated with such technique and discretized in space to be numerically studied via the Finite Element (FE) method. The numerical results are compared with uniaxial compression tests on the same scanned specimens. For the numerical analyses a specific non-associated elasto-plastic constitutive behavior, coupled with damage, is developed for the cement matrix, whereas the coarse aggregates are treated as elastic. The mechanical characteristics of the components are gathered through a specific experimental campaign. The study confirms that a predictive simulation of damage triggering and evolution in concrete under generic 3D stress states requires the characterization of the continuum at a meso-scale level. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results proves the soundness of the proposed constitutive description to evaluate the brittle behaviour of cementitious materials and to satisfactorily simulate damage triggering under generic 3D stress states

    Regolith depth, mobility, and variability on Vesta from Dawn's low altitude mapping orbit

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    Regolith, the fragmental debris layer formed from impact events of all sizes, covers the surface of all asteroids imaged by spacecraft to date. Here we use Framing Camera (FC) images [1] acquired by the Dawn spacecraft [2] from its low-altitude mapping orbit (LAMO) of 210 km (pixel scales of ~20 m) to characterize regolith depth, variability, and mobility on Vesta, and to locate areas of especially thin regolith and exposures of competent material. These results will help to evaluate how the surface of this differentiated asteroid has evolved over time, and provide key contextual information for understanding the origin and degree of mixing of the surficial materials for which compositions are estimated [3,4] and the causes of the relative spectral immaturity of the surface [5]. Vestan regolith samples, in the form of howardite meteorites, can be studied in the laboratory to provide complementary constraints on the regolith process [6]