2,812 research outputs found

    On prefixal factorizations of words

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    We consider the class P1{\cal P}_1 of all infinite words xAωx\in A^\omega over a finite alphabet AA admitting a prefixal factorization, i.e., a factorization x=U0U1U2x= U_0 U_1U_2 \cdots where each UiU_i is a non-empty prefix of x.x. With each xP1x\in {\cal P}_1 one naturally associates a "derived" infinite word δ(x)\delta(x) which may or may not admit a prefixal factorization. We are interested in the class P{\cal P}_{\infty} of all words xx of P1{\cal P}_1 such that δn(x)P1\delta^n(x) \in {\cal P}_1 for all n1n\geq 1. Our primary motivation for studying the class P{\cal P}_{\infty} stems from its connection to a coloring problem on infinite words independently posed by T. Brown in \cite{BTC} and by the second author in \cite{LQZ}. More precisely, let P{\bf P} be the class of all words xAωx\in A^\omega such that for every finite coloring φ:A+C\varphi : A^+ \rightarrow C there exist cCc\in C and a factorization x=V0V1V2x= V_0V_1V_2\cdots with φ(Vi)=c\varphi(V_i)=c for each i0.i\geq 0. In \cite{DPZ} we conjectured that a word xPx\in {\bf P} if and only if xx is purely periodic. In this paper we show that PP,{\bf P}\subseteq {\cal P}_{\infty}, so in other words, potential candidates to a counter-example to our conjecture are amongst the non-periodic elements of P.{\cal P}_{\infty}. We establish several results on the class P{\cal P}_{\infty}. In particular, we show that a Sturmian word xx belongs to P{\cal P}_{\infty} if and only if xx is nonsingular, i.e., no proper suffix of xx is a standard Sturmian word

    On Christoffel and standard words and their derivatives

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    We introduce and study natural derivatives for Christoffel and finite standard words, as well as for characteristic Sturmian words. These derivatives, which are realized as inverse images under suitable morphisms, preserve the aforementioned classes of words. In the case of Christoffel words, the morphisms involved map aa to ak+1ba^{k+1}b (resp.,~abkab^{k}) and bb to akba^{k}b (resp.,~abk+1ab^{k+1}) for a suitable k>0k>0. As long as derivatives are longer than one letter, higher-order derivatives are naturally obtained. We define the depth of a Christoffel or standard word as the smallest order for which the derivative is a single letter. We give several combinatorial and arithmetic descriptions of the depth, and (tight) lower and upper bounds for it.Comment: 28 pages. Final version, to appear in TC

    A Coloring Problem for Infinite Words

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    In this paper we consider the following question in the spirit of Ramsey theory: Given xAω,x\in A^\omega, where AA is a finite non-empty set, does there exist a finite coloring of the non-empty factors of xx with the property that no factorization of xx is monochromatic? We prove that this question has a positive answer using two colors for almost all words relative to the standard Bernoulli measure on Aω.A^\omega. We also show that it has a positive answer for various classes of uniformly recurrent words, including all aperiodic balanced words, and all words xAωx\in A^\omega satisfying λx(n+1)λx(n)=1\lambda_x(n+1)-\lambda_x(n)=1 for all nn sufficiently large, where λx(n) \lambda_x(n) denotes the number of distinct factors of xx of length n.n.Comment: arXiv admin note: incorporates 1301.526

    Rich, Sturmian, and trapezoidal words

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    In this paper we explore various interconnections between rich words, Sturmian words, and trapezoidal words. Rich words, first introduced in arXiv:0801.1656 by the second and third authors together with J. Justin and S. Widmer, constitute a new class of finite and infinite words characterized by having the maximal number of palindromic factors. Every finite Sturmian word is rich, but not conversely. Trapezoidal words were first introduced by the first author in studying the behavior of the subword complexity of finite Sturmian words. Unfortunately this property does not characterize finite Sturmian words. In this note we show that the only trapezoidal palindromes are Sturmian. More generally we show that Sturmian palindromes can be characterized either in terms of their subword complexity (the trapezoidal property) or in terms of their palindromic complexity. We also obtain a similar characterization of rich palindromes in terms of a relation between palindromic complexity and subword complexity.Comment: 7 page

    On the combinatorics of finite words

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    AbstractIn this paper we consider a combinatorial method for the analysis of finite words recently introduced in Colosimo and de Luca (Special factors in biological strings, preprint 97/42, Dipt. Matematica, Univ. di Roma) for the study of biological macromolecules. The method is based on the analysis of (right) special factors of a given word. A factor u of a word w is special if there exist at least two occurrences of the factor u in w followed on the right by two distinct letters. We show that in the combinatorics of finite words two parameters play an essential role. The first, denoted by R, represents the minimal integer such that there do not exist special factors of w of length R. The second, that we denote by K, is the minimal length of a factor of w which cannot be extended on the right in a factor of w. Some new results are proved. In particular, a new characterization in terms of special factors and of R and K is given for the set PER of all words w having two periods p and q which are coprimes and such that ¦w¦ = p + q − 2

    Characteristic morphisms of generalized episturmian words

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    In a recent paper with L. Q. Zamboni, the authors introduced the class of ϑ-episturmian words. An infinite word over A is standard ϑ-episturmian, where ϑ is an involutory antimorphism of A*, if its set of factors is closed under ϑ and its left special factors are prefixes. When ϑ is the reversal operator, one obtains the usual standard episturmian words. In this paper, we introduce and study ϑ-characteristic morphisms, that is, morphisms which map standard episturmian words into standard ϑ-episturmian words. They are a natural extension of standard episturmian morphisms. The main result of the paper is a characterization of these morphisms when they are injective. In order to prove this result, we also introduce and study a class of biprefix codes which are overlap-free, i.e., any two code words do not overlap properly, and normal, i.e., no proper suffix (prefix) of any code-word is left (right) special in the code. A further result is that any standard ϑ-episturmian word is a morphic image, by an injective ϑ-characteristic morphism, of a standard episturmian word

    Entropy of L-fuzzy sets

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    The notion of “entropy” of a fuzzy set, introduced in a previous paper in the case of generalized characteristic functions whose range is the interval [0, 1] of the real line, is extended to the case of maps whose range is a poset L (or, in particular, a lattice).Some of the reasons giving rise to the non-comparability of the truth values and then the necessity of considering poset structures as range of the maps are discussed.The interpretative problems of the given mathematical definitions regarding the connections with decision theory are briefly analyzed

    Harmonic and gold Sturmian words

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    AbstractIn the combinatorics of Sturmian words an essential role is played by the set PER of all finite words w on the alphabet A={a,b} having two periods p and q which are coprime and such that |w|=p+q−2. As is well known, the set St of all finite factors of all Sturmian words equals the set of factors of PER. Moreover, the elements of PER have many remarkable structural properties. In particular, the relation Stand=A∪PER{ab,ba} holds, where Stand is the set of all finite standard Sturmian words. In this paper we introduce two proper subclasses of PER that we denote by Harm and Gold. We call an element of Harm a harmonic word and an element of Gold a gold word. A harmonic word w beginning with the letter x is such that the ratio of two periods p/q, with p<q, is equal to its slope, i.e., (|w|y+1)/(|w|x+1), where {x,y}={a,b}. A gold word is an element of PER such that p and q are primes. Some characterizations of harmonic words are given and the number of harmonic words of each length is computed. Moreover, we prove that St is equal to the set of factors of Harm and to the set of factors of Gold. We introduce also the classes Harm and Gold of all infinite standard Sturmian words having infinitely many prefixes in Harm and Gold, respectively. We prove that Gold∩Harm contain continuously many elements. Finally, some conjectures are formulated